There are a lot of wonderful things that have been happening since we launched TBR Dream Marathon. I’ve been caught in the whirlwind of activities that comes with organizing a race especially for today’s set up, but, at the same time, when I fall witness to the magical events that take place, time slows down and I stand in awe, amazed at how lives can be changed by the prospect of 42km.
I’ve met our TBR Dream Marathoners and I’ve heard more than a handful of running stories, how running changed their lives, or how they will use running to change others’ lives:
Mai Lim, Mayen Moraleda, Bic Ferreria, Thea Torres, Bob Antonio, Riki Quiroz with Hector Yuzon – This group of TBR Dream Marathoners are inseparable. With their camaraderie, one would thing they’ve been friends for years. Truth be told, most of them met only when Hector Yuzon, through his store Second Wind, gathered this bunch together and trained them for their first marathon at TBR Dream. One of them told me the journey itself has been life changing.

Hubby and Lit – We only met Lit for our Chi Running session last year. But, as he and hubby signed up for their first marathon at TBR Dream, they started training together. Now, the two of them text each other more often than hubby and I probably do (but I’m not a jealous wife so that’s fine!) and they’ve made plans of running international marathons together next year.

– Hubby, Lit, and Jun Bisnar –
Mikko Barranda, JV Ong, Marty Austria, Carlo Coronel, Jeff Adriatico and Louis Banzon – created a group called Time For Change (TFC) while training for TBR Dream. Through pledges, they hope to raise funds for Tahanang Walang Hangdanan Inc. to purchase 2 computer printers, as well as household items for 120 families. Email mikko_barranda(at) if you wish to help.

– Mikko Barranda –
Michelline Suarez – used TBR Dream Marathon to raise funds for cleft palate operations for needy children. Specifically, Gabriel’s Symphony Foundation. “I was born a cleft palate and consider myself extremely fortunate that my parents could afford surgery for me.” I heard from Mailet Bonoan of Gabriel’s Symphony that Michelline has raised P100,000.

– Michelline Suarez –
To all TBR Dream Marathoners, dream big and run strong. See you tomorrow!