Busy Busy in January 2011

Thursday, 6 January 2011  |  News + Promos

Block your schedules for a busy (but fun and informative) month of January!  We hope to see you all here, especially our TBR Dream Marathoners!

UPDATED (Jan. 6, 4 pm):

– Jan 12 – Dr. George Canlas speaker for hydration
– Jan 22 – Long run 90 mins, not 3 hrs. 15 mins. Meeting time: 5:30 a.m.


Another Attack

Wednesday, 5 January 2011  |  Bullish Insights

This was a post written last June 18, 2009…

I thought I was giving birth yesterday. From 6am to 12nn, I was suffering from extreme stomach pain accompanied by high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. The hubby took the kids to school, but I called him a little before lunch begging him to take me to the E.R. I didn’t know how much longer I could endure the pain.  By the time he got home, I was in fetal position and could barely move. It took me a full 30 minutes to get dressed.

It might as well could’ve been written today.  I had another gastroenteritis attack yesterday.  Just like that time in June 2009 and in January 2010 after Cebu Marathon.  The scenario was exactly the same.  The pain just as hellish.  It’s the kind of pain that I hate remembering and pray to God I won’t have to undergo again.

At the moment, I’m still feeling awfully weak. My blood pressure yesterday was 100/70.  I feel like I’ve just run 3 consecutive marathons, that’s how tired I am.  There will be no runs this week and just a whole lot of sleeping (and a bit of working…ack!)

10 Predictions for 2011 from Madame Au-BULL-Ring

Monday, 3 January 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Okay. That’s the corniest way to start the new year.

But, yes, I’ll channel Madame Auring for this post—not for the entire year, mind you!—and make some predictions for our new, exciting year of running:

(1) Back to basics. From gadgets to races (to even P-Noy as President), runners will opt for simplicity rather than extravagance.  Runners will purchase equipment for running, but will focus on the essentials, e.g., the right running shoe.  Runners will not give importance to LCDs or fireworks in a race (those are just bonuses), but will demand for ample hydration, safe route, and the like.  There will be greater interest in simple, natural approaches, such as Chi Running and yoga.

(2) Barefoot shoes will be all the rage. Barefoot running is still a controversial topic, but more runners are seeing (and feeling) the importance of going barefoot at least once in a while (this runner included). I don’t think Pinoys are quite ready to go completely naked down there (in the foot, silly) so we’ll go conservative by purchasing Vibram Five Fingers, Terra Plana’s Evo barefoot shoes, or Nike Frees (still my all time favorite!)

– Nike Free Run+ –

(3) Compression is in. As if there weren’t enough brands of compression tights in the market! Despite the high price and the hot weather, expect more people to purchase compression tights or socks as they go for longer distances. With the great demand, even smaller, lesser known brands may come in.

– A page off of TBR Magazine – October/November 2010 –

(4) NUVALI will be the new BHS…at least as race venue.  Runners know Bonifacio Global City’s route like the back of their hands and we are looking for new courses to conquer.  NUVALI’s fresh air, traffic-less roads, and challenging route will be a refreshing venue for more races this year.  Don’t forget that it can also host muddy trail runs.

(5) Coach Rio will be the star of a new teleserye. As if he’s not doing well enough with race organizing, I predict Coach Rio’s star will shine brighter this year. He’ll be the favored race organizer for those with big budgets…and okay, maybe he won’t have his own teleserye, but we’ll see him more often in the boob tube. This guy deserves all the good karma that’s coming his way.

(6) Runners won’t just run, they’ll stretch and strengthen. It used to be that runners would just run, run, and run, then get injured.  Now, we’re much smarter. We know that it’s important to strength train, do core work, and stretch, not just to avoid injury but to become better runners.  See stability balls, dumbells, TRX Suspension training, foam roller, and other equipment flying off the shelves. See more runners in yoga classes too…and not just the ladies.

(7) Runners will run slower…by choice. It’s still cool to run fast, but it won’t be an issue if you run slow either.  Runners will give more importance to running really slow during their long runs and will even learn the value of run-walking intervals.  Jeff Galloway’s arrival in February should help encourage slow and safe running.

(8) Runners will pay more attention to diet. Sure, we run so we can eat more.  But, runners this year will pay more attention to eating more of the right food to get proper nutrition to fuel their runs. Expect to see more sweaty guys in singlets requesting for non-fat soy milk lattes from their baristas.  Nutrition experts and dietitians will be just as popular as running coaches.

