This is part of a series of posts under the Quaker Challenge. It’s about the quest that my kids and I have to achieve our Quaker Goal to swim, bike, and run more. Read about it HERE.
Ironkids Philippines was held last October 20, 2013 at Palms Country Club, Alabang. Anton joined the 11 to 12 year old category with the distance of 300m swim-10k bike-2k run. Before I tell you about how the race went, allow me to share with you how we prepared (read: crammed) for the swim, bike, and run.
In preparation for Ironkids and also as Li’l Miss TBR’s main sport, we started swimming lessons with Coach Anthony Lozada several weeks ago.
I made the mistake of scheduling their swim lessons on Friday, which Nia has labeled “Free Day Friday.” By “Free Day Friday,” she ruled that, as soon as she and Kuya are dismissed from school, there should be nothing planned for the rest of the day. It’s essentially freedom from any schedule and they’re free to lounge around at home doing absolutely nothing.
You can imagine the look on their faces when I told them that swim sessions would be every Friday. I heard all sorts of complaints from “Huwaaaat?!” to “But you’re breaking the Free Day Friday rule!” But, I stood my ground and crossed my fingers that they would enjoy.

Off to swim classes we go
And, enjoy they did! As beginners, Coach Anthony gave them a personal session. He assessed their skill level, gave them a few drills, and fixed Anton’s form. By the following week, he and Coach JS got Anton to swim laps in better form. Although he still had a lot of room for improvement, I knew that Anton would be able to finish 300m at the triathlon.
As for Li’l Miss TBR, she was floating, kicking, and swimming all over the place. I couldn’t help but smile because I knew she was enjoying every minute. For her, that’s what’s most important.

The kids ended the session laughing and giggling. I asked them if they had enjoyed and both replied: “Um yeah.” half embarrassed to admit that breaking the Free Day Friday rule was a good idea after all.
Anton’s first bike out with Coach Norman’s trikids at Camp Aguinaldo a few weeks ago freaked me out a bit. Okay, correction, it freaked me out a lot.
Switching from a mountain bike to a road bike takes some getting used to for any athlete and Anton was no exception. On his first ride, he was wobbly and I thought that he was going to crash or bump a car. While the rest of the parents sat by the waiting area, I hopped into my car and followed him from behind like a stage mother. I think I held my breath for 15 minutes straight. After 3 loops around Camp Aguinaldo though, I felt like I could relax somewhat. He looked more comfortable after. Don’t you just love how kids can learn something in half the speed that we do as adults?

with Coach Norman Pascual and the rest of the trikids
Since I felt that the once a week sessions with Coach Norman wasn’t enough, I told Anton that I’d take him biking with me more often. Two weeks ago, after my run at Run United Philippine Marathon 21k, I fetched Anton and we hurried off to Filinvest City to bike around their carless loop. This is, incidentally, the race course for Ironkids.

Biking with my boys! Boys meaning with my son and my Shiv!
We biked around the area, first in the flat portions and later on up the hill towards Palms Country Club. My boy did so well! We biked a total of 8k, the bike distance for the triathlon, before we called it a day.
The run wasn’t a problem for TBR Jr. as he’s participated in 3k events in the past. Just last week, he came home from school and proudly announced: “Mama, I ran the fastest and longest during P.E. today.” Before I could congratulate him, he added “But, after the run, I felt like puking.”
For any runner, ending in “vomit-mode” essentially means that you pushed your body to the brink of exhaustion; you gave it your all. And, with that, I replied to my boy: “Aaaw, congratulations! Well done!”
NEXT POST: Part 2: Ironkids Philippines – The Race