Senior Moment

Saturday, 15 August 2015  |  Bullish Insights


I’ve been running for 9 years now. When I see twenty-somethings all giddy over their first 5k, I feel all sentimental about how I started running. But, at the same time, I can’t help but feel…shall I say it…old. Gaah.

Just a few days ago, I searched the net for a marathon program that would fit my needs and goals for Osaka Marathon.  My goal: to have fun.  My needs for the program:  1) 3x a week run program to balance my time with organizing TBR Dream Marathon, a new consultancy job, and mommy duties; 2) not much speed work because, after doing Boston in April and Buffalo in May, I don’t think I should push too hard for my next 42k; and lastly, 3) not too serious program because, at this phase in my life, running has to be FUN because life is way too serious.

In just a few clicks, I felt like I found the perfect marathon program for me!  Thing is, I didn’t feel quite comfy about it’s name.  Uhm, er, it’s called: HAL HIGDON MARATHON SENIOR TRAINING PROGRAM.

SENIOR! Shucks.  It’s enough that I’m worried about hitting the big 4-0 next year, now I have to tell running friends that I’ve put myself on a “Senior Training Program”?!

Almost every single time I talk about it with friends, I have to almost immediately follow it up with exactly what Hal meant by the word “Senior.”  Excuse me, but my good buddy Hal defines “Senior” as “an experienced runner.” (tsk tsk)  And, this program, in his words is “a special schedule designed for experienced runners, who want to keep their weekly mileage relatively low.”

Senior Marathon Training Program: What does that mean? Is the schedule below designed only for older runners? Not necessarily, although if you have been running marathons for a number of years, you may have been searching for a program with relatively low mileage and less of a time commitment that will allow you to continue to race 26-milers without getting burned out.

Wow.  I was ecstatic when I found this program.  It’s exactly what I want from running at this point in my life.  I’m not looking to PR this year.  I’m not even craving to do intervals.  I’m not saying I’ll never aim for a marathon PR in the future.  But, right now, this is where running fits into my life and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.  And, a special bonus?!  It start 2 weeks from now on August 31!  Perfect!


Hal Higdon’s Senior Marathon Training Program which I converted to KMs

So, when you’re feeling all stressed from a training program or your crazy running goals, always remember why you’re running in the first place and give running its proper place in your life.  Feel free to adjust your goals to allow for balance in your life.  Oh, you may also change the name of your training program if it makes you feel like you’re 80 years old LOL.