Happy One Month Zero Runniversary to Me

Thursday, 2 April 2009  |  Running + Triathlon, Therapy + Injury


It was time to flip the family calendar last night from one month to the next, an event that my kiddos look forward to every month as they get to choose which stickers to apply for upcoming activities. They have stickers for family trips, haircut, sleepovers, and more while I just pull out a thick, black pentel pen, search for the Sundays, and scribble the races I’m joining on that month.

Last night, as I was about to turn the page to April, I got the shock of my life. On March 1, exactly a month ago, I wrote down the two words every runner in the world dreads: STOP RUNNING. And, only then did I realize that it’s been a full month since I had completely stopped running due to my injuries.

I yelled in horror to the hubby, “Aaah, I’ve had zero runs for one full month!” He replied nonchalantly “What about Condura Half?” Oh yeah, forgot about that. Perhaps I should’ve said “I’ve had zero training runs for the entire month of March.”

Training runs are the runs I live for. While I have goal races, such as dream half or full marathons here and abroad, I believe it’s the regular runs—those solo 10k runs on the road or speedwork at Ultra—that keep me happy. I never could relate to runners who cringe at another long run or those who run to get the program over with so they can reach their marathon goal. I run because I just want to. If I don’t, I am incomplete.

Hopefully, I don’t reach my 2nd month Zero Runniversary. After all, I registered for Greenfield City Run this April 19.

Botak’s Paa-Tibayan Races for 2009

Thursday, 2 April 2009  |  Race Announcements

Running bloggers were invited by Botak yesterday for a lunch meeting to discuss the upcoming races of Botak for 2009, namely:

  • May 10: Paa-Tibayan Takbo 42k Marathon (5k/ 10k/ 21k/ 42k)
  • June 28: Paa-Tibayan Takbo 100k (1m/ 5m/ 10m/ 50k solo/ 100k relay/ 100k solo)

I was looking forward to meeting the people behind Botak, especially famed cross-country runner, Mr. Cesar Guarin, but my schedule wouldn’t permit.  Fortunately, good friend Jun accepted my invitation to come as proxy and eat a hefty meal for me at Red Box while he immersed himself in the race discussion.

Jun reports that the races seem to be well-planned and organized.  People behind it are experienced: for the marathon, it will be led by one who helped Rudy B. organize races for years, and for the 100k, it will be headed by no less than Pinoy Ultra Runner Team Principal, Neville Manaois.

So, who’s game for the 1st Marathon of 2009 this May?  Raise your hands, please?

Below are details/posters for upcoming Botak Races:


Isport BOTAK sets the stage for marathon milestone

Isport BOTAK, in cooperation with OlymPlus, presents Paa-Tibayan Takbo 42-kilometer marathon traversing the cities of Taguig and Makati on May 10, 2009.


Set to be a milestone in the sport of running, Paa-Tibayan Takbo 42-K marathon responds to the increasing popularity of the sport both as a competitive field and a hobby for Filipinos.  As the event further promotes the sport, it aims to help the country achieve its goal for an Olympic gold in 2012 by providing runners a competitive environment.  In parallel, the event seeks to raise public consciousness of running as a fitness activity and an alternative hobby for a healthy lifestyle.


As the patron of the Paa-Ligsahan Takbong Pambansa Running Program, Isport BOTAK expects this marathon milestone to draw members of various running clubs, race enthusiasts, Sunday joggers, and even first-timers.  The centerpiece 42-K marathon starts at the back of the NBC Tent at The Fort Global City in Taguig at exactly 4:30 am.  Its route will pass through C-5, Ayala, and Rockwell then back to The Fort for the finish line.  In recognition of the runners who complete the whole 42-K stretch, Isport BOTAK will award each of them a finisher’s medal. 


Meanwhile, the 21-kilometer half-marathon starts at 5:45am, covering the Kalayaan flyover, Ayala Avenue, Makati Avenue, Rockwell and ending once again at The Fort.  Further, two side events, the 10-kilometer run to start at 5:45am and the 5-kilometer run to start at 6:00am will both take their course around The Fort.  In support of Isport BOTAK and the running community, Manila Water will provide sprinkler showers along the Makati route and at the finish line.


