Mary Grace de los Santos Bags 2nd Place at Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Half Marathon

Monday, 28 June 2010  |  Race Reports

I’m back from a fantastic Kuala Lumpur trip sponsored by Newton and CW-X where I joined the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Half Marathon yesterday.

While I try to catch up on sleep (our flight was in the wee hours of the morning), allow me to share the good news: Mary Grace de los Santos, a Cebu-based 25 year old runner from Zamboanga, bagged 2nd Place female category at the KL Marathon.  Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

Mary Grace with medal2
– Mary Grace de los Santos wins 2nd Place Women’s Category KL Half Marathon –

It was a proud day for our small Filipino contingent. It was actually just Mary Grace, Renze of Newton, and myself in this video:

During dinner after the race, I asked Mary Grace if she felt any pressure or stress to win the race.  In all humility, she shook her head saying that she felt confident about winning.  She did admit that she was shivering as she stood at the starting line, but it was due to the cold from the slight drizzle. Hah!

Grace at starting line
– Grace at the starting line –

Mary Grace’s PR for a half marathon is 1:24 recorded at The Great Lapu Lapu Run last March 2010.  The winning time of the 1st placer at KL half marathon, a Kenyan, was 1:24.  The 3rd placer came in 2 mins. after Mary Grace.

Both 1st and 3rd placers had pacers by their side, but Mary Grace was all by her lonesome.  She said that she slowed down considerably when 42km runners and half marathoners filled water stations.  (I was actually surprised to hear that she even stopped to drink considering her time!)

Grace awarding

– Grace at the awarding –

Congratulations once again to Mary Grace who did the Philippines proud yesterday!  Hats off to Toby Claudio, Renze Banawa and the entire Newton and CW-X team who provided support and exposure to Mary Grace.  I was a witness to how Renze of Newton took good care of Mary Grace during the entire trip.  He contacted the race organizer to ensure that Mary Grace was included in the front line with the elite and woke up at 3 a.m. to accompany her for the elite warm up sessions before race day.  He did all that and still managed to finish his 1st half marathon with a time of 1:51.

More stories about KL Marathon within the week!  For now, I’ll leave you with this video of the awarding of the 1st Placer at the 42k Male division:

Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2010, Here I Come!

Thursday, 17 June 2010  |  Bullish Insights

So much for downtime. Or rest. Or slowing down. Those days are over for this bull. (I believe it lasted for all of 2 days!)

You see, last week, in the middle of packing for the beach (I told you I was on vaca mode, didn’t I?), I got an invitation from Renze, brand manager of Newton and CW-X, to join the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon this June 27, 2010.

Uhm, that’s next week! But, who the hell cares, of course I said “Yes!”

KL Marathon

I registered for the half marathon, browsed through the race website, checked my running journal (just to see how much panic training I have to do), and almost instantaneously I felt the fire to run fast again. KL was more than enough to yank me out of my rest mode and get me back into serious training ASAP.

And serious training I’ve been doing. Last week, I got back into regular programming: I returned to the gym for twice a week core and strength training, ran tempos and hills again, and I joined spinning classes or swam on days I didn’t run. Just two weeks of that and I’ve dropped a couple of those nasty, stubborn pounds that have clung on to my thighs and belly for God knows how long. (Wait till next week when my good friend Harvie fixes my diet. Right Harvs?) Hopefully, I’ll be a lot lighter come race day so my knees won’t have to complain.

Along with Renze and myself, Mary Grace, an elite runner from Cebu, will be sponsored by Newton and CW-X as well. I haven’t met her, but I was told that her winning time at Cebu Marathon was faster than last year’s first placer at KL Marathon.  Cool. We’re crossing our fingers for a podium finish for her.

KL Marathon, here we come!

TBR DREAM STORIES: Marnie Hurst, Bib No. 136

Tuesday, 25 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

There are hundreds of stories to tell about TBR Dream Marathon.  The best ones will come from the runners themselves: what happened on the roads of NUVALI as they took each step leading up to their first 42km, who were the angels that helped them on their way, what went through their minds as they worked for their dream.

This is a series of stories that will come from the runners themselves.  By posting these, we hope to inspire more people even after TBR Dream Marathon has ended.  The dream continues…

To share your own TBR Dream Stories, please email me at tbr(at)


marnie post run

I did it!!!!  WE did it!!!!  Thank you so much, Jaymie.  Really, words cannot express my deep gratitude for all you have done.  That was the most amazing marathon a new runner could ever ask for.

I wanted briefly share my marathon story with you.  So I started my week with a cough that I just couldn’t shake.  I coughed for about the first 3rd of the race and was really worried, but then I guess I coughed it all out, because it just went away completely.

– Marnie at the early portions of her first marathon –

But then at around 30km (just like everyone says!) I totally hit a wall.  My hips were hurting, kind of freezing up, and I have a heel spur on my left heel that was hurting so bad.  There was a terrible pain shooting from my heel all the way to my hip.  And then the hill came!  I had to start walking, but even then I felt like every step was a monumental effort.  My legs just quit working right.  Inexplicably I started crying.  The pain wasn’t THAT bad, but the tears just started flowing.


