4 Pounds after 4 Marathons

Friday, 12 March 2010  |  Bullish Insights


That was my reaction as I viewed the numbers on the scale the evening we arrived from Hong Kong a few days after the marathon.


I had gained a whopping 6 pounds in 4 days. Even my husband was shocked as he noted that I didn’t indulge so much during the trip. (Of course, he wasn’t with me during New Balance’s eat-all-you-can buffet where I had three whole lobsters. Still, that’s seafood so it doesn’t count!) Even if I had binged in one meal, I ran a marathon for God’s sake (plus I ran 3 more during the past months), so I should at the very least maintain my weight, right? Well, not this body of mine! Grrrr…

So, I moaned, and groaned, and complained, and whined about it all.

Now, almost 2 weeks after, I lost 2 of the 6 pounds but I’m still heavier than ever. Thus, I am still complaining and whining.

What’s the cause? After much analysis, here’s my bullish theory (for all you experts out there, correct me if I am wrong, but then again this is my body so I should know it best):

  1. Reduced mileage. I cut my mileage after Condura (recovery) and before Hong Kong (taper) thus reducing my calorie burn. (Can I just tell you that I absolutely hated this period?! Remind me never to do anything as crazy as this again.)
  2. Reduced activity. So I got busy with work and kids like a lot of you, and I stuck to my one love: running when I was pressed for time.  All the other stuff I used to do on a weekly basis: gym, spinning, swimming, and yoga were put on the back burner for the entire February.
  3. My body is used to running. I’ve been running since 2006 and I’m guessing that my body needs something new to get excited about for weight loss (or even just maintenance please!)  Triathlon world is that you calling once again?
  4. I’m eating more than I know. So, I cut back on meat, but I’ve been bingeing on fruit shakes (Sexy Chef, Stabucks, Frutas…you name it, I drink it!), yoghurt ice cream (Golden Spoon is love!), and more which is still too much for my reduced mileage.

The good news: I lose weight as fast as I gain.  So, as I told my gym instructor this morning—while we were both staring at my protruding belly and bulging arms in front of the mirror—“I’ll be back on track come Monday and I’ll lose those 4 pounds fast.”  This bull works hard for what she wants, and she usually gets it.