Interested participants can register at ROX (Recreational Outdoor Exchange) and Fitness First at The Fort, Sports Connection in Pasong Tamo, Makati and at the Botak Sports Shop at 131 Kamuning Road, Quezon City.  The registration fee for the Paa-Tibayan Takbo 42-K marathon is Php 400; Php 350 for the 21-K half-marathon; and Php 250 for the 5-K and the 10-K runs.  The first 250 to register can have the privilege of having their names printed on their race jerseys.  For inquiries, contact the race director at 4156096 or 4106966.


Following this race is Botak’s 100K marathon to be held on June 28,  2009 at the University of the Philippines.  Watch out for it!


42K Event Flyer May 10


100K Event Flyer June 28

100K Event Details

TBR on Good Times with Mo

Wednesday, 1 April 2009  |  Press

I was driving home this morning from a long morning at the pool with TI instructor, Nonoy, and classmate, Dondi, and as always I was listening to my favorite morning habit on 89.9, “Good Times with Mo” with Mo Twister, Mojo, and Grace Lee.  

There is not a weekday (except Fridays when they’re not on) that I don’t listen to this trio on the radio.  They’re discussions are thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating, but most importantly, they are downright funny.  I can’t count how many times I’ve laughed out loud alone in the car after taking the kids to school or coming home from a training run.  Needless to say, I am a huge fan.  Huge! 

This morning, it was not a surprise that Sen. Pia Cayetano was on the show.  She was a guest last week and a couple of days ago she was a guest on Mo Twister’s TV show as well to discuss current issues, promote her advocacies, and of course, touch on her personal life as well (which, fortunately for us, includes running.)  But, what surprised me was this: Mojo Jojo mentioning The Bull Runner Magazine!  Yes, he did!

So, TBR was NOT actually on the show (as written on the title of this post which was made only to fool you into reading this), but TBR Magazine was there, in the hands of Mojo, to be exact.  He basically asked Sen. Pia about her training program and mentioned that he was reading about it in The Bull Runner Magazine.  Woohooo…what a pleasant surprise!  Good Times with Mo, you just made my day!

Thanks to Sen. Pia for bringing your copy of TBR Magazine!

Pinay In Action 2009

Monday, 30 March 2009  |  Race Reports


Overall Rating (10 highest): 6

– Unique idea: an All Women’s Run…how great is that?!
– Race for kids: 1.6 km team run
– Abundant supply of free food, sports drinks, and mineral water
– Inspirational “women power” signs along the route
– raises awareness for women’s issue (breast cancer, cervical cancer, violence vs. women, etc)

– Directional signs were aplenty
– Race marshals were everywhere

– Heavy traffic upon entrance into SM parking lot
– Drinks were distributed right smack in the middle of the route while the 5k/ 10k were still running thus causing traffic
– Late start
– Long queues at the rest rooms

Congratulations to Pinay In Action for a fun race!  Until the next year!


I left my racing hat at home and donned my running mommy cap for the Pinay In Action race yesterday morning. The hubby registered for the 10k, while I signed up for 1.6km with Little Miss Bull Runner. The night before (as I had expected), Bull Runner Jr. decided to come along. Yahoo, it was another family running affair for us.

We arrived at SM Mall of Asia to find the 10k/5k runners behind the starting line awaiting the gun start.  Hubby fled to the assembly while the kiddos and I went on a wild search for a clean, queueless bathroom, which we pleasantly found at Bona’s Coffee away from the long lines at the race area.  Our yaya came along to assist—not with the kids—but with the distribution of TBR Magazines and display of the banner (talk about yaya-of-all-trades).


– a sea of pink runners –


Sen. Pia Cayetano, practices what she preaches about being a Pinay in Action –

Before we knew it, we were waiting for our 1.6km kiddie race to start along with a small group of parents and their children.  I was well-prepared for this run; I carried a camera in one hand with a bag around my shoulder to carry everything else a running mommy must have: mineral water, Sports Beans, towels, and of course, band aid!  When I looked around, good friends JunC was with his three daughters, while MarkP was with his little runner too.  My son was hyper and excited, but Little Miss Bull Runner who had been the brains of this race from the start was in a foul mood.  I repeatedly reminded her that this was her choice and that there was to be absolutely no carrying throughout the race.  She answered with a sleepy nod.  Then, the race began.


