Thursday, 20 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights



Come May 22, 2010, the rapidly growing running community in the country will usher in a new breed of runners who will be more than proud to be identified as The Bull Runner Dream Marathoners. 300-strong accomplished individuals coming from varied professional backgrounds. Mostly first-time marathoners. All exceptional runners, in their own right. They excel in their chosen field. Now they are set to conquer the local running scene as they metamorphose into gutsy, confident yet big-hearted marathoners.

To the 300 participants, TBR Dream Marathon in NUVALI is the fulfillment of their ultimate marathon goal. And rightfully so. The TBR Dream Marathon in NUVALI has carefully laid out the path to achieving their goal in a dream-like approach: provision of a 16-week step-by-step marathon training plan; once-a-month Bull Sessions (run clinics) supervised by Team Secondwind Running Store; once-a-month Bull Circles (running talks) featuring known experts in the running circuit and fitness and medical field; and, fielding of 30 Dream Chasers – a ground-breaking concept in pacing runners – who will be running, supporting and cheering the participants throughout the course. Completing an almost trance-like marathon experience for the participants is a serene and scenic view that weaves through the race course, provided by the vast and seamless neo-bucolic expanse of NUVALI in Santa Rosa, Laguna. Further setting apart the TBR Dream Marathon from other regular races is the emphasis on non-competition. Every participant who crosses the finish line will be hailed as a winner. The TBR Dream Marathon in NUVALI is a marathon to celebrate the joy of running and to inspire runners to dream big and achieve the impossible in their lives.

TBR Dream Marathon in NUVALI is the brainchild of The Bull Runner, Jaymie Pizarro, and internationally renowned race director and former Procter & Gamble country manager, Jim Lafferty. After successfully completing her first official marathon in Singapore in 2009, TBR, with the help of Coach Jim as race director, saw to it that her dream of providing an exceptional marathon experience in the most ideal setting with the best support around to aspirants will become a reality. Joining ranks with TBR and Coach Jim to ensure the realization of the dreams of future marathoners are runners and standouts in the local running scene: steering as technical director is Second Wind principal, Pinoy Ultra Runners founder, and noted trail race organizer Neville Manaois; suiting up as legal consultant is prolific runner-blogger, of Everybody Loves Raymund blog fame (www.therainman96.blogger.com), Atty. Raymund Martelino; and, shoring up as course manager is five-time marathon finisher and Conquer Corregidor race director Edward Kho.

As TBR Dream Marathon in NUVALI climaxes to a sterling finish, it certainly will take an eminent place in the annals of the widely-followed blog www.thebullrunner.com (2008 Philippine Blog Awards Sports Blog of the Year) and running community’s highly anticipated bi-monthly running magazine, The Bull Runner Magazine.

The Bull Runner Dream Marathon in NUVALI is presented by Nike Park, Oakley, and HSBC, venue sponsored by NUVALI, in cooperation with Secondwind Running Store, Nature Valley, Cecon, Gatorade, Phiten, P&G, Finish Line, and Photovendo, supported by Hammer Nutrition, Timex, Dole, Alaxan FR, Hersheys, ROX, Res Toe Run, Chris Sports, Tang Fruit Teaz, Tiger, Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, Hidden Spring, and Jack N’ Jill Nova. TBR Dream Marathon partners include Men’s Health, RunTV, Run Radio for media, El Cielito Hotels for hotel and Creative Juice Communications for logisitics.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights



  • Wednesday, MAY 19, 1 TO 8 PM
  • Thursday, MAY 20, 1 TO 8 PM
  • FRIDAY race redemption has been cancelled.
  • VENUE: 2nd floor, ROX, Bonifacio High Street
  • Look for Angela

Please note:

  • If you haven’t submitted your medical certificate, 2×2 photo, and waiver please bring it to claim your race pack. Race pack will not be released to runners with incomplete documents. This will be strictly implemented.
  • You may claim your free Cecon Tablets as well
  • Please send authorization letter if you cannot come to claim your race pack

TBR Dream Route Map

Wednesday, 19 May 2010  |  Race Announcements

2 DAYS TO GO to TBR Dream!

To all TBR Dream Marathoners: here’s the route map with a guide to our hydration stations, Dream Chaser stations, and toilets…


For Start and Finish Line layout, visit our TBR Dream Marathon website. Click HERE

Rock and Run

Tuesday, 18 May 2010  |  Race Announcements

Remember I told you about this?

