Bull Circle 1: Our Biggest Ever!
SEPT. 18, ST. LUKES, BGC – We had our first gathering for TBR-ULAH Dream Marathon Batch 2014 and it was our biggest gathering ever for our Bull Circle. Over 500 runners came for our talk on “The Marathon Dream” where Coaches Jim Lafferty, Lit Onrubia, and myself were speakers. The number of people who attended our talk was almost double the runners we had on the race day of our inaugural race 5 years ago. Imagine that?!
I kicked off the Bull Circle with the history of the Dream Marathon.
Co-founder of TBR-ULAH Dream Marathon Coach Jim Lafferty discusses how to succeed at the marathon.
Head coach of the event, Lit Onrubia, discusses proper form and pace.
– Q&A with half of the Dream Team –
Armand Mendoza discussed the Weight Management Program that he and wife Mitch Mendoza will be offering exclusively to Dream Marathon participants.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended. We hope we were able to share our knowledge with you on how to best train for your upcoming marathon and we hope you gave you extra motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams. It was a pleasure meeting you all and to get the chance to chat with some of you.
– TBR-ULAH DM Alumni Mike and Macel Janeo (on left and rightmost) all smiles with their new “recruits” for Batch 2014. –
With the help of Photo-Ops, Dream Marathoners get the chance to order this souvenir showcasing their chosen race image from Photo-Ops and an original medal (aside from what they receive on race day). Pre-orders will be taken by November.
Runners got free samples of Enervon HP. And, if they liked the Enervon HP page, they even got a 700g box for free.
Runners had the chance to purchase customized Dream Marathon Simply Hydration bottles at a discount.
Thank you to our photographers Photo-Ops led by Tong Pascua.
See you for the 1st Bull Session on October 5! More details at tbrdream.com.