2013 Run United Series: Exceed Yourself!

Monday, 21 January 2013  |  Race Announcements

One of the most anticipated races of each year as the Run United races by Unilab Active Health (ULAH) and RunRio Inc. This 2013, ULAH and RunRio urge runners to “exceed themselves” and it seems like they’ve done the same promising even bigger and better events.

– Run United Bloggers’ Night. We’re so many here that even Coach Rio and his hair are hard to find!  Photo: Unilab Active Health –



Unilab Active Health and RunRio are now focusing on longer distances.

“We noticed a trend during the previous years’ races that the slots for longer distances get filled up faster. There were instances when we had to open up more slots. So, by focusing on longer distances, we will be able to accommodate more runners,” said Alex Panlilio, Head of Unilab Active Health.

Coach Rio dela Cruz added: “This is in line with our plan to be part of the growth and journey of Filipino runners. It just goes to prove that the local running community is more mature, that is why we also launched the Run United Philippine Marathon (RUPM) last year. Filipino runners have leveled up.”

There will be no more 3km category in Run United, but the 500-meter dash for kids will be retained.


Run United singlets will be using a new moisture-wicking fabric designed to help improve the performance and comfort of the runners.

– Run United 1 Singlet –

– Run United 1 Finisher’s Shirt –


Just like last year’s medal, this year runners who complete all three races may piece the three medals together like a puzzle. But, the look is now entirely different!

– The United Medal for those who finish RU1 21k, RU2 21k, and RUPM 42k –

Run United 1: March 17, 2013 – 5km, 10km and 21km
Run United 2: June 2, 2013 – 10km, 21km, and 32km
Run United Philippine Marathon – October 6, 2013 – 10km, 21km and 42km

For triathletes, Unilab Active Health also offers the duathlon and triathlon events:

Tri United 1 2013: March 10, 2013, Playa Laiya, Batangas
Tri United 2 2013: July 7, 2013, Playa Laiya, Batangas
Tri United 3 2013: October 26-27, 2013, Subic
Tri United 4 2013: November 24, 2013, Ayala Alabang

Unilab Active Health Duathlon: September 8, 2013, SCTEX, Clark, Pampanga.

For more details please visit www.unilabactivehealth.com.

Visualization for Athletes

Thursday, 17 January 2013  |  Running + Triathlon

Experts say that visualization helps in achieving one’s goals. The individual simply imagines the desired outcome, every single detail in that ideal situation from his/her feelings to actual performance, and this puts him in a place of confidence and calmness increasing his chances of actually achieving what he intended to do.

Many elite athletes practice this. We’ve heard of olympians imagining themselves winning the gold medal even before the race started or runners visualizing themselves crossing the finish line first. The strategy works not just in competition, but also in training.

Now, just because we’re not elite athletes, it doesn’t mean we can’t employ the same technique in training and in races, right? Right! So, I thought of doing the same.

During the first week of 2013, Coach Andy Leuterio sent me my training program for the next eight months. The training program will prepare me for two A-races: London Marathon in April and Ironman 70.3 Cebu in August.

When I saw my program for the first time, I was left in complete shock. Okay, perhaps shock is an understatement. I basically stared at my mac for 30 mins., weeped over the suffering that was to come, hyperventilated, attempted to swallow a few leftover kwitis from New Years Day, then laughed extremely hard about how crazy I am for actually looking forward to all this.

The program is quite unique. Sure, I’ve got the required easy runs and long runs, the spinning, intervals, and long rides. No swims yet. And, Monday as rest day where I actually take Bikram Yoga. But, what stands out are the titles of my workouts. On Monday, I must do a “Chuck Norris,” a “300” on Thursday, and “Fight Club” on Fridays. (Now you understand why I laugh-cried when I first saw it?!) I won’t go into the details of what these workouts are (Er, you’ve got to sign up with Coach Andy if you want to find out. Hah!), but, suffice it to say, it scared the hell out of me!

Last week though, when Week One of my training started, I realized that, by employing visualization techniques, I had more confidence to accomplish the workouts and, more than that, finish them strong.

Here are the mental images that filled my innocent and wholesome mind for the past 2 weeks:

– Chuck Norris! Photo: www.theplace2.ru –

– Sparta! –

– Brad! Photo: www.movie.yahoo.com –

See!  Now you know why I was so inspired to work out so hard!  Nothing like images of burly men with six-pack abs smothered in sweat and grime to keep a girl like me pushing myself during each workout, right?  And, when the going got tough on the road or on the treadmill, I would tell myself:  “Fight!” or “For Sparta, for freedom, to the death!” or “Chuck, please save me!”  Okay, I’m kidding on the last one.  Seriously though, you ought to try visualization.  It may work for you to improve your performance and help you achieve your goals this 2013.

Now all together:  “Sparta!  For the glory!”

Forty F@%#in Two!

Friday, 11 January 2013  |  News + Promos

We asked our shirt designer, Monching of Team Norman & Team Triabetics and owner of TeamPh who is, incidentally, a participant of TBRDM 2013, to come up with a shirt for TBR Dream Team’s uniform for TBR Dream Marathon.

