One Stormy Week

Tuesday, 14 August 2007  |  Bullish Insights

3 out of 4 runs only on a treadmill
(Sore knees were all I got from pushing too far on a treadmill. I was yearning to run on the road all week.)


2 vomiting kids
(Were germs this wicked during our time?)


1 missed virtual run
(due to 2 vomiting kids)


2 strong storms
(Good riddance to Chedeng and Dodong! I will never forgive you for ruining my runs…but then again I am grateful for increasing our depressingly low water supply. Egay, don’t you even think of visiting my running route this week!)


1 Sick Bull Runner


That encapsulates the week that was for me. And, as I… [sneeze]

write this, I am still afflicted with the… [cough]

common cold as almost everyone… [ehem]

here in Manila is. [wipe nose]

I would love to chat but… [drop strepsils into mouth]

I would rather conserve energy for… [achoo]

a good run—yes, I still run despite the cold… [move strepsils to left cheek]

rather than waste it on…[move strepsils to the right]

typing out letters on the keyboard. [sniffle]

[ REST ]