Eco Dash Race Report

Monday, 14 September 2009  |  Race Reports

Overall rating (10 highest): 7

• Enjoyable race course.
• Organizers set up tents for runners due to the rain.
• Race was delayed by 30 mins to accommodate late runners due to the rain.
• Adequate water and Gatorade at stations.

• Lack of km markers along the route.

The Eco Dash was a well-organized and smooth run (no pun intended). The half marathon course took runners around Glorietta, which was a delightful change from the usual Buendia route. Despite the pouring rain, the organizers managed the affair fairly well, providing tents and delaying race start to wait for runners who arrived late due to the weather. The Eco Dash was one of those races that you could miss, but had you joined, you would’ve left feeling glad that you did. 



The night before the race, I did a little rain dance, sang a couple of out of tune songs, and placed this in my Facebook status and twitter pages: “all set for the Eco Dash half marathon tomorrow. I hope it rains!”  

At 3:45 a.m., hubby and I woke up to the wonderful sound of the pitter-patter of raindrops on our roof.  I got my wish…woohoo!  Then, within a few minutes, the rain poured madly and loudly.  Uh oh, this was much more than I asked for, I thought.  But, what the heck, we dressed, packed our rain jackets into our bags, and left the house…albeit a little bit late.


The half marathon race start was 5:00 a.m.  I arrived at the Bonifacio High Street parking lot at 5:25 a.m.  Thankfully, the organizers moved all race start times 30 minutes later as most runners were late as well.

I left hubby to park (his 10k race started at 6:00 a.m.) and headed for the starting chute.  There, I found Mon Domingo of Happy Feet who introduced me to Leo Valdez, yes the ultra-talented singer who played the engineer in Miss Saigon.  As if on cue, my good friend, Kim (same name as the lead character in Miss Saigon) approached me along with her friend, Ivy.  We chat briefly until the race begins.


My target pace for this half marathon was 6:40 min/km, in other words, kwento- or chatting-pace, which is my favorite pace of all!  I find that, at this pace, the time flies by quickly and I usually end the run without injury nor pains in my legs.  Sure, I won’t end with a PR, but that really isn’t my goal for now.

It was great then that I found myself running alongside good friends JunC (Solemates) and Dindo (runningDATcom), who has been sorely missed after his Milo Marathon a few months back.  We ran together under the rain, chatting away about anything under the…rain.

The strong rains didn’t let up: we ran wet and soaked.  In the beginning, I would try to avoid puddles to avoid getting my feet wet, but after a while, it just didn’t matter anymore.  The weather was cool and sometimes windy, which was good since I didn’t feel tired nor thirsty at all.  I took my Fuel Belt with me—2 8-0z bottle of Gatorade and 1 bottle of water—but only sipped after the first 10km.  That’s how cool it was!  I cannot count how many times I told my running buddies “This is so much fun!” 

From Bonifacio Global City until we descended Buendia flyover to head off to Lawton, the three of us ran side-by-side.  When we reached Chowking, I bid them goodbye as I had to make a visit to the little girls’ room.  When I got out, I bumped into another friend, Charlie, who I hadn’t seen for quite some time as well.

Charlie and I chatted through the rest of the race.  There was talk about massage, ITBS (the evil injury we’re both plagued with), triathlons, and many more.  Before we knew it, we were down to the last kilometer to the finish. Jonel (BugoBugo), who had finished and was running the opposite way for his extended long run, accompanied us instead until the finish line.  Jonel told us “Finish strong. Go for a sprint.”  I was feeling strong, but I replied to Jonel “Nah, it’s okay.  I’m running slow and easy until the end.”  That really was my plan, and that’s how I ended it with a smile.

My Polar recorded a time of 2:14 (I paused it during my bathroom break).  Not bad for a happy run with friends.

* Sorry, no race photos!  I enjoyed the run so much, I completely forgot to pull out the camera!

Race to the Provinces!

Friday, 11 September 2009  |  Race Announcements

My friends and I were chatting about the running boom recently, saying how we’re not even at the peak yet. We wondered how running would evolve in the months to come: the expected increase in numbers of registrants per race (if Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon can reach 50,000 registrants.  Why can’t we?), potential growth of trail running, ultramarathons, and triathlons, and the possibility of running and races trickling down to other areas of the country. For the latter, it looks like it’s starting to happen with major race events (aside from the Milo series) heading for the provinces. Isn’t it great?!

1) TNF in CDO. This will be an awesome race to join. After my thrilling TNF experience at Clark, I’m seriously tempted to try it again. But, CDO will have to wait.  I cannot just abandon all the great marathons in Manila during October and I have to start saving up for Singapore!  Maybe next year if they’ll have a second run…


2) Cebu Marathon. This is one race to look forward to. It would be a wonderful reason to travel and a good alternative to racing abroad. Click here to visit website.

Cebu Marathon

3) Camsur Marathon? I heard rumors of a Camsur Marathon in the works right after the successful Ironman 70.3 last month. This would be a great race too, if they start very early to beat the heat (which I heard was a killer at Ironman 70.3.)

