TBRDM Story: Weng Baltazar

Friday, 1 April 2011  |  Bullish Insights

This is a story of faith, hope and love in Weng Baltazar’s first marathon…


Running a marathon was never in my “bucket list”.  Running didn’t even appeal to me back then. At 35, I found my first love in tennis. But after finishing my first 5km in Baguio in 2009 (I was 40 then), I knew there’s something out there I needed to accomplish before my knees start wobbling with age.

And then I read about The Bull Runner Dream Marathon, a marathon event designed especially for 1st timers. This is what I have been waiting for, so my husband and I signed up at once.

I had no idea how grueling the training and preparation would be. It certainly wasn’t a walk in the park.  When I missed some of my training schedules, I knew I was gonna be in trouble. I started to doubt myself.  I finished my last 21k with a bit of a struggle. How much more would I endure for a run that’s double its length? Should I go for it? Undecided, I asked for God’s sign and prayed .The night before the big day I made a personal letter to God praying for strength and safety. Part of the letter says: “may  the realization of this dream brings forth a better person, not only on the road of an enthusiastic runner, but a better person on the road to righteousness, faith and love.”

Hours  before the run, I compelled (not asked  ) my best friend Ellen and little sister Kris to pray and  say the rosary for us. One hour before the marathon, I received a text from a friend (Ate Cheryl), must have been the sign I was asking for.  Without any doubt,”I will run my 1st marathon!”

Fast forward to the race day.  My husband gave me a kiss at gun start, during the 1st few meters I paced with him and some friends. Slowing them down I started spotting for runners who had the same run-walk interval as mine. I heard these two runners counting and I asked if I could join them . Let and Dittie gladly accepted me and I met my new running buddies. The 1st loop- we were doing fine, Dittie and Let were even singing Disney and Nickelodeon songs their kids love to sing (too bad I can’t join them, because my 4-year old Euan watches Mr. Bean).It was a joyride, until KM 27.

At Km 27 Dittie started feeling pain at the back of her knees (probably hams). We stopped at Medic station for some topical remedy. Then we started running again but the pain got worse.She took some pain killers but nothing seemed to work. We decided to shorten our run-walk interval, until she couldn’t run anymore . We started walking at Km 30. Dittie started crying and getting angry with herself. No amount of assurance could make her feel better. I guess the pain was so bad. She was so apologetic for holding us back and putting us through her ordeal.  She told us to go on ahead but we knew she needed us to stay .Let and I gave her all the motivations, prayed with her, and kept her going.  We walked for 5 kilometers more, and by God’s miracle Dittie got her second wind. We started running again at Km 35. The sun was up but that didn’t stop Dittie’s determination to finish. She was just awesome. Less than 1 km to finish, Dittie had an adrenaline rush. Let and I could hardly keep up . Together, we ran and finished strong. Seeing us together, the announcer even called us Charlie’s Angels, but I guess Dittie and Let were my angels: Dittie, for making me keep my prayer, and Let for making me keep  the faith.

Staying and running all throughout the course with an injured buddy made my first marathon experience even more fulfilling. Not only did I survive my 1st marathon but we helped a co-dreamer fulfill hers.

– Let, Dittie, and Weng –

I never thought my prayer would be intended on the journey itself and not only after crossing the finish line. God works in wondrous ways. My 1st marathon was a marathon of faith, hope and love.

Will I ever run a marathon again? Part of me says definitely. One marathon in my lifetime? I can live with that, but then I can always change my mind.


Congratulations to The Bull Runner Dream Marathon Team! You guys did an awesome job!

TBR DM Story: Ginell Montemayor, Bib No. 258

Monday, 28 March 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Like we always say: At TBR Dream Marathon, everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner.  Here’s the story of one of our winners, our last finisher, Ginell Montemayor:


I started running February 13 last year. My friend, Wil Chua (who is also a TBRDM 2011 Marathoner), was the one who convinced me to start. Her enthusiasm for running was contagious. And after just a few months of running (and not even regularly!) she was already trying to convince me to join a marathon!

She texted me to check my email before going to the office. I opened it to see that it was an email with the details of the TBR Dream Marathon. Of course I thought she was insane! In the email she attached the 15 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN TBR MARATHON. As I read it, I actually dared to dream that I may be able to finish a marathon. I finally gave in and joined (along with Wil and our teammates, Matt Estrada and Cesar Santos).

While training for the marathon, we joined The Condura Skyway Marathon (my first 21k race!). The feel of such an accomplishment was amazing. I never knew I could go so far. I’d definitely become stronger than I was a year before that. As the day of the TBR Dream Marathon approached, I got to know more and more Dreamers. And that really helped build confidence knowing that there are many people supporting you in your dream.

