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Thursday, 5 January 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Woohoo. We’ve finally installed these little buttons below each blogpost.  (I feel so techy already!)  Actually, many of you noticed it even before I did! Haha.


Feel free to click on the Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Other Buttons whenever you wish to do any of the following: (except of course the fake buttons above.  That’s just an image, silly!)

  1. Share the post with friends who could learn a thing or two from it
  2. Share the post with enemies who could learn a thing or two from it
  3. Express in a silent way that the article gave you a new insight or touched your heart
  4. Tell me that you loved the article and there are absolutely no words to describe how its changed your running and your life
  5. Check if your mouse button is working

But, please keep in mind that I still love receiving COMMENTS more.  I know, I know, I don’t get to reply to each one of you, but I’m trying really, especially this year.  Know that I read each one and smile, or laugh, or scratch my head, or punch a hole into the wall (I’m kidding) after reading your thoughts and insights.

Thanks to Marc of Sheeromedia for helping me out with this one!