QCIM: My First Marathon

Monday, 19 October 2009  |  Favorite Posts, Race Reports

I woke up at 3 a.m. yesterday morning expecting to run a slow and easy 32km at the first Quezon City International Marathon. Little did I know that I would end the race as a marathoner. Yes, I finally achieved my long time dream of finishing the full 42.195km. You’re surprised? I was too!

Here’s the full story:


I was to meet good friend and now training partner, Alvin, at the assembly area. He was to run the full marathon while I was to stop at 32km. Target pace: 6:30 min/km. I was registered for the 21km but I was to start with 42k at 4:30 a.m. so Alvin and I could run together. Unfortunately, Alvin and I didn’t find each other before gun start.


Of all people to bump into during the last minute before race start, I was lucky enough to have found great company. I ran alongside Run Radio co-host, Jay (Prometheus Cometh) and Atty. Raymund who celebrated his 30th birthday that very day.

No pressures for this run. It was just a training run for me after all! We ran at an easy 6:15 chatting and laughing along U.P. and Commonwealth before the sun rose.

– with Raymund, the birthday boy, and Jay (Prometheus Cometh) –

Occasionally, we would get cheers from others: young students with whom my two running buddies exchanged high fives with like celebrities, race volunteers (one even yelled out “Mabuhay and kababaihan!” to me at which I replied “Mabuhay!”), and even Coach Rio, who shouted what I thought was the word “Injury!” from his vehicle only for me to find out from Jay that it was actually “Jaymie!” We met interesting people along the way too: Love Anover of Unang Hirit, who was Atty. Raymund’s support and John Pages of Cebu Marathon along with his brother.

– with Raymund and Cebu marathoners, John and Bro. Carlos –

– Looks like we were going at 4 min/km pace. But it’s probably the photographer who went that fast –


It was smooth and easy all the way until La Mesa Eco Park. Entering the area was a wonderful break from the monotony of the city roads, but the course was also quite challenging. The hills were undulating and steep. As we didn’t care about speed nor time, we took frequent walking breaks during the climbs while chatting away.

My favorite part of the entire course was here. The course took us by the dam, where the temperature cooled and the view of the water and the trees was much more scenic; I felt like I was in Subic.


When we exited La Mesa Eco Park, it wasn’t only back to urban reality, but even worse. As we ran by SM Fairview, the road traffic was terrible with cars and buses sweeping past us. If that wasn’t dangerous enough, the air was polluted, not the best atmosphere for health-conscious runners. And, worst of all, water ran out at the stations. Thank God I still had 4 ounces of Gatorade left in my amphipod.

When we hit North Avenue and Commonwealth again, it was back to safe and relaxed running. By this time, it was just Jay and I running together. Half of the road was blocked, so we could view (and hear) irate motorists stuck in traffic. Although I was on the other side of the road, the traffic posed a huge problem for me; it meant that the hubby wouldn’t be able to pick me up at Km32 on Commonwealth. I had brought my cellphone with me, so I texted Hubby to say that I would run back to City Hall instead, which would be around 35km.


By 30km, Jay and I parted ways and I ran the rest of the race alone. Still on training pace mode, I maintained an easy 6:15 to 6:30 pace and took walk breaks, especially at the climbs. By this time, water had been replenished at the stations, so I stopped at every station to take a sip and drench my head and arms with cold water.

I hit the 32km mark alone. Much to my pleasant surprise, I was feeling great—no pains, no blisters, no tightness—so it was then that this Bull started welcoming nasty thoughts of just going for the full 42k.

Soon after, I spotted Hector of Second Wind, almost like an angel (but darker and on a mountain bike), sweeping down the road with a bagful of yellow Gatorade popsicles. Manna from heaven! I thanked him profusely and, as he left, Neville, his best friend and Team Principal of Pinoy Ultra Runners arrived. He started to bike slowly by my side.


Neville stayed with me from then on until the end. As the leader of PUR, this guy knows how to support a runner in need. He carried my hydration belt to lighten my load. He didn’t ask endless questions nor did he bombard me with small talk. He was silent most of the time, except for the instances when he’d share info about the course ahead. He advised me to just decide at Km35, when we passed the assembly area at QC City Hall, if I should stop or go for the full.

We passed Km35 with no fanfare nor talk. In silence, I had decided to push through with the bullish, foolish, or whatever-adjective-you-wish-to-describe-it decision to run the full marathon a little less than two months in advance of my planned first marathon in Singapore.

During these last 10km, I was fearfully expecting to hit the much talked about “wall.” I took one step at a time, listened to my body, and waited, but “the wall” thankfully never came. My legs were completely fine. My mind was calm and confident.

When we hit 37km, Neville told me “the last 5k will be the longest 5kms of your entire life.” As I went through each of them, it was quite the opposite; I actually enjoyed it. Each kilometer marker didn’t leave me thinking “4 or 3 or 2 more kilometers to go…” but I was thinking “Wow, I’ve done 38…39…40…Cool!”

