Blog Design Testing

Wednesday, 2 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

Now you see me, now you don’t. That’s how this blog might act for today as my friendly web people test a new blog design I want to apply.

I’ve been wanting to shift to a new look for months now and there’s no better time than now—just a few days before the biggest race of my life.  It should symbolize a shedding of my old skin (and nasty injuries), a rebirth, and the beginning of a new chapter in my running life…and blog!  How deep!  (Truth is, the web guys are just going to test a new template and if successful, I will be scratching my head over a hundred times tonight trying to figure out how to navigate through the new look.  Hopefully, it will make things easier for you and make this blog more pleasing to the eyes in the days to come!)

Bear with me please!
