Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 3

Monday, 17 August 2009  |  Race Announcements


Here’s a fun race for families: Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 3. My sister organizes this event every year. It’s the least competitive, but most fun-filled and relaxed race you could join. I’ll definitely be there with the kids.

Click below to read about previous years’ races:
Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 1 (2007)
Mommy Milkshake Marathon Year 2 (2008)

To register, click here. Limited slots available. Registration is free.

For more information, email or call 7809898.

Kenny’s Urbanite Run

Monday, 17 August 2009  |  Race Announcements

Kenny’s Urbanite Open Run

Overall Rating (10 highest): 8
Organizer: Finish Line


• Unique night race
• Party atmosphere
• Disposable timing chip
• Well-organized race event
• Adequate drinking stations with ample supply of Powerade and water
• Presence of marshals all throughout the route
• Bag of goodies after the race


• Disorganized race packet redemption

The concept of a major race event held under the night sky with a party atmosphere was a novel idea. With over 3,900 avid runners filling the streets of Bonifacio High Street, it was evident that the event was a success. The race itself was very well-organized with marshals guiding runners through the dark streets, ample water stations, and secure roads for runners to run safely. It was the pre-race events, specifically the redemption period, that needs improvement. Congratulations to Kenny Rogers and Finishline for a race to remember!



I’m a morning runner. So, when the Kenny’s Urbanite Run was announced, I wasn’t too keen on running 15k starting at 9:00p.m. My training program required 21k that Saturday, so plan was to run 15k Saturday morning, 5k during Kenny’s, plus 1k after the race.

Hubby and I lazily woke up at 5:30 a.m. Saturday forcing ourselves to get dressed for our run. We were to meet JunC in Makati. Shortly after we got up, the rain started to pour. Instantly, we used it as our excuse to creep back into bed again.

By 8 a.m., I started to feel pangs of guilt. How could I give up on a run so easily earlier that morning? Rain is never an excuse! One should fulfill the requirements of a training program to the letter, except for the following reasons: 1) sick children, 2) burning house, or 3) earthquake.

In 30 minutes, I was in my trisuit ready to drive off to the nearest olympic-sized pool. In between bites of his sinangag and crispy pusit, hubby called on me to wait for him as he wanted to swim too.

Driven by pure remorse, I swam the farthest distance ever for me: 1.5k. I felt awesome—and psyched. I told hubby I was going to run before the Kenny race too.


Fast forward to that evening, by 6:30 p.m., we were at Bonifacio High Street ready for our pre-race run. Roads were heavily congested and parking lots filled to the brim as runners and shoppers converged in the area. One could spot runners everywhere—walking about, carbo-loading at restaurants (which was a bad idea before a race), or shopping for last minute race necessities—wearing their Kenny’s Urbanite singlets. I thought to myself: How far running has come! For a race to create this much noise (and traffic!), unlike the smaller races of the past, was an amazing sight. It was surreal!

We met JunC and Mariel at Runnr and proceeded to head out of Bonifacio High Street. We ran at an easy pace in one straight line to avoid any untoward incidents with oncoming cars. We ran towards Forbes Town, around the condominiums, crossed over to Medical City and Lexus showroom, and headed back to BHS. Mariel and hubby stopped earlier, while Jun and I ran two more loops to cover exactly 10k.

The run was truly an urban run as we weaved through the traffic in the night. It was a different experience from my serene and relaxing morning runs through quiet roads, but just as enjoyable.


– Francis, Pia, Jamike, Rapa, Jay, myself, Mariel, Mayi and Didi (photo courtesy of Enrique Quiason) –

30 minutes before race start, after downing a bottle of Gatorade, I met fellow iamNinoy runners near our booth, while the hubby met his colleagues from work. I walked over to the assembly area with the Lopas: Jamike and Mayi, Rapa, Didi and their daughter, Pia, and The Solemates Jun and Mariel. The crowd was enthusiastic, cheery, and loud. For a while there, I wondered if I was at a race or a concert!

The gun started and we were off. We ran at a slow, relaxed pace amidst all the other runners finding their spot on the road. For the first few kilometers, I ran alongside Jamike and Pia at an easy pace. No matter the other runners who were sprinting ahead. I told myself this was an extension of my 10k run.

A few minutes later, as we climbed up towards Lawton, I was getting itchy feet (figuratively speaking!) Jun was running beside me and I told him “How tempting to run faster!” not really as a statement but a subtle invitation for us to speed up. He replied “Easy lang!” Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears. Upon entering McKinley Hill, I spotted iamNinoy members, Javy and Drew, who sped ahead. To hell with it, I thought. I increased my speed at McKinley Hill and so did JunC (hah!)

