TBRDM 2013: Bull Circle 1 full house at Fully Booked

Thursday, 20 September 2012  |  News + Promos

We had our first Bull Circle last night with our new batch of TBR Dream Marathon 2013 participants. We filled Top Shelf at Fully Booked with over 300 runners raring to start marathon training next week. It was great to meet our fresh batch of future marathoners!

I’ll share the experience through a note sent by Dave Romano, one of our TBR Dreamers, followed by photos from the evening. Thanks for coming everyone!

Hi Ms. Jaymie,

I joined the Bull Circle last night and enjoyed every single bit of it. Below are my favorites:

Your talk: I like the QCIM story and how you ran past 32 kilometers to complete your first ever marathon.
Message to me is: If I put my mind into it, anything is possible

Jim’s talk: I like how he downplayed the finish time but also balancing it with his thoughts on respecting the marathon
Message to me is: The getting there is as important as finishing

Neville’s talk: I like the humor in giving us a brief look at the colorful history of marathon.
Message to me is: This race can be fun

Lit’s talk: I like the numbers crunching to explain that this marathon is actually a partnership between the coaches/organizers and me the runner
Message to me is: If you do your part, We (the coaches) will do ours, then we will all have a great time.

There’s something magical about that meeting Ms. Jaymie. That room was filled with hope, of doing something great, of accomplishing something that only a handful is able to achieve…and for that I am thankful.

Dave Romano

– TBR Dream Team: Jun Cruz, Neville Manaois, Lit Onrubia, Jim Lafferty, myself, Macel Janeo –