I was at somewhere around 35km, limping along, when a guardian angel swooped down in the form of Alfred the Dream Chaser.  He approached me and asked if I was ok.  I burst into tears again and told him about my heel and hip and my legs not working.  He helped me get a brisk walk going by pumping my arms, assured me that I could make it to the finish line within an hour walking at that pace, and then ran ahead in search of some ibuprofen for me.  He stayed with me for about 3 km cheering me up and getting my head back into the game until we came upon a woman in worse shape than me, and he flew off to help her out of her crisis.

At around 39km I was able to start running again and made it to the finish line with a smile on face.  There I was greeted by the wonderful new friends I have made in the process of training for this marathon.  Jim Lafferty was also there with his sweet words of praise and congratulations.  I was on cloud 9!!!  I went for my MUCH appreciated shower and sat down to eat with my running buddies where we had a front row seat to cheer on the rest of the runners.

And before too long, along came Alfred running alongside yet another runner who, like me, was heading for a successful finish to her first marathon with a smile on her face.  All along the way there were so many words of encouragement shouted out, warm smiles, caring co-runners, marshals and dream chasers.  Days like this are few and far between and I will NEVER, EVER forget it!!!!

– A sweet finish. Hugging Aileen, a fellow TBR Dream Marathoner –

– with Alfred, her Dream Chaser, and Marie, a fellow TBR Dream Marathoner –

When I got home I was greeted by cheers and hugs from my loving, supportive family.  I have entered near legendary status in my household by tackling my first marathon at 45 years of age.  I would never have thought about taking on this challenge if it wasn’t for you and your marathon, Jaymie.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  I hope that your heart if full with all the love being sent your way by so many!!!

*  Images courtesy of Marnie and Photovendo

Training with the Marathoners

Tuesday, 11 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

I lived like a TBR Dream Marathoner for a day and I loved it.



I had fever on Monday and Friday (I was well on Wednesday just in time for my birthday) so I had ZERO mileage all week.  When Sunday came and hubby was to run at NUVALI for his training run with his marathon training buddies, Lit and Jun, I made sure I was there to join in on the running fun.  I was so thrilled about this that I went on to invite other runners: the Solemates Jun and Mariel and Secondwind peeps who coincidentally were planning to run there too along with other TBR Dream Marathoners they were guiding.

16 runners showed up for our run, majority of whom were training for TBR Dream Marathon.


The TBR Dream Marathoners were scheduled to run 21km. One batch practiced the 8:1 technique (8 minute run, 1 minute walk) while another batch ran non-stop.  I ran with the 2nd non-stop running, non-stop talking batch and enjoyed every minute, especially Hector and Mai’s exchange of trivia!  Time and distance passed by so quickly that I forgot about my 10km sick limit that day and ran a little over 12km.

Most of the runners continued with their run but I stopped at the first loop to shower and enjoy some alone time with an iced caffe latte on Mother’s Day.  I sat there in Starbucks and pondered on my learnings from that run:

  • Lesson 1: Never run when you’re sick. My 10k felt like a 20k.  And, by night time, my itchy throat had worsened to a painful sore throat.  They don’t call me bullheaded for nothing.
  • Lesson 2: The run-walk technique works! I noticed that the distance between the two batches, the run-walk and run group, was only a few meters until the end.  If you’re not focused on time for the marathon, then the run-walk technique truly helps to conserve energy without slowing you down too much.
  • Lesson 3: Training with friends is a great way to stay motivated. Others don’t need extra motivation. I am actually a loner, solo-flight kind of runner.  But, for other runners who need a reason to lace up and run, then running with friends is the best way to go.
  • Lesson 4: Running has made me a better mom. Running puts some sanity into my day.  With all the to-do lists, errands, summer activities, and work to juggle, I often feel like I need 10 more hands and another 10 hours in a day to do accomplish every task.  One hour of running (or more) gives me time to focus on me, to organize my thoughts, to find myself hidden underneath the heaps of work, and to give myself a stronger body and mind to become a better person, a better mom.  That one hour of running that Sunday made such a big difference to my entire week!

– Notice my new running gadget on my waist? That’s called the POKE-WALKER. TBR Jr. asked me to wear it during the run. It earns points for his Pokemon for every tracked step. My run earned him almost 19,000 steps to empower his Pokemon. Wait till Daddy wears it during the marathon! –

High Altitude Training

Thursday, 1 April 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Off to Baguio for some high altitude training…plus horseback-riding and easter-egg hunting with the family!  I’ll be accompanying hubby as he complies with Coach Jim’s marathon training program for TBR Dream Marathon. We’ll tour Baguio on foot and attempt to cover 23km for his weekend long run.  We never ran that long around the City of Pines so it’s going to be a grand adventure!

Enjoy the break. And don’t forget to say your prayers. Advanced Happy Easter to all!