The Bull Runner Magazine – May Issue Out Today!

Thursday, 27 May 2010  |  News + Promos

Get your FREE copy of The Bull Runner Magazine – May issue NOW at ROX, Runnr, and Secondwind Running Store, Ortigas Home Depot.  You may get your free copy at THESE outlets within the week.


TBR Magazine – May issue is all about RUNNING MILESTONES. On our cover is new runner singer/host Karylle who celebrated a new running milestone when she bagged 2nd Place in the 3k category at the Earth Day Run.


  • Running Calendar
  • Running Directory
  • Gear: Hot Gear
  • Gear: Eye Spy – newest models of shades in the market
  • Training: 7 Deadly Sins of First Time Marathoners
  • Nutrition: Carb Concerns
  • Expert Advice: Dr. George Canlas on dealing with ITBS
  • My Story: Hector Yuzon recounts his experience in the L.A. Marathon
  • My Story: Meeting the Dreamers – Interview with TBR Dream Marathoners: Mikko Barranda, Melfred Fernandez, and Michelline Suarez
  • Events: Unilab’s Run United for Wellness, Pinay in Action, Globe Run for Home, Mizuno Time Trials, The Amazing Kidney Race
  • Community: Pace Partner’s International
  • Travel: Gail Salvacion in Sabang Beach
  • Personal Record: Race to Remember: Bea Locsin, Paolo Defensor, Ivy Mendoza, Duane Santos, Monica Torres

FREE PDF file will be available for download within the week.

ROCK AND RUN – 19 June, Saturday

Wednesday, 26 May 2010  |  Race Announcements


Get ready to join the country’s first run and rock concert for a cause – The ROCK and RUN!—with the country’s hottest bands powering you through the race route, among them The Dawn, Kjwan, Taken By Cars, Brigada, Techyromantics, Coffee Break Island and many more.

Experience the excitement of a rock concert with the challenge of a run in one event. Organized by the Junior Chamber International – Manila for the benefit of the children’s music NGO Republikha, Inc.  Presented by Canon, The ROCK and RUN will happen at 5 pm on June 19th, Saturday, at Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.

Rock and Run Print Ad


More than 4,000 able-bodied runners are expected to rock and roll thru the 3-KM, 5-KM, and 10-KM events in this unique night run. Proceeds of the event will be for the benefit of the Republikha Inc, an NGO dedicated to producing educational children’s music, and the community development projects of JCI Manila. Veteran race organizer Rudy Biscocho will be the overall the race director.

The ROCK and RUN is presented by JCI Manila and Canon and powered by the following sponsors: Brooks, Red Bull, Crocs, Pocari Sweat, Gold’s Gym, RUNNR, Toby’s Sports, Bonifacio Global City, Polar Heart Rate Monitor, 2XU, JB Music, BB Tape, Hanabishi, Flying V, with special Media Partners MYX, MAGIC 89.9, Jam 88.3 and 103.5 Max FM, The Bull Runner and The Philippine Star.

Winners in each category will get cash prizes. There will also be a special “Best Rock Costume” category, with the winner getting P20,000 worth of prizes.

Registration is ongoing at RUNNR Bonifacio High Street and select Toby’s Sports outlets (Megamall, The Block, Trinoma, Alabang Town Center, Glorietta 4 & Mall of Asia).  Fees are pegged at P450 (3k), P500 (5k) and P550 (10k) which includes race bib, route map, and a dri-fit Rock and Run singlet. Limited slots available! First 1,000 registrants get exclusive 10% discount coupons from Toby’s, RUNNR and Crocs.

So get your shoes ready and prepare for this landmark running event that is guaranteed to ROCK!

For more details, log on to or call (632) 496-5726.

TBR DREAM STORIES: Aleta Yao, Bib No. 302 & Carlos de Guzman, Dream Chaser Bib No. 22

Wednesday, 26 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

This isn’t just a story about running, it’s a story about love…between a TBR Dream Marathoner and her Personal Pacer.

At TBR Dream Marathon, we only allowed for 30 Personal Pacers and 30 Dream Chasers.  The limited slots were first come, first served.  The slots were in great demand and they filled briskly.

This was a letter I received a month before TBR Dream Marathon, which tugged at my heartstrings and got me all teary eyed…


Hi Jaymie!

I have a question regarding your upcoming full mary this May.

My girlfriend (Aleta Yao) is joining your race and this will be her first 42k.

Can I run with her the whole distance?  I promised her that I will be there to be with her every step of the way. I’ve already done 2 marathons and 3 ironmans.  I wont be racing for a P.R. or anything.

My girlfriend is very special to me and I wanna be there with her as she experiences this very meaningful “first” in her life…Plus I just wanna show her how much I really love her and adore her all the time…And running with her the whole way is one of the things that I know will help me show that to her…

My problem is, the 200 limit is probably full but if ever, I don’t wanna take the slot of someone who is doing the full distance for the first/second time.  What’s the best way for me to join this run? Can I register for the event? Running bandit most definitely is out of the question.  Or can I be a Dream Chaser or something?  I will be bringing my own nutrition with me and it’s perfectly ok with me to pay the reg fee even if I wont receive any of the gels, timing chip, bibs, etc.