I didn’t get to check my pace anymore. I felt like we were running at 5:30 to 5:45 from McKinley until the end. Jun was way ahead of me and I honestly couldn’t keep up. The 10k before the race definitely sucked all my energy. Plus, I left all my Hammer gels in the car.

I finished the race at 31 minutes (unofficial). I didn’t bother to check my race or time as I wasn’t in full race mode. I was surprised to see my brother, Chappy, and his girlfriend, Budiday, (not their real names but my terms of endearment) and daughter, Zoe, near the finish. This was an obvious sign that the two will be jumping into the running bandwagon soon. Yahoo!

After chatting with running friends, hubby and I left race grounds and missed the post-race festivities. We had a late dinner at Friday’s, which ruined our running high with the most terrible service ever. I knew we should’ve just stayed at Kenny’s and enjoyed viewing Marc Nelson from afar. (Pathetic eh?)

I wasn’t able to check on my messenger anymore who distributed hundreds of The Bull Runner Magazines to runners at the Finish Line for free.  I hope you were able to get a copy!

– The Bull Runner Magazine Issue 2 –

As for the missing 6k to reach the 21k in my training program, ack, I failed to run that. I’ve been trying to brush away the guilt, but it still gnawing at me. You think confession at Church will do? Or an extra 6k tonight to make up for my sins? Perhaps I’ll try both.

* Sorry for just one photo.  Left the camera in the car as I was in long run mode!

Nike Sportsband 2.0 Out Today!

Saturday, 15 August 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

I have had a love/hate relationship with the Nike+ Sports Kit and Nike+ Sportsband.

Way back in 2007, the Nike+ Sports Kit (used with the ipod Nano) was my first foray into the world of high-tech running gear. It got me hooked into tracking my distance, pace, time, and calories to help improve my performance. Shortly after, I got my Garmin Forerunner 305 and enjoyed the accuracy of GPS-based information, so the Nike+ Sports Kit was shelved.

In 2008, the Nike+ Sportsband was launched shortly before the Nike Human Race. I was impressed with the new sleeker look, however the product fell below standards due to problems with the screen and water-resistance. I went through three Nike+ Sportbands before I gave up on it completely.

Last June, I was one of the few who got my hands on the new and improved Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 even before it was released in the global market. Honestly, I was quite apprehensive about giving it another try. But, I’m glad I did.

– Gray/Pink Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 –

– Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 now comes in other colors –

Since I got the Nike+ Sportsband 2.0, I used two watches in my succeeding runs whenever possible: I wore the Garmin on the left wrist and the Sportsband on the right. Hence, I was able to compare the data retrieved from both.

Initially, I had problems calibrating the product. Below are results from Garmin Forerunner 305 and an uncalibrated Nike+ Sportsband:

1:12:45 min | 10.7km | 6:50 min/km | 635 calories

1:12:20 min | 15.97km | 4:31 min/km | 885 calories

Last I checked, I wasn’t elite level status, so the 4:31min/km is definitely wrong. The variance of over 5 km in distance is disappointing. However, when I finally got to calibrate the Sportsband, it produced more credible results for the Run for Home race:

2:11:19 | 21:24km | 6:11 min/km

2:11:09 | 22.45km | 5:50 min/km

– This is how my Run for Home stats looked on the Nikeplus site. Splits for every kilometer are recorded –

And for a long, slow training run with friends:

2:09 | 18.5km | 6:58 min/km

2:09 | 19.29km | 6:41 min/km

For both long distances, there’s a variance of +/- 1km in distance—not negligible, but not that bad either.

Since my Garmin died a couple of weeks ago, I have been relying solely on the Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 for tracking my runs. Needless to say, road testing this product for over two months—comparing it with another watch and using it solo—has allowed me to give you an honest and comprehensive review of the product.


  1. Sleek and simple. The new Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 looks the same as its predecessor: a sleek sportsband that’s as light as a feather.
  2. Variety of colors. While the old Sportsband came only in black with an interior dark orange, this new sportsband comes in different color combinations: grey with an interior pink band, anthracite (dark grey) with a yellow interior band, and black with a red interior band.
  3. Brighter screen. The screen has a white background so it’s easier to read stats while running.
  4. User-friendly. Plug and play, folks. Just charge it, put the sensor into your shoe, and use it for a run.
  5. Faster connection with the sensor. It connects with the sensor faster than you can say “Nike”.  No more long waits like the Sportskit.
  6. More accurate. I was extremely disappointed with distance readings in the sportskit and first sportsband. That explains why I shelved it before. While the Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 is still not the most accurate sportswatch around, it still gives you a fair reading of the distance.
  7. Long battery life. Battery could last over 10 days without recharging via USB.
  8. Water resistant. I ran over a handful of times with this under the rain. It survived! I just don’t think you’d want to try dipping it in water.
  9. Affordable. Good value for money with a cost of P3,295.  Price is reasonable compared to double digit spending for other running watches.
  10. Online community. As in previous Nike+ products, the Nike plus community where you can upload your runs, view your goals and achievements, and challenge others online is a big plus.
  11. Small and convenient sensor.  The sensor hasn’t changed, and that’s a good thing.  

