The Bull RAN

Monday, 19 January 2009  |  Bullish Insights

It was The Bull Run yesterday and this bull missed it.  

No whining nor complaining from me though.  This 2009, the brand new bull is choosing her races wisely.  And, this Bull Run, despite winning best race name in my book (heehee), was one that I knew I could skip with a smile.  

You see, by now, I already know that there are only two types of races in the country:

  1. Races you absolutely cannot miss such as Adidas King of the Road or New Balance
  2. Typical, garden variety road races that you can pass up because they’ll have the exact type of race next weekend, only in a different name  

For me, The Bull Run fell under Category 2.  With news of inconvenient registration procedures, I could barely muster up the energy to pick up a pen and fill in a reg form.  Besides, my knee and I decided to rest and strengthen instead in hopes that I can run an easy 15k at next week’s Happy Run.

So, while most runners were at the not-so-very-well-organized PSE Bull Run (little birdies told me), I was out in the polo field running easy on oooh-la-la soft, green grass.  My knees loved it so much that they didn’t complain at all, not a whimper.  It was the first time I ran completely pain-free since Singapore Half!  Woohoo!  Now, that’s what I call a great Bull Run!