(9) Everyone will be coaches and race organizers. Well, not exactly everyone, but a number of runners without proper credentials nor experience will hope to cash in on the running boom.  This is NOT good for the community.  Think twice before signing up for a run clinic or a race. Do your research on the background of a “coach” or a “race organizer.”

(10) New York Marathon will be the new Singapore Marathon. Two years ago, every runner wanted to run Standard Chartered Singapore.  Now, everyone wants in on New York.  It’s quite costly, but it’s worth every penny.


Did I miss any? What’s your Madame Au-Run-ning prediction for 2011?

Happy New Year to you!

New Balance 760 Night Race Rainbow Pack

Wednesday, 29 December 2010  |  Gear + Gadgets

This Bull’s eye spotted running shoes a couple of days ago at Runnr: New Balance 760 Night Race Rainbow Pack. Talk about starting the new year with a bang!



First time I spotted something close to these bright and bold NB shoe colors was way back in December 2009 when David of Team Fatbird had it on during their carboloading party for Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon.  I just had to take a photo.

NB 760

I have a pair of NB 760’s which I used at Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon last February but it’s blue and white and not nearly as pretty.  It’s a shoe that I found had ample cushioning and was good for training, but not great for a marathon as it was quite bulky and heavy.  For these rainbow colors though, I may be more than willing to carry the extra weight!

New Balance 760 is available at Runnr, New Balance (Shangrila, Glorietta, Festival Mall, Marquee), Planet Sports (Rockwell, Trinoma, Glorietta, Cebu), Athlete’s Foot (Glorietta, Cebu).

Price: P4,995.

A Letter from a Best Friend

Tuesday, 28 December 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Today, Vicky, one of five of my dearest friends, turns 35. We first met in Prep and then became the best of friends in the 3rd Grade.

– Costume party at Vicky’s house. She’s in a pretty princess outfit. My brothers had the wonderful idea of dressing me up as a…golfer. I’m right beside Vicky –

We grew up together, like sisters, experiencing everything the world had to offer.  We slept over each others’ homes almost every weekend practically all throughout gradeschool through highschool. Over the years, we got chased by dogs and nuns and then boys (yes, in that order) and always managed to laugh about each experience.  We exchanged Nintendo games, diet tips, CDs, exercise tapes (we love you, Jane Fonda!), clothes, and even a boyfriend once (ack!).  You name it, we shared it.

– One of our biggest adventures together: After graduating from highschool, Vicky and I got on a ferry to Iloilo to teach catechism –

Through the years, we’ve been there for each other for every major milestone in our lives: graduation, college entrance results, first jobs, weddings, childrens’ baptism, and our father’s deaths.  When I started running and this blog, I would talk to Vicky about it and, although she didn’t run (she’s a treadmill walker), she showed her support just by listening.

– College 1993 –

Last week, as I was cleaning my Inbox, I realized that I had missed out on tons of email while I was in the U.S.  One of them was a letter from Vicky.  It turns out that she wrote me a pre-NYC marathon letter (just like the way we used to write each other palancas before retreats!)  Even if I failed to read it before New York, it still means the world to me and brought me close to tears. It’s something I can always draw inspiration from when the going gets tough in future marathons.

Here goes:

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” – John Locke, TV Series “Lost”

Dear Jaymie,

Well, you’ve certainly come a long long way from running away from an overweight pug, running away from the make believe ghosts of the bathrooms of Assumption, Antipolo, and running away from all the lunatic guys who pursued you in the past.

You are my closest friend, we’ve known each other for more than half our lives, and I would be remiss if I didn’t write you a little something right before what I recall you used to say was your dream when you decided some time back to start running marathons.

As I reflect now on how close you are to achieving yet another one of your greatest dreams, I can’t help but juxtapose how the determination you’ve had to get to where you are is something that the five of us have shown in each of our lives, in each of our own ways, to attain each and every one of our individual dreams.

Our spirits are indomitable.

So as you run the NYC Marathon, this is my wish for you… that all the collective achievements of our group, all the fruits of our perseverance, give you strength and push you all the way to the finish line.

Someday, I’m going to tell my daughter that her mom’s closest friend literally ran toward her dream.

And just kept on running after she reached it.

I am so proud of you.


Happy Birthday, Kampups! Love you!