Neville then told me, “You’ll enter Trinoma for 500m and I’ll wait for you here outside. After that, it’s just 500m to go.” I ran in, hit the turn around at the end, and exited unscathed. I spotted Neville and ran once again until the end.


I crossed the finish 4:54:23 according to my Polar. Clock time read 4:55:36. I couldn’t be happier with a sub-5 for an unplanned and ill-prepared training run turned impromptu marathon. I didn’t shed a tear nor jump up for joy. I ended the run in a state of disbelief, excited to see the hubby who was famished by that time (as he only learned I ran the full when I was at 40k!)

– A race I trained for since I started running in 2006 –

– Big thank you to Neville of PUR! Ultra next year? Game! –

As they say: Running is a metaphor for life. In this QC International Marathon, I was proud to have gotten a glimpse of my life in a 42k. I learned that obstacles shouldn’t be feared but used to jumpstart a stronger, better you; that friends will be there for entertainment, for company, or most importantly, for support when you need them most; that you must grab every opportunity thrown your way and try your darndest best to make full use of it; and that no matter what you go through, the one who loves you most will be the one waiting for you at the finish.

– 42km: DONE! –

* Thank you to Raymund for some of the photos.

Nike+ Human Race 10k

Saturday, 17 October 2009  |  Race Announcements

Run Forward


Date: October 24, 2009
Distance: 10k
Time: anytime
Place: anywhere in the world

Nike provides an avenue for runners around the world to converge and run in one day through the Nike+ Human Race 10K. By synching their runs onto www.nikeplus.com.ph, runners at any place in the world can compare statistics with other runners by syncing their respective Sportbands any time on the 24th of October.


Nike has chosen key cities around the world where official Nike+ Human Race events will be held. Unfortunately, the Philippines was not chosen as an official race city. (Now, now, I know how we Pinoys can get all patriotic and can raise hell over not being picked. But, don’t sweat the small stuff. Our time will come.)


Since we are not an official race city, Nike Philippines offers runners the opportunity to run their 10k with others. Nike partnered with Subic International Marathon to provide Human Race participants a venue to run together.

The virtual Nike+ Human Race 2009 will be part of the Subic International Marathon on October 24, 2009, 4 PM. It will be a sundown run, so people can actually drive to Subic in the morning in time for the afternoon race and get home after the race as well. Participants of the 10K leg, regardless if they have a Sportband or a Nike+ kit, will get a limited edition Finisher’s Bracelet to certify their accomplishment of running with the world. The only thing Nike required is that you register in the Nike+ website. There will be laptops set-up at the finish line for those who haven’t registered yet so they can register on the spot.

– Partnering with SIM does not make the Philippines an official race city.
– The Nike+ Human Race as part of the Subic International Marathon isn’t free and you still have to register for this. For the details of the registration, just visit www.subicinternationalmarathon.com/sim09/


To make the Nike+ Human Race more exciting, Nike has chosen 5 Nike Ambassadors to lead their own teams. They are:
– Team Banana Running, Bards Bathan (Banana Running)
– Team Steady Lang, Lino Cayetano
– Team Tatanka, Tata Garcia
– Reema’s Road Racers, Reema Chanco
– Team Weekend Warriors, Jinno Rufino

No brainer. I’m signing up with friend and fellow addicted runner, Bards of Team Banana Running. You should too!  Click here and join Team Banana Running NOW!

Runnr Soon to Open in Cebu

Friday, 16 October 2009  |  Race Announcements

RUNNR is going to break the tape with its 2nd store in Cebu this November! Target opening date is Nov. 13, 2009

Good news to Cebuano runners out there: Runnr is looking for people to join their team. The number one criteria: You have to be a passionate runner. If you are interested, you can email hrd@runnr.com.ph. By the way, running and trying out the gear is definitely part of the job!

UPDATE: RUNNR will be located in 2/F Ayala Center, Cebu.

Runner’s Interview: Mari Javier

Wednesday, 14 October 2009  |  Interviews + Features


Mari Javier is a relatively new runner having picked up the sport just a year ago, but he’s already got a 3:34 marathon and an ultramarathon under his belt.  In the October issue of TBR Magazine, I featured him on “Personal Record” which showcases a real runner and his/her race times. Below is the interview I had with him where I tried to fish out answers from this busy corporate executive (like many of you out there) who can work hard and train even harder.

Name: Mari Javier
Job: PLDT, Relationship Management (Corporate Business)
Years running: 11 months
Age: 37
Team: Team Baldrunner, Hardcore runners


5k 18 mins
10k 38 mins
15k 57 mins
21k 1 hr 29 mins
42k 3 hrs 34 mins
102k 12 hrs 30 mins

How and when did you start running?

I officially got hooked on running when a friend invited me to join the Adidas KOTR 2008 last October where I finished the 21K in 2hrs 15mins, the Adidas KOTR 2009 will be my anniversary run which will be quite tricky considering I will be driving home after the Smart-SIM 42K to be held the day before the Adidas race.


