I’m Alive!
Just wanted to let you know I’m alive and kicking. A bit down and depleted from the tumultuous week I had—a rollercoaster of sorts due to the evil injury that came and went every hour of every single day. I didn’t know if I was injured, recovering, fully recovered, or just going insane. All I know is that I did all I could to alleviate the tightness in my legs during the past week.
I skipped blogging for two reasons:
1) I was getting really frustrated furious about the injury. Had I ranted about it over here you would leave your computer screen with your eyebrows connected as one, both nostrils flaring, then you’d head straight for your boss, husband/wife, or best friend and yell at them for simply breathing.
2) This baby Macbook Pro of mine needed some upgrades. It was the first time I parted with it for three whole days (not counting vacations) and, while I thought I would die of boredom, I actually felt liberated from the reins of the world wide web…and oh yes, work. (Forgive me for not answering your comments yet. I will soon! Let me catch up on work first!)
Anyhow, I’m back. I’ve got my 10k race bib for Doc Fit which I’ll be exchanging for a 5k due to the injury. For now, my 10k debut (not that it’ll be such a momentous occassion) will have to wait…just until June I hope.