Labor Day Brick at Nuvali

Tuesday, 1 May 2012  |  Bullish Insights

There was a lot of work cut out for us this Labor Day holiday! Friends and I decided to head South for an easy brick session at Nuvali. (“Brick” is a bike then run training session.) It was to be my first brick this year (if you don’t count Tri United 1).

When we arrived at Evoliving Center, the parking lot was packed with bikers. No surprise that there were a lot of us today since it was a wonderful day for a ride.

– Me and Maricel Pangilinan. Anthony in the background busy tweeting –

– Fernando, Jun Cruz, Ton Gatmaitan, and Jake de Guzman –

– Team Tribe’s Ariel Arriola, TBRDM alumni and NYCM 2011 Finishers Gene Tamesis and Rico Manuel –

As we prepared to take off, my new boyfriend, the Shiv, and I got a little bit jittery as we’re still in the getting-to-know-you stage. I’m still adjusting to him and vice versa. (Wow, this Shiv of mine is pretty popular. So many people, mostly middle-aged men want to see or touch him. Good thing I’m not the jealous type. tsk tsk.)

Thankfully, the entire ride was smooth and safe for me despite my worries. It was actually an easy, fun, and scenic bike ride throughout Nuvali. The steep ascents were nerve wracking, but conquering them for the first time on a bike was an amazing experience. For a moment, I actually felt like I was “taming” the Shiv just as Coach Andy Leuterio had advised that I would.

We ran a quick 20 minute run under the intense heat. Half the time I was wondering why I put myself through all this, but a little part of me enjoyed all the suffering. Perfect way to commemorate Labor day I think!

Day One: 5 to 5/5 – Win Mizuno Running Shoes

Tuesday, 1 May 2012  |  News + Promos

This is DAY ONE of TBR’s 5 Days to 5/5 Anniversary Contest 2012. For more info, click HERE.



1 pair of Mizuno Running Shoes (photo may vary from actual model given), 1 bag from Runnr, and 1 box of Enervon HP 700g

– Mizuno Wave Inspire 8 Osaka Marathon Edition (Model of prize may vary from photo) –

HOW MANY WINNERS? One (1) winner


1) Follow The Bull Runner on Twitter
2) Follow MizunoPh on Twitter
3) Like The Bull Runner Page on Facebook
4) Subscribe to TBR Mailing List (upper right of this blog)
5) Post a comment here with the following info:
– your Name
– Name used in Twitter and FB
– Shoe size
– Gender


  • Deadline for submission of entries: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
  • All entries submitted within this period complying with directions above will be eligible for a raffle to be conducted by TBR via
  • Only one entry per runner. Submission of more than one entry leads to disqualification.
  • Winner will be announced on TBR Pages on Facebook and Twitter ONLY and will be advised via email on how to claim the prize.

May the best runner win!

UPDATE: And the winner is…April Katrina Heria! Congratulations! Please expect an email from me on claiming of your prizes.

Win Prizes from May 1 to 5, 2012!

Monday, 30 April 2012  |  News + Promos

May 5 is a special day for me and my blog. I turn 36 (gasp!) and TBR turns 5 (woah!) How I wish it was the other way around haha.

There’s much to be thankful for during the past 36 years of my life, but most especially for the last 5 of them when TBR came to life. It’s been an awesome, overwhelming ride and I thank you for joining me at one point or another whenever you click on the site with the pink bull in green shoes, when you comment, send an email, FB message, or tweet, or when you say hi when we cross paths on the road. I may not be able to personally say Thank You to each and everyone of you, but please know that I truly appreciate it.

As my way of giving thanks, as I’ve done the past 4 years, I’ll be treating you guys for five full days of contests, fun, and, last but not the least, lots of surprises. (Okay, I’ll tell you now, the grand prize amounts to almost P20,000 in running items! Woohoo!)  Thank you also to our generous sponsors for all the prizes we’ll be giving away.

This, my friends, is the official launch of the series of contests which begins tomorrow, MAY 1.



  • Everyday from May 1 to May 5, 2012, I will post an entry on 5 to 5/5 Contest.  Only one contest entry per day with no particular schedule.
  • Rules, prizes, and contest period will vary from day to day and will be explained in detail in that specific post.  (Clue: Usually the early birds have more chances of winning.)
  • Contest will be announced on but may also be played out on this blog, Facebook, Twitter, or on the email newsletter (I hope you’ve subscribed) OR all of the above.
  • Winners can win as many prizes as they want. So, let’s say you win on Day 1, you can win again on Days 2, 3, 4 and 5. By May 5, you may accumulate enough prizes to retire from your day job and just focus on running! (Yeah right!)

Day One starts TOMORROW.  Stay tuned!

My Highschool Buddies are Now Big Sur Marathoners!

Monday, 30 April 2012  |  Bullish Insights

This was us way back in 1992. That’s PWe, Vicky, me, Nich, Joanne, and Rico seated.  This was taken during the boys’ highschool graduation from La Salle.  We were a bunch of kids who loved golf carting through White Plains, eating Nagaraya at village parks, and sneaking our way into Euphoria or Faces.

Nich and Rico

Through the years, we’ve gone our separate ways. We don’t get too communicate as much because we all have our own families and others live abroad now. But, it’s nice to know that there’s still some things that a number of us have in common, specifically running.

Here’s a picture of Nich and Rico taken yesterday after they crossed the finish line of Big Sur Marathon.  Congrats guys!



Register Now: Epic Relay 250

Monday, 30 April 2012  |  Race Announcements

The relay that everyone has been waiting for comes alive again!  Registration for Epic Relay 250 is now open!  Gather your teammates for one of the most thrilling and adventurous races in the country.  Woohoo!



ALL CATEGORIES (with 10 MEMBERS): Php 12,000 ( Regular rate : Php 13,500)

ULTRA: (with 5 MEMBERS) Php 10,000 ( Regular rate: Php 10, 750)

Early bird rates apply to team that register on or before May 10, 2012


Visit Epic Relay Facebook page: