Talk about getting a surprise birthday present. Last week, I received an invitation to join the Laguna Phuket International Marathon (LPIM) slated for June 12, 2011. Without batting an eyelash, I said YES!

– Laguna Phuket, Here I Come! –
Then, I realized that it conflicted with another race I had registered for…
Then, I realized it was just a day before the kids start school…
And, last but not the least, I realized I only had six weeks of training left. Now, it’s down to five!
On a high from The Next Step Tri Camp I joined last April, I promptly registered for Animo Triathlon set for June 12, 2011. While I’ve been suki to this race having participated in the mini sprint twice in the past, I almost keeled over when I submitted and paid for my registration a couple of weeks ago. I signed up for the Sprint and the thought of a 900 meter swim (without my usual talk breaks) frightened me to death. Good thing, I had swim squad!
For the past two weeks, I’ve been swimming thrice a week with good friends: Adel, Bic, and Jake together with Coach Martin Carandang. I’ve gotten so dark that I’m contemplating changing TBR to The Black Runner, but the sessions have certainly improved my swims significantly. And, not just that, it’s helped my runs too! I couldn’t keep up with my own legs during a 10k solo run last weekend. Fantastic.

– My recent tri purchases: The Triathlon Training Bible by Joe Friel from Runnr, kickboard, pullbuoy (not in pic) and swim cap from Finis, and the receipt for Animo Tri –
Now, with Phuket falling on exactly the same day (darn it!), I’ll have to kiss Animo—and the P1200 reg fee…sob sob—goodbye for now. Triathlon can wait. Running is still my love, after all.
Good thing hubby is willing to watch over the kids while I’m away. And, I can just get the kids school-ready a full week in advance. We women need alone time—whether its a day at the spa or a weekend getaway—to pause, breathe, and reenergize. For me, a 42km in scenic Phuket couldn’t have been more ideal!
Good thing I was racking up the mileage the past few months even with no serious race in mind. This means that I don’t have to panic over the limited number of weeks I’ve got to train for what should be my 6th marathon. Last week, we covered 25k and the next few weeks should be a build up for marathon day while I continue all this crazy triathlon training. It’s a wild summer…and I’m absolutely loving it.
Laguna Phuket International Marathon, here I come!