The Bestie is Back

Wednesday, 28 July 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Whenever Annie is visiting Manila from Singapore where she’s based, we make the most out of the little time we have together.  For some women, that would mean countless hours of spa dates, shopping sprees, and long chats over coffee.  Not for Annie and I.

We spend our time running as much as we can.


Last Monday, we ran under the intense heat of the 9 a.m. sun at our favorite playground running our usual course.


Just like the good ol’ days, we warmed up with a short walk that extended to 1km without our knowing because of our endless chatting and laughing.  We ran the course paying no attention to pace since there were more stories to catch up on.  How’s life in Singapore? How much are local races nowadays?  Remember when we were both 5 to 10lbs lighter?  In between talking and laughing, as I ran with my bestest running buddy, I was glad to know that it was as if she never left.

After our run, we didn’t make plans for breakfast or meet ups.  We only set the date for our next run: Ultra on Wednesday.  That’s the way we are with Annie.  We don’t chat on the phone nor do we text each other often, but we always show up for our running dates.  And when we see each other, we have the best time sweating it out together.


This morning, we met Coach Rio and friends Jay and Jun at Ultra track oval.

Annie and I reminisced about the summer of 2008 when we trained together under Coach Jo-Ar.  How he made us do intervals  with Coach Lydia de Vega and her highschool track team.  There we were, two women twice the age of these long-legged sprinters attempting to match their pace.  Or how Coach would make us run up the stairs with Annie reaching the top so quickly as I always struggled to run the last 3 steps.  Aaah we were much fitter then.

Coach Rio asked us to run a 1-miler, 800, 400, and 200 earlier today.  As usual, I chased Annie from behind; she’s always been the stronger runner.  With both of us not being at our fittest, we huffed and puffed all throughout the run.  Just like before, we would complain about what we had to do, but deep inside, we both knew we loved the speed.

– with Coach Rio, Chino Trinidad, Noy Jopson, Jun Bisnar, Jun Cruz, Mart Miranda, and Annie-

– Annie in serious conversation with our good friend, Jun. I bet they’re talking about injuries or insoles –

– sandwiched between two super celeb athletes, top triathlete Noy Jopson and Coach Rio de la Cruz. Starstruck ako, guys! –


Annie will be here until next week.  Needless to say, there will be more runs to come.  Hill training, maybe another track workout, and definitely Rexona Run where we’re registered for 21k.  Aaah, runs are going to be fun in the days to come!  Isn’t this what running buddies are for?!

Road Test: Newton Universal Racers

Monday, 26 July 2010  |  Gear + Gadgets

I got my first pair of Newtons a little over a year ago.  It was the Newton Stability Trainers which I actually liked for its comfort and lightness.  But, after using it for a handful of short runs, I was forced to lock it in a box when I started feeling minor knee pain, which I couldn’t risk aggravating with my training for Singapore Marathon at that time.

– Newton Stability Trainers and Newton Universal Racers –

Last month, Newton learned about my experience with the shoe and they urged me to give Newton Shoes a second chance. They handed me the twin sister of my shoe, Newton Universal Racers in a bright, bold pink (how cool!) for road testing before the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon last June 27.  (Note: Renze gave me the Universal Racers because Runnr does not sell the Stability Racers.  According Newton website, these shoes “will complement the Neutral Performance Trainer or Stability Performance Trainer.”

I was quite apprehensive about using a racing shoe as I had the impression this could be used only for short and fast runs, not a half marathon in KL. But, Renze of Newton was quick to point out that the shoe could actually be used for long runs, even marathons.

I road tested it over a handful of times: once at a 10k hill training at McKinley Hill, two 7k easy runs, and three races, Rock and Run (where it got soaked!), Robinsons Supermarket Fit & Fun Buddy Run, and the farthest I ran on them, Kuala Lumpur Marathon where I ran 21k.


– What a beauty! –


Weighing 7.0 oz., the Newton Universal Racers felt incredibly light and fast.  Much like my experience with the Newton Stability Trainers, I felt that the lugs underneath the midsoles were propelling me to run faster with much less effort.  I’m a midfoot runner so I felt very much at home in these shoes.

Running 5ks and 10ks in these Newtons, particularly in a race, made me feel like I could PR at any race. No wonder they call it “PR in a box.”



The shoes were also comfortable and breathable. (I replaced the insoles with my Spenco insoles, which I really can’t live without.) The mesh on the vamp area allowed for breathability. I found it cool, figuratively and literally, that I could even see my socks from the outside.


Best of all, I love the bright and bold colors of my Newtons. After a while, one gets tired of the usual colors that everyone wears at races. Newtons allow me to stand out and be different.


As a flat-footed overpronating runner, stability is always a key concern for me.  I felt the shoe could have been a little bit more stable. I worried that, because of the lugs, my feet were prone to more movement from side to side.  For runs below 10k, my feet were fine. But, when I ran in KL in these shoes, I felt slight pain on the right side of my foot after the race, which thankfully disappeared by the following day.

Another issue for me is the durability of the shoe. Only after a handful of races, the wear of the shoe underneath was surprising. I had been forewarned by Renze about this: that the racing shoe was meant for races, and not for daily training runs. But, what am I to do if my feet love the racers more than the trainers?!


I like the Newton Stability Racers its lightness, comfort, breathability and design. While I’m concerned about stability and durability, I feel like I can get away with these issues for short runs.  I am definitely going to use it for 5k and 10k runs, especially in races I hope to PR in!