You have a 9-to-5 job, but you can train as fast and hard as other serious athletes. How do you strike a balance between your career and training?

It’s no secret that this involves a lot of time-management between my profession and passion, it’s not easy to begin with to tell you the truth, however once I started serious running I discovered a lot about my self-belief that I can consistently improve on all levels whether it be in time, distance or terrain variety, I am quite convinced that this also holds true in life which is what makes it all the more worthwhile.

You run long (ultramarathon) and yet you are also fast (3:34 Marathon). How do you manage to train for speed and distance simultaneously without getting injured?

I really listen to my body and don’t push it when I don’t feel in running form although there I really try to discipline myself never to miss a scheduled workout day I just adjust the type of workout depending on how I feel, I really try to take recovery fluids after training/races, massages every 1-2 weeks, rest whenever possible.

You have to be smart in running ultras as this is all about energy and hydration management, there are just so many intangibles involved which makes it exciting. I have learned what I did right, wrong and what I need to definitely improve my 9th place finish for the 2nd BDM ultramarathon this coming March, running marathons will be my distance training and some while working the track on intervals will be for speed.

Urbanite Run_4_Good
– Kenny’s Urbanite 2009 –

Can you give us a peek into your weekly training program?

I train with the Team Baldrunner elites and this is normally my weekly running program:

Monday (Rest) … exception is a holiday then I do a long run

Tuesday (AM: 30min. 6K warmup) / (PM: interval training, either 400m at lactate threshold ave. 70 to 75 secs., 800m, or 1000m ave. 3:30/km) or a 5K session (60m fast, 40m jog for 5K)

Wednesday (PM: tempo run, 30 to 45 mins)

Thursday (AM: long run, normally around 2hrs either in Antipolo hills or Camp Aguinaldo)

Friday (AM: 30min. 6K warmup) / (PM: tempo run, 45mins to 1hr)

Saturday (AM: 30min. 6K warmup)

Sunday (AM: Long Run or Race Day)

What do you love about running?

I love continuously pushing myself past the boundaries of my physical capabilities, if I were a car, I would have probably been an automobile convertible – now I feel like i’m the sportscar version, just like life, running is extremely challenging and ultimately mentally rewarding once you hit the finish.

– Milo Baguio 2009 –

What is your next goal?

For October, it would be the Milo National Finals (42K), QCIM (42K recovering as a pacer for the 4:15 group), Subic (42K), Pasig International Marathon in November and then Singapore this December, I am crossing my fingers and hope to do the Cebu Marathon and Condura this January and February 2010 respectively.

What is your dream race?

I would love to qualify for Boston and also run one of the Ultramarathon 100milers like the Western States 100.


  • Favorite race distance: 10K to 21K as of the moment
  • Running course: around the Fort for long runs and Ultra for track workouts
  • Shoe: Adizero Tempo (marathons), Adizero Ace/CS racing flats for 21Ks and below
  • Powersong: None yet but my finishing kicker would be “Lose Yourself” (will have a playlist for the BDM102 last 50K)
  • Favorite Pre-race Meal: boiled eggs and bananas
  • Cross training activities, if any: none as of the Moment, CAMSUR here I come … =)

To read more Runners’ Interviews, click here.

* Photos courtesy of Ben Chan, Blacksheep Photography.

3rd Issue of TBR Magazine Out NOW

Wednesday, 14 October 2009  |  News + Promos


The Bull Runner Magazine – Oct-Dec issue is out NOW! Grab your FREE copies at your favorite races and places!  Click here for a complete list.

You can also pick up copies on October 16, Friday from 9pm to 10pm while Run Radio is on air.  Drop by NU 107 station at G/F AIC Gold Tower, Emerald Ave. cor Garnet St., Pasig City.

We had a minor delay in printing as our printer’s plant, located in Cainta, Rizal, was flooded during Typhoon Ondoy. But, we made it just in time for QC International Marathon where we’ll also be giving out free copies.

Our 3rd issue is packed with even more information:

– COVER STORY: The Sea Princess and New York City Marathon Finisher and recent finisher of Ironman 70.3 in Camsur, Tessa Prieto-Valdes, shows us how she celebrates life through running
– The Ultimate Runners’ Gift Guide
– Run Safe and Smart by Coach Patrick Joson
– C.A.R.B.S. for Weight Loss by Mitch Felipe
– 5 Healthy Holiday Treats by Mitch Felipe
– Running in Banaue and Sagada featuring Simon Sandoval, Pinoy Ultra Marathoner and recent finisher of TNF Ultra Trail du Mont-Blanc in France
– Q+A: Do I really need insoles? by Dr. George Canlas and What’s the best sunblock for running? by Marie Calica
– Personal Record: featuring Mari Javier
– Running Calendar (races and clinics)
– Running Directory

Want to hear some good news? Within the week, you can download the PDF version of TBR Magazine on this blog! That will include our past issues, too.

I do hope you enjoy our Holiday issue!

Thank you to my team and the advertisers who made the 3rd issue possible!