– Sensor fits into a slot in Nike+ ready shoes underneath the insoles –

– Sensor can also be attached to a non-Nike+ shoe using readily available gadgets sold in the market. In this photo, I’m using the SwitchEasy –


  1. Not the most accurate pace. My pace readings were off the charts. Based on effort, there were times I felt like I was running 5:45 min/km while pace would read 6:15 then jump to 3:40 without me changing pace!
  2. Color smudges. I got the gray/pink band. After a few uses, the pink smudged over the gray area probably due to sweat or rain.
  3. Single data per screen. Coming from a Garmin which shows you up to 4 data screens, seeing just one (either time, distance, calories, or pace) onscreen was frustrating.
  4. No current time while running. Time of day can only be read when the Sportsband isn’t being used to track a walk/run.  Maybe they’ll address this with the 3.0?

Overall, the Nike+ Sportsband 2.0 is an improved version of its predecessors. Nike successfully addressed major concerns such as accuracy, screen visibility, and water-resistance. While I still wouldn’t place this in the same league as the Garmin or Polar, this watch is a fairly good entry-level watch for beginners.

Released in the market: August 15, 2009 (Today!)
Available at Nike stores
Price: P3,295

J.O.G. Woodrose Fun Run on Sept. 6

Friday, 14 August 2009  |  Race Announcements

J.O.G. (Joy of Giving) Fun Run Event for Woodrose family and friends will be held on September 6, 2009 (Sunday) with the running course plotted in Ayala Alabang Village. J.O.G. is for the completion of the three-storey GK multi-purpose center.

5:30am – Assembly, Warm Up and Race Briefing in Gate 3 area
6:30am – Start of J.O.G. running event 
9:00am – Awarding Ceremony and After-J.O.G. Activities
Running Course and Categories

The running course is mapped around Ayala Alabang Village, with Woodrose School as starting point. Choice of race courses are: 2 kilometers, 5 kilometers or 10 kilometers 

Registration and Fees

August 3 to August 20, 2009

Group of 5                 P 2,000
Group of 4                 P 1,500
Group of 3                 P 1,300
Individual                  P 600
Each participant will receive a race packet (shirt, race bib, map).

Payments can be sent to:
– 506 Country Club Drive, Ayala Alabang Village
– 5 Canterbury Dr, Hillsborough Alabang Village

Iron Man in the Making?

– The First three for male group and female group for each running category to finish the race in their respective running courses will be given recognition!
– Special prizes will also be given to the youngest and oldest participant; the family with the most number of participants, etc! Surprise!

Safety and Security
– All participants are required to wear the official JOG shirt and bib for proper identification. 

Call Micaela Agoncillo at 0920 902 6640

Crocs Prepair to Run on Sept. 13

Thursday, 13 August 2009  |  Race Announcements

It wasn’t too long ago that I was dreaming of a pair of Crocs Prepair for my birthday.  (Click here to read my Birthday Wishlist)  A couple of days after that post, I went to Crocs in Greenbelt 5 and tried all three models.  After minutes of switching between the three pairs, and as my hubby started fiddling with his cellphone and the kids began to whine, my finicky self decided to just hold off on the purchase until I could decide.  Now, much to my shock, four months have passed and I don’t have them on my feet.

Thanks to the race they are coming up with, I have a good reason to buy a pair.  Any purchase of Crocs footwear entitles you to free registration fee. (Hmm…I wonder if this will work with the hubby.)

Crocs Prepair to Run Poster 3

EVENT: Crocs Prepair…to run
Assembly Time: 5am
Start time: 10km 5:40 | 5km 5:50 | 3km 6:00
Venue: Music Hall, Mall Of Asia
Category: 3km, 5km and 10km
Reg fee: P300 pesos
Reg area: any Crocs concept store in metro manila, Free Registration for every purchase of Crocs footwear
Target participants: 1,000
Last day of Registration: September 10, 2009
Organizer: Eventking