Boo to Bed Rest

Wednesday, 25 June 2014  |  Bullish Insights


Last Sunday, my alarm clock rang at 2:30AM waking me for the early call time of World Vision Run. I registered for the 21k.

As I rolled out of bed, I knew something was wrong. The room was spinning around me. I slowly made my way towards the bathroom swaying from side to side like a drunken person (which is just the same as me having only 3 sips of wine!) After I splashed water on my face, the dizzy spells disappeared and, being the naive and somewhat cuckoo runner that I am, I proceeded to prepare for the race by preparing a light pre-race breakfast of coffee, apples, and peanut butter. (more…)

Gastronorunitis Attack

Thursday, 14 January 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Not many of you know that, shortly after our plane touched down from Cebu and landed in Manila, my tummy let out a big yelp. Woah, what was that? I thought. Then, it did it again. By the 5th time, still in my plane seat, I knew that I had already caught the stomach flu virus that attacked my daughter while we were in Cebu. Less than an hour later, at home, all the food I had devoured from Christmas to the Cebu Marathon carbo loading party was leaping out of my mouth and dropping into the toilet bowl before me.

Amidst the pain, I managed to think: Thank God it happened after the race. Thank God I didn’t have to vomit in the airplane. Thank God I finally lost all the excess holiday weight! Woohoo! After all the words of gratitude, my gastroenteritis, which began only after I got amoebiasis after Animo Triathlon, began to attack and the pain increased in magnitude.

I felt like my insides were being squished, stretched, and turned inside and out. (Almost the same feeling I got when I was at the hotel room caring for my ill daughter in Cebu and the hubby, who was at the lobby with my son, texted to say he spotted Marc Nelson.) For some time, I tried to bear the pain, but my husband rushed me to the ER at 11:30 PM when I was crying in pain and there were no more tears falling from my eyes. I was severely dehydrated as I was expelling even Gatorade, the only thing I was taking in.

By 2 AM, after meds and IV, I was discharged. By the following day, I was fine. Thank God for the nth time.

Needless to say, I haven’t had a single run since Cebu. No more Gastroenteritis, but not being able to run the past few days is another bug I’m trying to get rid of. It’s a little bit worse than the former as it can temporarily lead to bad behavior, or worse insanity.

Today, I hope to get a good, easy 10k run in with Alvin. If I’m fine after, then it’s back to regular programming. After all, there’s not much time to spare with Condura just around the corner.