On the day of the marathon, I was really nervous. I actually felt like throwing up. (It’s a normal feeling for me when I get really nervous. I normally felt like that before oral exams when I was in college hehe). But there I was, at the starting line. There was no turning back. I prayed to God to get me through. I already had a feeling I’d be the last person to finish. Actually, I had a feeling I’d go more than 8 hours. But I was determined to finish. It didn’t matter to me if they’d pack up and dismantle the finish line (it’s happened to me before). I just wanted to finish.

During the first 10k of the run I was feeling pretty good because I could still see many runners (I even saw Wil, and she gave me a hug to encourage me!). But my way back for the 21k mark was disheartening. I couldn’t see any runners in front of me, and I didn’t dare hope to see any behind me. At one point, I wasn’t sure if I was going in the right direction. I was so down I wanted to cry. All the runners I saw were making their way past me for their 2nd round. But I kept going because my legs and feet were still OK. I kept telling myself, “Just finish. Just finish”. When I saw Wil for the second round, she gave me another hug and told me to keep going. That meant so much to me.

After finishing 21k, I started to feel really tired and some pain in my knees. It didn’t help that my heart was getting sadder and sadder. But then a Dream Chaser named Mamita ran along beside until her station. She told me stories of when she joined the Dream Marathon last year, and the Milo Marathon months after. She was really cheerful too! She had to let me go after we past her station, but I was really thankful for the company. So I kept on running, music my only companion. As I saw more and more runners “heading for home”, my mind just started screaming at me to end it all and just give up. But having fellow Dreamers clap and cheer me on kept me going. The most used phrase of that day was definitely “thank you”.


But as the sun blazed hotter and hotter, and the kilometers just seemed longer and longer, giving up just seemed so inviting. On my way to the major turnaround, a Dream Chaser (who I think was named Rico?) accompanied me to their station. I got my knees iced and massaged. As I set off for my way back Dream Chasers Mai Mai and Bic stayed with me. They were so upbeat that I stopped thinking about giving up. The sun blazed on us with such intensity that I was a bit embarrassed that they were out there getting roasted with me. Heaven knows they didn’t have to. But they did. They even left all their stuff behind without a means of getting them if the van left them! They were so selfless! And I’m really thankful to the volunteers on motorcycles (and even an ambulance! haha) that followed behind me. They had ice and were cheering. After what seemed like several kilometers, Bic told Mai Mai to go and get their stuff from the van.

At a tent near a security block, I was so surprised to see so many people still there. And when they saw me, they started cheering and waving their balloons and banners. That was when I first started crying. For the first time throughout the whole marathon, that was the first time. I was so touched. I told Bic that, and she said they waited just for me. And as I approached them I just kept on crying. And then one gave me a hug, and then the rest joined in. They kept cheering as I walk on. As I passed more and more tents, more and more Dream Chasers joined in. Soon I had my own entourage. It’s a shame I didn’t get all their names since they didn’t have names on their bibs. I was barely talking at some point because I was just so tired. But their high energy kept me going.

Bic told me to focus on certain landmarks just so that the course would be easier. She’d tell me things like to focus on every 3rd tree ahead. I got teary-eyed a lot while walking. I wasn’t sure if it was more because of the heat, the pain, or because my heart was just swelling with gratitude for these people. If anything, it was because of the latter. Then when the finish was finally in sight, they all started dispersing. Bic left me saying that it was my moment. I really wanted them to cross with me, because I was just so grateful to them. But they let me cross on my own.


Wil, Matt and Cesar were waiting for me at the finish line. Wil welcomed me with open arms, and I cried. I let everything out right then and there on her shoulder. I cried like my heart was broken. But it was the total opposite. My heart was full of love and gratefulness, and had never been stronger. Then I felt Matt and Cesar join the hug as well. After I gained some composure I finally let go of my friends. And then the Dream Chasers who walked under the sun with me gave me hugs as well and congratulated me for finishing. I thanked them profusely and they made it seem like it was really not a big deal. But to me, it meant everything. Their support was the difference between finishing and giving up. It still brings tears to my eyes when I remember that day. Not just that moment when I crossed the finish line, or when that sash of that medal first touched my neck. That whole day. The whole event.

So thank you, Jaymie. Thank you for your desire to share your marathon experience with us. Thank for bringing that dream closer to many runners. Thank you for giving someone like me an amazing dream. God bless you and all who were a part of the Dream Marathon.

The last finisher,


– hug from JunC (The Solemates) –

Bull Circle Tomorrow!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011  |  News + Promos

Reminder to all TBR Dream Marathoners!

We have a Bull Circle tomorrow at 7 PM in ROX with Coach Jim Saret as speaker. Coach Jim was kind enough to take the time out from his busy schedule coaching the RP Smart Gilas Basketball Team to talk about how to prepare our body for a marathon. This talk must not be missed. It will do wonders for you during the marathon—if you apply his teachings.

