Susan and Kristen Lafferty Run the Antarctica Marathon

Tuesday, 13 March 2012  |  Bullish Insights

There’s a great article on Susan and Kristen Lafferty on Manila Bulletin today about their great adventure: the Artarctica Marathon.  I didn’t see it, but Jim, my co-founder for TBR Dream and Susan’s husband, informed me about it so I, at least, got to read it online.

Lots of inspiring things about this article:

1) They ran 42km in Antarctica! How many people get the chance to do that in their lifetime?

2) Mother and daughter ran it together (Aaaw, this is tugging at my mommy heartstrings. I wish TBR Jr. or Li’l Miss Bull Runner will beg me to do the same later in life.  Maybe, when they’re working already, they can treat ol’ Mom to a free trip to Paris or Big Sur Marathon.)

…and my favorite…

3) Americans Susan and Kristen wore shirts that bore the Philippine flag.  Susan explained: “We are Filipinas. This is where our home is.”

Click HERE to read the article on Manila Bulletin’s website.