It’s official. The Bull Runner has just bagged two awards in the recently held 2008 Philippine Blog Awards: THE BEST BLOG IN THE SPORTS CATEGORY and the BEST SINGLE POST IN THE SPORTS CATEGORY.
I wish I had been there to accept it. I would’ve worn a red dress (the one color that makes a bull run faster) with my running shoes underneath to be the fastest winner to climb up onstage and give my acceptance speech.
Oh, the acceptance speech. This is more like a thanksgiving speech because, as corny as it sounds, I do I have a lot of people I’d like to thank. Here goes:
– To the judges of the 2008 Philippine Blog Awards, I am honored that you chose this little blog of mine as the winner in the sports category. The fact that experts and celebrities like you took the time out to read all the crazy stuff I write about here was overwhelming; being named winner just blew me away.
– To the running bloggers, it’s great to have met people like you who share a common passion not just for running but blogging as well. May we all continue to rave about our runs, talk about our training, and inspire non-runners to lace up or current runners to aim higher. (Check out the sidebar on your right for the best running blogs online.)
– To my running friends—especially Annie, Banggi and Marga of Team BWK, Happy Feet peeps and everyone else—you make running even more fun than it already is.
– To YOU—whether you’re a wannabe runner, newbie, veteran, elite runner, track & field olympian—thank you for always dropping by to make this blog more than just a handful of stories from my world. Your witty, thought-provoking, humorous, and inspiring comments add to the life of this blog. Okay, sometimes the snide remarks help make it more exciting too.
– To my hubby, thank you for not getting jealous over my 2nd love: running. You are my best friend, biggest fan, most generous sponsor (keep it coming!), most ardent supporter, photographer, and last but not the least, bestest running buddy. Let’s keep on running. Hopefully, the kids will join in soon.
* Logo from 2008 Philippine Blog Awards