I predict more provincial races in the months to come.  Perhaps the good people at Cebu Pacific or Philippine Airlines can offer discounted running packages to spur the growth of running and local tourism at the same time?  Great idea, huh?

New Balance Power Race Registration

Thursday, 10 September 2009  |  Race Announcements

I dropped by Runnr this afternoon to register for New Balance Power Race on Sept. 27 and I was shocked to discover registration at Runnr was closed.  In panic, I asked Bing of New Balance where I could still register for the race.  She replied that, as of today, runners can still register only at the following stores:

  • Planet Sports Rockwell
  • Planet Sports Trinoma
  • New Balance Festival Mall
  • New Balance Glorietta
  • New Balance Shangrila
  • Runnr – starting tomorrow Sept. 11, Friday

Lesson learned:  With running at a boom nowadays, register as early as possible.  The early bird catches the race bib at the cheapest fee.

iamNinoy Heroes Run

Thursday, 10 September 2009  |  Bullish Insights

The iamNinoy Runners Group met yesterday for Heroes Run, a tribute run to commemorate the 40th day since Tita Cory’s passing, by running past heroes’ monuments, Gabriela Silang, Pio del Pilar, and Ninoy Aquino along Ayala Triangle.  


– Assembly area was near the Ninoy Aquino monument –

– Marga stars in the movie “Up” –

– Banggiiiii! –

– with Banggi and Marga. BWK reunited! –

– Jam and Paolo –

– Fellow iamNinoy steercom member, Mayi –

– Gatorade for iamNinoy Runners. Of course, it had to be yellow, too! –

– Marga, Mark, and fellow iamNinoy runner! (Sorry, please send your name!) –

– Bobby and Vimz –

Despite the rains and traffic, over 30 runners, clad in yellow iamNinoy shirts, showed up to become “heroes” for the day.  Each 1.2km loop covered by a runner raised P100 to be donated by a corporate sponsor to 57:75 Movement, a non-profit organization which seeks to reverse the education crisis in the country by contributing funds to purchase textbooks, provide meals, or build schools for public schools nationwide. 

– Photographer Ben registers and commits to run a number of loops to raise funds for textbooks and schools – 


– iamNinoy runners off to run loops around Ayala –



– Why do we run? Just read the back of our shirts! –

– Hearty meal and “rehydration” at Dencio’s after Heroes Run –

If you would like to know more about the iamNinoy Runners Group or if you are interested in joining, click here.

Many thanks to Mayor Binay, Ayala Land, Gatorade, and Ben Chan and birthday boy, Maui Hidalgo of Blacksheep Photography!

Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 3

Tuesday, 8 September 2009  |  Race Reports

I didn’t join this one to race.  I came to provide moral support to the organizer (my sister and friends!), to take a stand for breastfeeding, to run (of course!), and last but not the least, to enjoy!  

The atmosphere in Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 3 at Bonifacio Global City last Sept. 5 was laid-back and fun.  With a jester juggling, a man on stilts, a big blue teddy bear mascot, and moms and kids strolling about, a runner would’ve thought he stumbled into a kiddie party instead of a run.  But, one quick look at the sea of pink runners pinning their race bibs, stretching, or warming up, and one would know it was truly a fun run.  


– with my sis and partner for Urban Mom Magazine, Janice Villanueva, and our dear friend, Rome Kanapi, childbirth preparation class instructor –

– Mesh (My Iron Shoes), Ting, Bards (Banana Running) and friends –

– My cousins, Camille and Candy and daughter, Katie, with Tonette, future marathoner –

– Charmaine (Correr Conmigo) and Taki (Techspec) with their unstoppable little runner, Meekha –

– They look like running twins! –

The great thing about this run was the variety of runners that showed up: non-runners such as pregnant and breastfeeding moms, newbie runners hoping to gain their first friendly race experience, serious runners bringing friends and family along, hardcore ultramarathoners (in pink too, mind you), and even the elite.  Despite the various backgrounds, runners of all shapes and sizes were there to have a good time.

– Off we go! –

– Hardcore runners: Bald Runner, Lester, Mari and Jonel –

– Kids and dogs joined the fun –

– Recent Ironman 70.3 team relay finisher (swim leg), Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan and her Lola finishing the 3k –

– Swthrt (Broj) and son –

– Mariel (Solemates) and daughter Mica –

As for me, I planned on running 15k (and the hubby 10k) before Mommy Milkshake, plus another 5k with the hubby and kids.  Due to the rains, I slept longer than expected (whoops!) and thought it best to keep the kids at home.  So, the hubby and I arrived at the race with enough time to run only 5k.  We ran 5k during the race after which I ran another 6k to complete a full 16k as prescribed in my training program.  It was an enjoyable run under cool weather.  Even better with great friends and family around!

– with Mariel, Bea, Sofia, and Mika, Marga, Patrick and friends, hubby, Vimz and Art and their kids, Aljo –

– with Marga, Patrick (Nike+ 5k Challenger on Run Radio), and hubby.  Congrats on your “bitin” 3k, Patrick! –

DSC_0127 copy
– Fun, fun, fun! That’s what it’s about, guys! –