Triple Run Clinics at Ultra

Wednesday, 7 October 2009  |  News + Promos

I was at Ultra track oval last night for my weekly intervals. Amidst this running boom, the sight of a half-filled track filled with runners of all sorts doesn’t surprise me anymore.  But, as I made my way towards my regular spot, I noticed something new: the Adidas Running Clinic which was on its first day.


People say that running is the metaphor for life.  Who would’ve thought it could’ve been the metaphor for corporate rivalry as well? When a runner stands atop the flight of stairs that overlook the entire track oval, he/ she can choose between two major sports brands just with one simple question: LEFT or RIGHT?  To the left is Adidas Run Clinic led by Coach Ani de Leon, right is Nike Training Clinic headed by Coach Rio de la Cruz.


Let’s not forget Team Bald Runner’s Clinic further down left led by Coach Saturnino Salazar.  Team BR has no support from the corporate running bigwigs, but the training is just as effective.


Having three training clinics all at more or less the same time (on Tuesdays) in one teeny-weeny track oval is insane, but it’s great for us runners, too.  A little healthy competition among the various run clinics should spur all of them to provide great programs and offer top-notch training for their runners. 


When I got home, I told the hubby about the three run clinics at Ultra and went on to talk about the incident as another proof of the non-stop growth of running in the country.  He agrees, and then adds “Or maybe we just need more track ovals in Manila, too.”


NEW LIST OF RUNNING CLINICS!  For a list of RUN CLINICS around Metro Manila, click on this new page.  You’ll find it on the sidebar on the upper right too.