Thanks jaymie and hoping for a favorable reply.


So it came to be that Carlos got his wish.  He was one of the first to sign up for a much coveted Personal Pacer position for his girlfriend Aleta.  And, on the big day of the race, Carlos and Aleta showed up at the starting line together.



And, Aleta (Bib No. 302) had her pacer and her boyfriend by her side throughout the entire run…



Here’s the letter I received from Carlos two days after Aleta’s first marathon…

FROM CARLOS, MAY 24, 2010:

hey Jaymie,

First of all i just wanna thank you for letting me participate as a pacer at the dream marathon.

I wanna say kudos too for organizing such a FANTASTIC race.

Even the term fantastic would be an understatement for the event that u just did.

The race was very very very organized…. I cant say that enough.  From the aid stations, the support crew, the logistics, everything!

It was perfect. the first/second timers are really really lucky.

I’ve done a lot of races like Singapore Marathon, Ironman West Australia and I can say that this is almost up to par all of em.

From the organization, down to the execution.

Honestly i think you may have set the bar too high though hehe 🙂 Everyone’s gonna get spoiled now when you organize another race.

But I’m sure that wont be a problem for you 🙂

Again, I just wanna say thanks jaymie for making a lot of people’s dream (including my gf aleta yao) come true.

I’m very honored to be part of this once in a lifetime event.



* Some images courtesy of Photovendo

TBR DREAM STORIES: Marnie Hurst, Bib No. 136

Tuesday, 25 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

There are hundreds of stories to tell about TBR Dream Marathon.  The best ones will come from the runners themselves: what happened on the roads of NUVALI as they took each step leading up to their first 42km, who were the angels that helped them on their way, what went through their minds as they worked for their dream.

This is a series of stories that will come from the runners themselves.  By posting these, we hope to inspire more people even after TBR Dream Marathon has ended.  The dream continues…

To share your own TBR Dream Stories, please email me at tbr(at)


marnie post run

I did it!!!!  WE did it!!!!  Thank you so much, Jaymie.  Really, words cannot express my deep gratitude for all you have done.  That was the most amazing marathon a new runner could ever ask for.

I wanted briefly share my marathon story with you.  So I started my week with a cough that I just couldn’t shake.  I coughed for about the first 3rd of the race and was really worried, but then I guess I coughed it all out, because it just went away completely.

– Marnie at the early portions of her first marathon –

But then at around 30km (just like everyone says!) I totally hit a wall.  My hips were hurting, kind of freezing up, and I have a heel spur on my left heel that was hurting so bad.  There was a terrible pain shooting from my heel all the way to my hip.  And then the hill came!  I had to start walking, but even then I felt like every step was a monumental effort.  My legs just quit working right.  Inexplicably I started crying.  The pain wasn’t THAT bad, but the tears just started flowing.


I was at somewhere around 35km, limping along, when a guardian angel swooped down in the form of Alfred the Dream Chaser.  He approached me and asked if I was ok.  I burst into tears again and told him about my heel and hip and my legs not working.  He helped me get a brisk walk going by pumping my arms, assured me that I could make it to the finish line within an hour walking at that pace, and then ran ahead in search of some ibuprofen for me.  He stayed with me for about 3 km cheering me up and getting my head back into the game until we came upon a woman in worse shape than me, and he flew off to help her out of her crisis.

At around 39km I was able to start running again and made it to the finish line with a smile on face.  There I was greeted by the wonderful new friends I have made in the process of training for this marathon.  Jim Lafferty was also there with his sweet words of praise and congratulations.  I was on cloud 9!!!  I went for my MUCH appreciated shower and sat down to eat with my running buddies where we had a front row seat to cheer on the rest of the runners.

And before too long, along came Alfred running alongside yet another runner who, like me, was heading for a successful finish to her first marathon with a smile on her face.  All along the way there were so many words of encouragement shouted out, warm smiles, caring co-runners, marshals and dream chasers.  Days like this are few and far between and I will NEVER, EVER forget it!!!!

– A sweet finish. Hugging Aileen, a fellow TBR Dream Marathoner –

– with Alfred, her Dream Chaser, and Marie, a fellow TBR Dream Marathoner –

When I got home I was greeted by cheers and hugs from my loving, supportive family.  I have entered near legendary status in my household by tackling my first marathon at 45 years of age.  I would never have thought about taking on this challenge if it wasn’t for you and your marathon, Jaymie.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  I hope that your heart if full with all the love being sent your way by so many!!!

*  Images courtesy of Marnie and Photovendo

TBR Dream Marathon Official Results from Finishline

Monday, 24 May 2010  |  Race Announcements

Official results for TBR Dream Marathon is now out. Please click below to download:

TBR Dream Marathon | Overall

TBR Dream Marathon | Male

TBR Dream Marathon | Female

Thank you for your patience. While we had the results yesterday, Finishline took it upon themselves to call participants randomly to verify the results. We know how important official results are, especially for your first marathon.

For any questions, please email tbr(at) Include your name and bib number.