Rock? Run? Or BOTH?

Monday, 17 May 2010  |  Race Announcements

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I’ve heard about rock concerts for a cause. And almost all of us have run for a cause. BUT…what if we have both? As in, ROCK and RUN for a CAUSE? Now that’s the best of both worlds, don’t you think?

Check out this blog this week on a new concept in road racing that’s sure to rock your world.

Meeting Rick Olivares

Sunday, 16 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Last Thursday, in the middle of all race preps for TBR Dream Marathon—and right after fever and before another gastroenteritis attack (probably all due to stress)—I get a call from a sports columnist named Rick Olivares who was interested on writing an article on TBR for Business Mirror.

With Jaymie Pizarro
– Thanks to Rick for the photo –

We met the following day for what I thought was going to be a brief interview, but it turned out to be a long chat over coffee with a blogger/celebrity/journalist who has sacrificed much in the name of truth.  We exchange stories on running (he was a track guy in his college days), blogging, and common friends.

This guy is fearless. And he only inspired me to stand by the truth even more.  Admittedly, I have lost a friend or two due to my much too honest reporting (particularly my TBR Race Reviews).  While it saddens me to think about the broken friendships, I am comforted by the fact that what I did was right (and I will continue to do so until God knows how long.)  If I have to lie about a sucky race to please my so-called friends or rave about horrible shoes to appease the sponsors, then I might as well shut down this blog.

Rick’s article on myself is entitled BORN TO RUN.  I love it because it makes me feel like one of the Tarahumara Indians in one of my favorite running books.  (That’s as close to them as I can get! hah!)

Click HERE to read Rick’s article on BLEACHER’S BREW.

It’ll be published in Business Mirror May 17, 2010.  Click HERE to read online.

TBR Dream Marathon and Volunteer Redemption

Sunday, 16 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights


  • DATES and TIME:
    • Sunday, MAY 16, 1 to 8 PM
    • Wednesday, MAY 19, 1 TO 4 PM
    • Thursday, MAY 20, 1 TO 4 PM
    • FRIDAY race redemption has been cancelled.
  • VENUE: 2nd floor, ROX, Bonifacio High Street
  • Look for Angela

Please note:

  • If you haven’t submitted your medical certificate, 2×2 photo, and waiver please bring it to claim your race pack.  Race pack will not be released to runners with incomplete documents.  This will be strictly implemented.
  • You may claim your free Cecon Tablets as well
  • Please send authorization letter if you cannot come to claim your race pack


  • If you received a note from Edward Kho confirming your acceptance as Dream Chaser/ Personal Pacer/ Hydration Station volunteer, please drop by ROX to claim your materials.
  • Same schedule as race pack redemption above.
  • For Personal Pacers, your runner may claim your race pack for you.  But, you will have to submit the volunteer waiver to Edward Kho on race day.


TBR Dream Marathoners claimed their race packs at the 4th Bull Session yesterday after their one hour run led by Neville of Secondwind Running Store at Bonifacio High Street.

The queue was long, but these marathoners remained calm and patient. (Thank you guys!)


This is the TBR Dream Marathon race pack…


On the other end, Edward Kho briefed our Dream Chasers, personal pacers, and race volunteers on their respective roles and responsibilities.


We have 5 days to go until the big day!

TBR Dream Marathon Runners’ Handbook

Friday, 14 May 2010  |  News + Promos

7 DAYS TO GO until TBR Dream Marathon and we’re all pretty excited…


To all TBR Dream Marathoners, we’ve prepared a TBR Dream Marathon Runners’ Handbook just for you.

Contents include:

  • Event details
  • Event schedule
  • General information
  • Route map
  • Article on GETTING YOUR BODY MARATHON READY by Coach Jim. Please make sure you read this TODAY as it guides you on adjusting your body clock for our 2:00am race start.
  • Guest Guide: for runners’ family and friends

Please download by clicking HERE.

4th Bull Circle: Marathon Day: Fuel Up & Fight

Friday, 14 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Last Wednesday, we held our last Bull Circle in preparation for marathon day on May 22, 2010 at ROX, Bonifacio High Street.


– with speakers Dr. Canlas and Mitch Felipe –

To warm up the audience, Pam Panaguiton of Timex gave a brief talk on their new Timex Tap Watch…and gave a Timex watch to a lucky TBR Dream Marathoner.

Mitch Felipe, a wellness coach, nutritionist, and columnist, started with an informative talk on nutrition for marathoners.  She also spoke on psychology for marathoners: thinking positive and staying focused to cross the finish line.


Below is a sample nutrition plan from Mitch taken from her presentation:

BASED ON A 2,500 CALORIE EATING PLAN, 120-pound male runner (60% carbs=375 grams carbs, 20% protein, 20% fat)

BREAKFAST: 600 calories (70 grams of carbs)
1 cup of oatmeal or ¾ cup of cereals with milk or 3/4 cup rice with sardines OR 2 slices of bread with jam
1 banana and 1 glass non-fat milk

SNACK: 300 calories (65 grams of carbs)
1 banana
2 slices of bread or 2 pcs pandesal w/ peanut butter or jam or granola bar OR 1 pack wheat crackers

LUNCH: 700 calories (105 grams of carbs)
2 cups rice or pasta
Viand (chicken or fish or pork or beef)
Apple or pear

SNACK: 300 calories (65 grams of carbs)
1 banana
2 slices of bread or 2 pcs pandesal with chicken or jam OR granola bar OR 1 pack wheat crackers

DINNER: 600 calories (70 grams of carbs)
1 cup rice or pasta
Viand with cooked veggies (chicken or fish or pork or beef)
Apple or pear and 1 cup yogurt or 250 ml low-fat milk

Popular ortho surgeon and Gatorade Science Institute consultant, Dr. George Canlas spoke on hydration for marathoners and provided important tips for proper hydration on race day.  He entertained us with several images of broken bones and twisted body parts…ack!  But, he also left us with an important formula which he advised we all remember:

Weight loss during exercise per hour


Fluid consumed during exercise per hour


Hourly sweat rate


The runners were free to ask questions on nutrition and hydration, such as this runner who asked about  question that was surely in many a marathoners minds: drinking beer the week before marathon day…