On Feb. 26, we will have our much awaited Bull Session in NUVALI where we run our longest run before the marathon all together. This is a great time to practice exactly what you’ll do on race day in the race venue and along with other TBR Dream Marathoners. Fantastic experience that again, you must not miss! More details within the week.

Hope to see you there!


TBR Dream Marathon Finishers’ Shirts

Thursday, 2 December 2010  |  News + Promos

Attention TBR Dream Marathoners:

We are in the process of ordering your finishers’ shirts from New Balance Singapore.  The TBR Dream Marathon shirts are non-gender specific. Sizes are in XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL and XXL. Here are the shirt specs:


To ensure that your finisher’s shirts fit you to a tee, we are giving you a chance to check out the shirt samples and to revise your preferred size. The shirt you will receive will be the size you requested in your registration form unless revised before SUNDAY, Dec. 5, 2010, 6PM.


Two ways:

Shirt samples (only in size, not in design) will be available for viewing at ROX:
– Dates: Friday, Dec. 3 and Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010
– Time: 12 noon to 6 pm
– Place: 2nd Floor, ROX, Bonifacio High Street
– Look for: TJ or Angela
– For inquiries: call 408-8070

Based on sizing chart above, email tbrmarathon(at)gmail.com with the following:
– Subject line: Finisher’s Shirt
– Send the following info:
* Name:
* Shirt size:

No revisions means you are happy with your initial order and you will receive the shirt size requested in the registration form.

UPDATE: My sincerest apologies to runners who dropped by 12nn to 4pm this Friday and weren’t able to see the shirts.  There was a miscommunication with our staff.  They thought the shirts weren’t delivered when, all the while, it was hanging in the 2nd Floor since 12 noon. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience.

Weight Management for TBR Dream Participants

Friday, 22 October 2010  |  News + Promos

Surprise surprise! We have a special offer for TBR Dream Marathon 2011 participants. As part of your training, lifestyle and weight loss management coaches, husband-wife team, and contributors of TBR Magazine, Armand and Mitch Felipe Mendoza, will be offering a WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM for TBR Dream Marathoners. Yey!  Get this…it’s for FREE!

Here are the details:

WHAT? Weight Management Program by Armand and Mitch Felipe-Mendoza

WHEN? During the 5-month training period of TBR Dream Marathon

FOR WHOM? Exclusively for TBR Dream Marathon 2011 Participants. Program is recommended for those who want to lose weight safely and properly while training for TBR Dream Marathon



  1. To guide participants in their weight loss journey (if this is their goal) by giving advice on balanced eating and exercise
  2. To promote responsible running by preventing injuries while training and avoid overtraining
  3. To prepare runners for weight maintenance even after the marathon


  • Group weight loss sessions (once a month)
  • Weigh ins
  • Monitoring
  • Exercise and food program
  • Tips on weight loss
  • Tips on cross training


Armand and Mitch Mendoza will conduct the weight management program. While the program is exclusively for TBR Dream Marathoners, meetings, consultations, or group sessions will be coordinated and conducted by Armand and Mitch.


Armand and Mitch want you to get started early, so first WEIGH-IN and meet up for those who are interested is scheduled for three days next week (choose one):

  • October 25, Monday, 6pm
  • October 28, Thursday, 7pm
  • October 30, Saturday, 530am

Please choose one day and pre-register by emailing:

  • Armand – askarmand@gmail.com
  • Mitch – mitchfelipe@gmail.com

NOTE: Bring your TBR Dream Card as proof of your participation.  No card, no entry in the Weight Management Program.

Next WEIGH-INS and SESSIONS will be emailed to you by Mitch/Armand.


NO. This is a special offer from Armand and Mitch.  They decided to offer this free service after noting the need for experts to guide and regularly monitor runners who joined the marathon while hoping to lose weight.  It is not mandatory for TBR Dream Participants.



Armando “Armand” Mendoza Jr., PTRP is a licensed physical therapist, an ACE-certified personal trainer and lifestyle & weight management consultant for 10 years. He specializes in weight loss programs that integrates exercise training, healthy eating, lifestyle coaching and behavioral modification. Armand is also a full marathon-running coach and a certified sports nutrition counselor. At present, Armand focuses on lifestyle modification/weight management coaching for private/corporate clients and is currently the weight loss columnist for Men’s Health Philippines.


Mitch Felipe-Mendoza is a lifestyle & weight management coach, fitness trainer and runner who has helped her clients manage weight and improve running performance by combining her background in psychology, exercise, nutrition, and injury prevention. She is a licensed physical therapist (DLSU), holds a masters degree in psychology (Ateneo de Manila University) and also certified by the American Council on Exercise. She is also a regular wellness contributor of Philippine Daily Inquirer, a weight loss columnist for Women’s Health Philippines, and nutrition contributor for The Bull Runner Magazine.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Armand – askarmand@gmail.com
Mithc – mitchfelipe@gmail.com