Sick of Being Sick

Sunday, 25 July 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Talk about perfect timing. I had fever a few days ago and I’ve been coughing endlessly (and loudly) all week. With the nebulizer in my mouth last night, I easily computed the amount of hours I worked out all week: ZERO.

To think I was overly thrilled about NYC Marathon Training starting this week.

To think Secondwind‘s Boy’s vs Girl’s Challenge kicked off last Monday, too. (This is a distance challenge initiated by Secondwind Running store where 10 girls, including myself, will win compete against 10 boys, for the longest distance run in a specific period of time. These poor boys don’t know what they are up against, I tell you.)

To think bestest running buddy, Annie, arrived from Singapore last Friday. Since last week, we had planned on running to our hearts content together. I’ve missed her terribly and I’m hoping we can cover our favorite course tomorrow, just as we always did before.

There’s only one B word to express my feelings right now: Bummed.

Okay, maybe another one: Bitin.