– One of the rare times I’m willing to stop during a race just for a photo op –

We ran intervals during the race—run, walk, run, walk, run, walk.  My son was being his usual self, teasing the little one by running ahead of her every so often.  My daughter, who is really a mini bull runner, would instantly speed up once she saw Kuya getting ahead.  But, after a few meters, it was obvious she was getting tired.  She even had a 2-minute crying session when I let go of her hand to take her photo (I wasn’t informed that she wanted us to hold hands throughout the run!)  Midway through the run, she slowed down to a walk and whispered to me “My tummy is getting ouchy.  I need to eat.” So, we relaxed and chatted while my son gobbled up some Sports Beans.  When we neared the finish, I told them, “like all runners, we should finish strong by running towards the finish line.”  We held hands, stopped and counted “3…2…1…Go!” and off we went to run the last few meters.


– Big and small bull runners running –


– We did it! –

Both of my kids ended the race with their faces beaming with pride. After a few high fives and hugs, we waited patiently for their Papa to finish his 10k.  My son was tasked to distribute TBR Magazines along with yaya, while Little Miss Bull Runner started whining and complaining about how long this was all taking (I guess the hubby must break 45 minutes to please the kids!)  Pretty soon, we headed off to McDonald’s with the Cruz family where the kids got their much awaited reward: Happy Meals with Monster vs. Aliens toys.


– Canine runner in pink too –


Wandersoles + Happy Feet = Happy Soles or Wanderfeet? –


– with the Parco Family and Loony Runner


– with the Cruz family –

Photos courtesy of Jun Cruz.  Thanks Jun!

I Am Ninoy Runners Group

Friday, 27 March 2009  |  Bullish Insights


I was Ninoy—or as close as I could get to being a hero like him during last Sunday’s Condura Run.  And, many of my running friends (around 50 or so) were like Ninoy too.  Some of us ran slow, while others a bit faster (such as 5k winners Bernadette Magaso, 1st female; Ben Alejandrino and Jonas Bacnagan, 2nd & 3rd male respectively) but we all ran for the same cause: to help build schools.


– My pace buddies during Condura: Jake, myself, JunC, Vince nearing the finish line –

We all wore our brand spankin’ new bright yellow singlets with the words…


…printed on the back of our shirts to officially launch the I Am Ninoy Runners Group to the Filipino running community.  Many of us were approached by fellow runners asking us about the singlets, what the group is about, or how they could become a member.


I Am Ninoy is not a political movement.  It is an endeavor to bring out the hero in the Filipino.  There is so much poverty and one way to eliminate this is providing education to the less privileged. A group called “5775 Reverse the Education Crisis” is helping us facilitate this objective. 

– Jamike and Mayi Lopa, my good friends and the couple behind the I Am Ninoy Runners Group –

WHAT IS 5775?

This group is composed of a number of large corporations that provide funding and technical support. You may be wondering why they call themselves 5775–in a survey done nationwide, it was learned that the average grade of a student is 57% while the passing grade is 75%–thus 5775 to signify the gap that needs to be reveresed in the counry’s educational crisis.  They have developed assistance packages in their program to address what they’ve identified to be the most critical needs.  These include the following:

  1. Nutrition through in-school feeding programs (it was found out that the students were performing bad because of lack of nutrition)
  2. Materials through providing reading, math and science workbooks 
  3. Infrastructure — building classrooms/buildings 


Last Sunday, March 22, during the Condura run, the I Am Ninoy Runners Group was launched.  By the simple act of wearing the I Am Ninoy Runner shirt during the Condura Run, runners were heroes to the thousands of children who want to learn and have a better life.  

The way it works:  The I Am Ninoy group seeks out institutions and individuals who can sponsor the runners participation in races. These sponsors commit funds, which are in turn donated to pilot projects of the 57-75 Movement. All pledges and donations are posted on the I Am Ninoy website.

ALL donations will go directly to schools.  The Aquino family or its foundation will not receive a single centavo.  


Join the I Am Ninoy Runners Group and be a hero in your own little way.  Just visit the website, pay a one-time fee of P500 as your investment in the cause. In exchange, you will receive an exclusive iamninoy Runners shirt, the official uniform/jersey for all running events.  Every time you wear this shirt during a run or other occasion, you are helping make a wish come true.

We do not need to give up our lives like Ninoy did to be a hero–a simple act of kindness is enough.

WEBSITE: iamninoy.com


* Photos (except for the 1st) are courtesy of Rapa Lopa.