Century Superbods Run Press Con

Friday, 29 January 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Guess where I was earlier today?  I was less than two feet away from Derek Ramsay and his well-toned abs.  I was so near I could practically feel it.  Too bad he kept it well hidden underneath his shirt.

It was the press conference for the CENTURY SUPERBODS RUN at National Sports Grill in Greenbelt 3. I was seated not far from the stage where Derek along with the Century Tuna Superbods, Kaye Lopez, and the host, Reema Chanco talked about the upcoming race.

Prior to that, details of the race were presented along with the video of the 21k route in 3D.  This is definitely going to be one big event. Looks like Century Tuna is pulling out all the stops to make this a success with a well-organized race, plus bonus of loot bags, Superbods go see, Photovendo, RunPix analysis, and a raffle after the race.

– Kaye, Derek, Century Tuna Superbods –

During the interview, Derek admitted that he wasn’t into running and ran only in his other sports. He’ll be joining the 5k race on Feb. 21. A friend said Derek is a natural athlete who, even without training, could probably outrun Piolo. (I wonder!) As for the Superbods, the guy doesn’t run and the girl was a highschool track athlete.  She runs a bit to stay in shape.  The only serious (and fast) runner onstage was Kaye.  So, I watched them from my seat and started to drift off. You know, it’s never fun to listen to non-runners dryly talk about a sport you love so much.  I’m just hoping that, by the time they finish their race, they’ll be hooked for life too like the rest of us (insert evil laughter here).

– Blurry pic of Pam of Timex, Marga of Run Radio, and Vima (Kulit Runner) –

– with Jay (Prometheus Cometh), Vima, Marga, Raymund (Everybody Loves Raymund), Bards (Banana Running) –

After the presscon, we had dessert and continued to talk more about—what else—Derek’s abs…I mean, running…

IMG_2402 – dessert with more kwento –

The Century Superbods Run will be on February 21, 2010.  Registration is open until February 15, 2010.  Race distance: 3k/ 5k/ 10k/ 21k. Click here to visit their website.

Updated Registration Center for Run United

Wednesday, 27 January 2010  |  Race Announcements

Please note some changes in registration for Run United:

rununited_flyer back copy

Do You Dream of Marathons?

Wednesday, 27 January 2010  |  Race Announcements

– Last kilometer of my first marathon at QC International Marathon. The inspiration behind this event –

So, you’ve ran 5ks, then 10ks, and maybe a 21k…and now you want more.  You want what every serious runner dreams of: THE MARATHON. All 42.195km of it.

You want to join the elite club only 1/10th of 1% of the world ever does.

You want to test your limits.

You want to do something big in your life.


You’re a beginner.  You don’t know what to expect, how to train, or who to consult.  Heck, you don’t even know which marathon to join!

Surprise surprise. We’ve dreamed up something for you: a unique and special marathon that will guide you every step of the way during training, one that will provide support and friendship like you’ve never experienced in a race before, one that will make the 42k journey as fun-filled, safe, and memorable as possible.

Soon: a marathon for beginners created by runners who remember the best of their first marathons and only want YOU to experience the same.


Check this blog for the official launch…

Happy Birthday, Tita Cory

Tuesday, 26 January 2010  |  Bullish Insights

– Mayi, Jake, and Pio (in the back) before the run –

Last night, the iamNinoy Runners Group donned their yellow shirts and gathered at Bonifacio High Street to run for what would’ve been our beloved President Corazon Aquino’s 77th Birthday.  With yellow balloons in hand, we ran easy, “kwento” pace around BHS in memory of Tita Cory.

– All set for the birthday run –

As Monday is my only rest day per week, I ran just one loop around BHS (a measly 1.2k) and enjoyed the company of other iamNinoy members. It was nice to finally have time to chat with other members of the group, which started only at 50 runners when we launched in Condura Run last 2009, to over 1,500 runners to date.  Our group is not a political group (doesn’t matter who you’re voting for President in May!) but one that hopes to make heroes out of every runner.  Right now, we run to help reverse the education crisis in the country.

After everyone had finished running (well, we had to stop Jake from doing his 20k so that we could eat already!), we headed over to a nearby bar (complete with disco lights!) for some beer and food.  Phiten gave away 5 Phiten necklaces to some lucky winners.

– Paolo Abrera tries the Phiten tape for his injury –

– Happy Birthday, Tita Cory! Top (L to R): AnPaul, myself, Iya, Drew, Mayi, Pio, Lala’s hubby, Francis. Bottom (L to R): Jed, Lala, Grace, Totoy –

1st Run Green Marathon

Tuesday, 26 January 2010  |  Race Reports

As with everything in every parents’ life, our kids’ needs come before ours. When it comes to running, the same is true.

Last Sunday, I planned on running 35km while hubby’s goal was 20km. Thing is, two weeks ago, our kids expressed interest for the 3k DLSZ run in Ayala Alabang, so the entire family was signed for the 3k run that morning. That meant, 3k race + 32km = 35km for me…oh booooy.


Hubby and I got up at 4:30 am and ran as far as we could with the goal of making it back by 5:30 am. We covered 9km.

Then, I ran back into the house, got both kids dressed and ready, changed into fresh clothes, hydrated, and rushed back out for the race.  (This sounds very simple, but any parent will know that this was easier said than done!)


Runners awaiting the race start. 3k started 15 mins late –

– Little Bull Runners all set for the race. Little Miss Bull Runner was in full running gear…including her Powerpuff Girls headband, bracelet, and ring –

– The key to encouraging kids to run is to get them excited. I announced that each of them could bring their own towel (pink for my daughter, blue for my son), Sports Beans, and water bottles. It worked like magic! –

Hubby ran with my son, while I ran with my daughter. My son was amazing. His improvement from his past races was noticeable: no more whining nor complaining, and he didn’t make a quick dash at the start anymore; he ran and walked at a good pace all throughout.

As for Little Miss Bull Runner, she was quite a comedienne. When the gun was fired, she rushed out so fast, we both almost tripped over a hump.

– Lolo ran with us. So, whenever she spotted him closing in on her from behind, she would speed up. –

All the while she was trying to chase her Kuya up in front. By 1.5km though, she started getting tired. She refused to run and walked all the way, which was fine by me as long as she was having fun.

– Little Miss Bull Runner even asked me to stop and take photos of the flowers along the route. –

– Another request for a photo with flowers. She was obviously having a blast –

– Gatorade break near the finish –

– Little Miss Bull Runner was all smiles despite the exhaustion. Sounds like someone I know –

When we neared the finish line, I told her: “It’s nicer to run when you cross the finish line.” She replied: “But I’m so tired.” I allowed her to walk and just repeated: “It’s just nicer so people see you running when you cross the…” and before I could end my sentence, she had grabbed me by the arm and began to run.

– Happy finish –

– Lolo, hubby, and the kids –

– The family’s 3rd 3k –


After tons of high fives and kisses and a drive through at McDo as the kids’ rewards, hubby and I took them to the in laws and proceeded with our run. We ran together for another 10k under the cloudy skies then hubby headed back home.

By 9:30am, I was alone starting on another loop, hoping to run another 16k. I was enjoying my alone time until the heat started getting more intense. By 10:30am, when I felt like I was being fried (!), I called it a day and finished 8k.

I didn’t make my goal distance of 35k and I was disappointed. My total distance: 30k.

* No race review for 1st Run Green Marathon. I believe I was too busy with the kids to pay attention to major race details.