Oatmeal Freak

Friday, 9 July 2010  |  Healthy Food + Recipes

I used to loathe oatmeal. My mom would make my sister and I eat this for breakfast before school. Before I even picked up the spoon, I would feel like throwing up.  I never ate oatmeal again…until I got married.

Hubby introduced Quakers Old-Fashioned oatmeal into my life.  (No, this is not a paid advertisement!) Much like the way I stumbled into running, I got a quick taste of it, fell in love, and got wildly obsessed over it.


This old-fashioned oatmeal isn’t like the local oatmeal that mom used to serve, mushy and soggy.  This one (in carton cylinders in the grocery) has bits of oats that you can munch on, and it’s less sweet.  I eat mine with almonds, granolas, bananas, or peaches depending on my mood.  I drop low-fat milk and a bit of honey and I’m good to go.

When I’m feeling a bit heavy (or I’m being good with my diet), I usually have it for lunch since it keeps me full all throughout the day.  If I could, I’d have it for dinner too!