Thank God It’s Monday!

Monday, 15 December 2008  |  Bullish Insights

I’m so relieved the weekend is over.  

To make a long, dreary, dreadful weekend story short, I learned—during what should have been an easy 5k run at Nike Run Clinic last Friday—that my knee still needs more time to recover.  (Note that I do not use the word “injury” as I’m fairly optimistic that I’ll be out and running again after a few days.  Crossing my fingers!  Cross yours for me too.  And, I hope my acupuncturist is doing the same.)

So, I had to pass on the Mizuno-Fuego Sunset race last Saturday.  Boo hoo.  And, the entire family took a trip to the mall instead where my little girl kept saying “I thought we were going to play in the sand today.” while the other one complained “So, I bought a whole can of Pringles last week for nothing?!”

As if I didn’t have enough reason to feel depressed, nature plays a cruel joke on me.  What’s the worst thing you can do to a woman when she’s down?  You make her feel fat and ugly.  I got my monthly period accompanied by stomach pains that Saturday.  So, as much as I tried to find comfort in Christmas shopping, I felt weak and tired all throughout the weekend.

Aaah, I’m glad it’s Monday already; it’s a fresh start.  I looked in the mirror this morning and I’d like to believe I don’t look like the evil witch that I was last Saturday.  As of this morning, I’m not brooding over the injury nor the missed runs anymore; at least, I’m trying my best not to do so.  I’m fairly optimistic that I’ll recover from this brief setback in no time as I’m a veteran when it comes to my runner’s knee; I pretty much know what my body needs to get back on track asap.  

Hope you have a great week.  Mine will definitely be better than the weekend.
