Blame It on the Rain

Tuesday, 2 June 2009  |  Running + Triathlon

As I type this, I hear the birds chirping outside and realize that there is no sound of the rain’s pitter patter on our roof.  Finally, there’s hope of clear blue skies for today.

Normally, the rain doesn’t bother me much.  In fact, I love the occasional run that leaves me soaked not just in sweat but in rain water too.  But, lately, the unpredictable weather has been giving me much agony.

You see, I registered for Mizuno Infinity Run 15k (June 7) and Animo Tri Mini-Sprint (June 14).  I haven’t run over 10k since Condura in March and I haven’t entered a pool in days.  (I’ve been very consistent with gym work and running thrice a week each.  Oh, and thrice a week massage too, of course!)  The only saving grace in this worrisome scenario is that I registered only for a Mini-Sprint at Animo (same distance I did last year since I didn’t want to stress myself out over a 950m swim along with the kids’ start of school) so I only hope to improve my deplorable swim and bike times.

I had a lot of plans last weekend.  Not just any kind of training, but training with new tri teams and coaches:

PLAN: Short run around BHS
EXPERIENCE: cancelled due to rain, had breakfast at Pancake House instead

PLAN: First time bike-run training with Sunkist Tri-Hard Team (just a trial!)
EXPERIENCE: Skipped it due to rain, extended sleeping time instead.  Learned yesterday that they pushed through despite the rain.  

PLAN: First time swim training with tri friends and Ani de Leon
EXPERIENCE: Cancelled due to rain, 5k treadmill run instead

So many exciting plans, so much rain!  I know, I know, I shouldn’t blame my lack of training on the rain.  Still, I hope for brighter days ahead…at least for the next two weeks, please.

3rd All Terra King of The Mountain

Monday, 1 June 2009  |  Race Announcements

More trail runs anyone?

Click here to read a great write up and trail course preview from Second Wind.


Coming Soon

Monday, 1 June 2009  |  Race Announcements

Another thing for runners to get excited about. I’m not allowed to divulge anything but it’s logo for now. You’ll find out soon enough…


iamninoy Runners Vow to Fight the Education Crisis

Sunday, 31 May 2009  |  Bullish Insights

– iamninoy Runners Group members –

Last May 28, Thursday, I donned my yellow iamninoy runners t-shirt and headed for The Philippine Heritage Library to witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between iamninoy Runners Group and our beneficiary, 5775 Reverse the Education Crisis.  This formalized the iamninoy Runners Group’s intent to help provide and improve the quality of education to the children of less privileged families.  

– MOU signing between iamninoy Runners & 57-75 –

– Jamike Lopa, Francis Macatulad, Bianca Gonzales, Drew Arellano, and Jake de Guzman –

During the press conference, Jake de Guzman gave an inspiring talk on running and shared photos of his runs. He ended his presentation with a quote from writer and runner, John Bingham, better known as the Penguin: 

“So many of us have changed our own lives through running that it makes sense we would want to change the lives of others the same way.  We can take the drive, ambition, and dedication we used to transform ourselves from couch potatoes to athletes and channel that into making a difference for someone else.”

I—together with Rapa Lopa, Jamike and Mayi Lopa, Jake de Guzman, Drew Arellano, and Francis Macatulad—make up the iamninoy Runners Group Steering Committee.  We have events lined up for the year to further drive awareness and support for 5775.  We invite runners to join our cause and help reverse the education crisis in the country. 

As members of the group, iamninoy Runners can help build schools and provide children with textbooks simply by paying a one-time P500.  In return, runners will receive an iamninoy tshirt, the official uniform/jersery that runners can wear during races and training runs.  Membership is open to all.   Click here to join the iamninoy runners group.

Click here to read a Phil. Daily Inquirer article on iamninoy Runners.


Botak Paa-Tibayan Takbo 100km Press Con

Saturday, 30 May 2009  |  Race Announcements

Isport Botak recently held its press conference for Botak Paa-Tibayan Takbo 100k Marathon at R.O.X., Bonifacio High Street last Thursday, May 28, 2009.  

The Botak Paa-Tibayan 100k Marathon will be held on June 28, 2009 with the race starting at U.P. Diliman, the beneficiary of the race as proceeds from the race will go to the rehabilitation of the U.P. Track & Field Oval.
Among the speakers during the press conference were Mr. George Tan of OlymPlus Sports, Ian Alacar of Botak, Eric Pasion of Run For Change, and Mr. Edwin Barbers, U.P. Sports Director.  Mr. George Tan shared photos and anecdotes of the adventures he shared accompanying legendary runner and founder of Botak, Mr. Cesar Guarin, as he ran across the Philippines, U.S. and Europe.  Amazing!  Mr. Tan even talked about an ultramarathon they once organized in Baguio where runners ran 1km laps around Burnham Park 100 times over!

– Mr. George Tan of OlymPlus Sports – 

– Ian Alacar of Botak –

Since the Botak Paa-Tibayan Takbo 100k will have three separate events led by three different race directors, each director discussed the route and other important details for his event.  Neville Manaois, team principal of Pinoy Ultra Runners and technical consultant of recently held TNF 100, will head the 100km race, Edmund Mangaser will manage the 5- and 10-mile races,  while Ben Alacar will lead the first ever street mile challenge held in the country.  

Edmund Mangaser, Ian Alacar, Neville Manaois, and Ben Alacar

The race directors fielded direct questions from runners, such as “Will your water stations have cups this time?” or “Will your marshals actually know the race route?” and they assured the audience that lessons were learned from Botak 42k.  I paid particular attention to Mr. Edmund Mangaser who discussed the 5- and 10-miler.  These were his comments about the route: 1) covered by trees, 2) passes through subdivisions, 3) there are short but steep climbs, and 4) there will be water stations every 2km.  The three race directors seemed to be on top of their game and we’re only hoping for their success.
To register for the Botak Paa-Tibayan 100k Marathon, visit:
– Botak Sports Shop, 131 Kamuning Road, Edsa QC
– Fitness First
– ROC, UP Diliman, Bahay ng Alumni
– Paul Calvin’s Deli, The Fort
– PATAFA Rizal Office
– All Terra Bike Shop, Club 650 Libis
– Second Wind Store, Maginhawa St. Teacher’s Village QC

 For inquiries, call 414-8892 or 921-5947 or email