Screen shot 2010-05-14 at 6.59.25 AM

Okay, I really can’t wait for this rockin’ race. In this race, you’ll hear the country’s top bands performing live along along the race route. … Powering you to the finish. …Now you can Rock and RUN..for a cause. The FIRST of its kind in run and rock concert in one.. it’s happening this June 19th.

Complete race info in the next couple of days…

Chase The Sun: The Neutrogena Run

Monday, 17 May 2010  |  Race Reports


Organizer: Finish Line


  • well-organized 5k run
  • nice challenging 10k route
  • free Neutrogena lotion right before the race
  • coolest finisher’s shirt designed by Team Manila
  • generous loot bags filled with J&J goodies
  • post-race activities included post-run massage, bungee trampoline ride, and more
  • Red Mango yogurt and Fruit Magic in the event area
  • Mist fans to combat the heat
  • use of timing chip


  • N/A

Chase The Sun: The Neutrogena Run was one of those small, relaxed races that allow you to enjoy the event without much stress or traffic. The race was small compared to the monstrous races like Century Tuna or United Run, but with the 2,400 runners who showed up for the race, one could say it was still well-attended.

I cannot give you a complete race review as I literally ran through my own problems during the race and had to DNF (more on that when you scroll down), but I was present for the post-race activities. I can tell you that Neutrogena pulled out all the stops in that arena with the loaded lootbags, awesome finishers’ shirt, and all the wonderful post race activities.  It was fun event that had everyone going home with tons of freebies in their hands and a lot of happy memories.



For the past two weeks, I was troubled with fever, cough, headaches, gastroenteritis, and diarrhea.  It left me with a depressing 12km mileage for the entire week last week.  This was the first time in probably two years when I got a viral illness at all.  I remember telling hubby a few months ago that I couldn’t even remember the last time I had a sore throat.  Then, all I do is get stressed and…wam…bam…I’m sick with all the illnesses I managed to avoid in the past couple of years.

So, I loaded up on antibiotics (thanks to my fake doctor Francis G. for the prescription!) a few days before Chase the Sun race hoping that I could…er…chase the sun!  Of course I wanted to run the race which had my face plastered on tv and collaterals, but more than that, I just wanted to run BADLY.  And, more than that, I was itching to run FAST.


I signed up for the 10k weeks before and I was excited about it.  The one thing that I love about 10ks is the freedom to experiment with shoes.  I think everyone knows that I feel safest using my Nike Lunar Glides for long runs because it’s the tried and tested pair for me, but when it comes to 10ks or below, I can get away with experimenting on other brands and models.  For this run, I pulled out my Asics Gel DS-Trainers, a light stability shoe that I thought would be perfect for me in race mode.


When the gun went off, I left hubby and Lit behind and ran on my own. This was serious business. My average pace at the the first kilometer was 5:03 min/km.  I felt fine and, even better, I felt strong and fast. It felt great to finally run again!

At Km 2 and Km 3, my pace was 5:08 and 5:12 respectively.  Not bad. I was still in high spirits, excited over the ability to run again.  And, by golly, the shoes were fantastic.  I had trained in them before, but never raced in them.  I felt like I was flying.

Then…in the blink of an eye…the speed was gone.  Suddenly, I felt deflated. All my energy zapped out of me and it was a wee bit more difficult to breathe.  Then, I started getting chills.  Uh oh.  I slowed down to 5:22, half wishing I could still run even if I knew I should stop.

At 4km, the 10k route was leading us towards the Buendia Flyover.  I had to make a decision to run up Buendia and complete the 10k or to quit so that I could run/walk back to the finish line.


Like a good little girl, I decided to DNF. I stopped my Garmin at 4.7 km with a time of 24:48.  Had I signed up for a 5k and completed it, I would have gotten a new PR.  Oh yes, you shouldn’t be surprised that that was the first thought that came to mind even as I was coughing all the way back to the finish!