Things are crazy over here in my world. I hope it’s much more sane in yours! So, to lighten things up a bit (and also as a going away gift for all of you since we leave for LA this Saturday already before going to New York!), I thought of a little contest for all of you.
The contest is sponsored by our friends over at Candy Corner, the local distributor of Sports Beans. Sport Beans, made by popular jelly bean maker Jelly Belly, are not your typical jelly beans. These yummy little babies are packed with electrolytes, carbohydrates and Vitamins B1, B2, B3 & C—basically what your typical athlete or sport enthusiast needs during long periods of exercise or activity. It’s like having your Gatorade in candy form. We have a ton of these at home so I thought of sharing them with you instead.
The contest is called GUESS HOW MANY SPORTS BEANS!

– Sorry for the mushy beans. They sweated it out in our Running Gear closet –
Three (3) winners will win one (1) box each of Sports Beans. There are 24 packs of Sports Beans in one box.
- Guess how many Sports Beans are in the photo above.
- Post your answer in the comment section below.
- All correct entries will be raffled off.
- One entry per email address. Double or more entries will lead to disqualification.
- Contest ends Thursday, October 21, 2010, 5:00 pm. All entries submitted after the deadline will be disqualified.
- Winners will be notified via email on how to claim their box of Sports Beans.
May the best runners win!