The Velveteen Treadmill

Friday, 11 May 2007  |  Running + Triathlon

Many runners use a treadmill to get a good workout. It is one of the most effective ways to burn those calories without having to confront the outdoor elements—the harsh heat of the sun, torrential downpours, strong winds, dogs with no rabies shots, muggers—you get the point? The information provided by most treadmills such as calorie count, distance, time, and heart rate is an added bonus to runners who track their runs. Personally, I find that it’s a great way to watch The Today Show or Oprah without turning into a couch potato.

When I got home from my 45-minute road run early this morning, I realized I hadn’t touched my treadmill in two weeks. Mind you, in treadmill time that is pretty long considering they just sit there all day waiting for someone to hop unto them. Poor treadmill, I thought, it had seen more productive days when it was all I knew in the early days of my running.


– my treadmill gathering dust this summer –

With our running group meeting regularly four times a week, I have absolutely no time for my treadmill nowadays. Don’t tell my treadmill but I’m pretty happy about not using him because I’m completely thrilled with my road runs. (By now you should be saying “Oh that’s why she entitled this ‘The Velveteen Treadmill!'”) My worry is, when the rainy season starts and school begins, will I have the patience to cover a 1-hour run on my treadmill? Without the scenery, the wind, the chatter, how will I survive?

Oh wait, I forgot, there is always Oprah.