Crazy guy!  This is what he came up with.

Between you and me though, I looooove it!  You gotta admit. Somewhere between Km 35 to 41, this is what your mind is screaming!


P.S. No, we’re not printing them!

Dream Chaser or Pacer for TBR Dream Marathon, anyone?

Thursday, 10 January 2013  |  News + Promos

– Dream Chasers last TBR Dream Marathon 2012 –

We always say that The Bull Runner Dream Marathon is not just about letting first-time or second-time marathoners reach their marathon dream. It is also about experienced marathoners being given the opportunity to give back to the running community, to give new runners the same support and motivation they received from others. To basically pay it forward.

If you are NOT a participant of TBR Dream Marathon, but you want to be a part of it. This is the way.
If you are NOT interested in running your own race and you are willing to set aside the time and effort to help others run 42km by providing them support, without receiving anything in return but a smile and a huge Thank You, then this could be your chance.

We are now accepting applicants for DREAM CHASERS and PACERS for TBR Dream Marathon 2013. We only have 60 slots for Dream Chasers and 50 slots for Pacers.

For more info and for the link to the sign up sheet, please click on this link:


10 Predictions for 2013 from Madame Au-Bull-ring

Tuesday, 8 January 2013  |  Bullish Insights

I dusted off my crystal ball and felt it was time to make my predictions for 2013.  Last time I did this was in 2011 and, hey, I must say I got most predictions right…except for Coach Rio starring in a teleserye.

Here goes my predictions for 2013:

1) Runners will be choosy with their races.  Well, it doesn’t take a genius to predict this since we saw it happen in 2012.  Most runners will register for mostly big, high-quality, must-run events that they feel are absolutely worth joining.  They will be discerning with the races they participate in for several reasons:

– Financial – budget will allow for only one or two races per month
– Preference – runners enjoy running with their friends at more convenient venues than wake up for a race
– Need for something new – runners yearn for something new, not the same ol’ typical race

– Runners at one of the bigger races, Run United 2 –

2) More creative races.  Having said that, organizers will be compelled to make their races stand out above the clutter.  Last year, I believe we had almost a handful of zombie runs (my gawd, more than enough I think!)  This year, we saw the Color Manila Run held last weekend. It’s exciting to think what organizers will come up with next!  I vote for Kapre Run!

3) Runners will run faster.  The community matured and progressed in 2012.  Most runners have built their mileage base and are making great strides (no pun intended) in running.  These runners are ready and eager for fartleks, intervals, and tempo runs.

4) Runners will be smarter.  With more experience, runners will be smarter about running from training (more will hire coaches or join run clinics) to nutrition (they’ll study proper pre- and post-run nutrition and supplements) to gear (they’ll read reviews and books before making a purchase!)

– with one of the smartest runners I know. Kuya Kim aka Matanglawin! –

5) More women in running.  Gone are the days when women were few and far between in a race.  Now, women are running 10ks, marathons, and ultra marathons and are doing it well!  Expect to see also more races, gear, and shoes catering to women’s needs.  Let’s go, girls!

6) Going minimalist.  We saw the rise in interest for minimalist shoes over a couple of years back, but the craze continues.  While less people wear Vibram Five Fingers nowadays, we see the more popular running shoe brands having their own minimalist lines, such as Nike Frees, New Balance Minimus, and Mizuno Be.

7) Growth of triathlon.  More runners are interested in triathlon because it allows for cross-training, it’s less prone to injury, or it’s a new challenge from the usual running event.  The rise may also be due to the Ironman and Xterra brands coming into the country.  Still, this won’t negatively affect the sport of running because, for runners who do get into triathlon, this author included, they will always be runners at heart.  (Aaw shucks, kleenex please!)

8) Shooowbiz!  More showbiz peeps will join races.  Late 2012, we saw Anne Curtis, Bianca King, Solenn Heusaff, Daniel Matsunaga, Aubrey Miles, and Troy Montero  in races.  That’s on top of more experienced showbiz runners Piolo and Karylle and triathletes Kuya Kim Atienza, Drew Arellano, and Matteo Guidicelli.  Ack, I’m sure I’ve missed some celeb.  But, who cares, there’ll be more of them this year running with us.  Yet another reason why we should never leave home without our cameras or smartphones.  Eek, I’m such a fan.

– Fan girl pic. I saw Matteo lined up to check in his bike at Ironman 70.3 Cebu and I had to have my pic taken with him –

9) More new junk to buy.  I think we have more than enough running stores in the country so while these may open more branches, there shouldn’t be any new ones setting up anymore. But, I do see more run-specific gear that will tempt us to shell out more money.  Make sure the items you purchase are useful and practical!  After all, runners really only need a good pair of shoes!

10) May mabubuntis na runner.  Unang letra ng pangalan nya ay nagsisimula sa S.  Okay, okay, I’m kidding.  I just had to throw that in there because all fortune tellers predict that at the start of the new year, right?  (I watched a couple of them on The Buzz this Sunday, heehee)  And, yes, of course, I had to say it in tagalog for a more dramatic effect!

Happy New Year, runners!