Newton Universal Racers P6,995.  Newton Stability Trainers P8,250.  Newton shoes are available in Runnr, Bonifacio High Street.  Click HERE to visit website.

Sick of Being Sick

Sunday, 25 July 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Talk about perfect timing. I had fever a few days ago and I’ve been coughing endlessly (and loudly) all week. With the nebulizer in my mouth last night, I easily computed the amount of hours I worked out all week: ZERO.

To think I was overly thrilled about NYC Marathon Training starting this week.

To think Secondwind‘s Boy’s vs Girl’s Challenge kicked off last Monday, too. (This is a distance challenge initiated by Secondwind Running store where 10 girls, including myself, will win compete against 10 boys, for the longest distance run in a specific period of time. These poor boys don’t know what they are up against, I tell you.)

To think bestest running buddy, Annie, arrived from Singapore last Friday. Since last week, we had planned on running to our hearts content together. I’ve missed her terribly and I’m hoping we can cover our favorite course tomorrow, just as we always did before.

There’s only one B word to express my feelings right now: Bummed.

Okay, maybe another one: Bitin.

Dasmarinas Run 2010

Thursday, 22 July 2010  |  Bullish Insights


DETAILS: 18 July 2010, Dasmarinas Village, Makati City



  • small community affair
  • nice secure and safe route
  • kilometer markers
  • delightful post race freebies and raffle


  • some hydration stations only had Pocari Sweat, no water
  • lack of directional signs caused some 5k runners to lose their way

The Dasma Run was a small and simple community affair that was well-attended by around 1,000 runners, mostly familiar faces in the running scene. As expected, the route was peaceful and secure as it toured runners along the rolling hills of South Forbes and North Forbes and the flat and fast course of Dasmarinas Village. It was an enjoyable race for many with race flaws being minor and forgiveable.

Another must run race for me next year.



Nothing is more embarrassing than coughing your way through a 10k race. That’s what I did last Sunday when I managed to survive the run through South Forbes, North Forbes, and Dasmarinas Village.

I didn’t realize how bad my cough was until I spoke with a couple of runners friends at the race start. Two of them mentioned “Are you sick?” I waved off the cough thinking all would be well. After all, I ran five times the past week without any hitches.

The race started off without much fanfare. Before we knew it, hubby and I had run through the starting line arc both realizing that we hadn’t switched on our Garmins yet. Aaaack!


I was in full race mode. These asphalted roads were familiar to me, and I knew that my hill training was much more challenging than the rolling hills in these villages. I ran at a fast clip and hubby stayed by my side all along. (Hubby has gotten a lot faster and I’m nervous that he’s going to be overtaking me soon!)

As my new Sennheiser earphones is my fave gear of the month these days, I took the ipod with me, something I haven’t done in a while. I wore the earphones but didn’t turn on the ipod until I needed a blast of energy from the sounds.

After around 3k, hubby stopped at a hydration station and advised me to go ahead. I switched the ipod on to hear Kings of Leon. Perfect…and I pushed forward.


Upon entering North Forbes village, the nightmare began. Suddenly, a small ball of phlegm felt like it had lodged itself in my esophagus (if your squeamish this is where you should stop reading) and refused to be expelled. I was coughing every 30 seconds in a futile attempt to clear my throat, but to no avail.

Instead of running, I felt like I was doing a bunny hop. Each cough was so strong, my body would lunge forward forcing me to skip higher on one leg. Gawd. More than anything, it was embarrassing. Not only did I have the most unique stride among all the runners, but I was the noisiest too. I felt sorry for the runners around me having to run to the rhythm of my cough beat. Ehem, ehem, ehem…pause…ehem ehem ehem.


I did the bunny hop all the way until the end of the race running from one village to the next. It was a struggle, especially on the ascents, but despite the suffering, I actually had fun! (I know, I know, I’m crazy.)

I finished 10.4k at 56:28 min with an average pace of 5:26 min/km.


Little boys and girls, please do not do what I did last Sunday.  Due to my foolishness (and bullheaded-ness), my cough worsened by the following day.  I got fever last night and I’m slowly recovering today.  What a way to start Week One of NYC Marathon Training!  Not to worry, I’ll bounce back in no time.

Week 1: NYC Marathon Training

Wednesday, 21 July 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Week One: July 19 to 25, 2010. Bring out the balloons and throw out the confetti!  This is Week One of my NYC Marathon Training.  I have been waiting for this week…for weeks!

Two months ago, I only had 2 marathon training programs to choose from: F.I.R.S.T. program which I’ve tried and tested in my past marathons (and has worked very well for me, thank you), or the Runners World: Break 4 or Bust program I spotted in it’s July issue.  (I subscribe to RW US via Bookazine so I get my copies over a month early at only P250.  What a steal!)

– I usually care for all my RW issues with much love, but this one is dog-eared because I take it wherever I go –


I chose the Runner’s World Program for two reasons:

  1. I felt ready to upgrade my weekly run sessions from 3x of FIRST to 5x with RW.  (If I start feeling any knee pain though, I may consider reducing to 4x a week.  We’ll see…)
  2. Break 4 or Bust!  What a heading for a marathon program.  The title gripped me, made me fall into a sub-4 running dream, and got me all excited about working for a wonderfully thrilling challenge.

I love this feeling—like I’m riding on the wave of a brand new adventure.  Truth be told, I enjoy training for the marathon more than running the marathon itself!  It’s going to be an awesome 16-week ride, guys and girls!