Free Shuttle Ride for Bull Session 4

Thursday, 3 January 2013  |  News + Promos

Good news! We heard your requests for the shuttle service and Nuvali agreed to provide the free transportation for some of our runners!

WHAT: Free shuttle service to and from NUVALI for Bull Session 4

WHEN: Saturday, January 5, 2013


  • Depart ROX, Bonifacio High Street for Nuvali at 3:00 AM
  • Depart NUVALI for ROX, BHS at 8:30 AM


  • Only 20 pax. First come, first served basis only.
  • Only registered participants of TBR Dream Marathon. No guests allowed


1) Click on the link below.
2) Check for list of confirmed shuttle riders to be released before tomorrow, Jan. 4


For any questions, email Macel at or SUN 0942 477 6099.

UPDATE: List of Confirmed Shuttle Riders for Bull Session 4

If your name is included below, please arrive at meeting area on time.

  1. Amanda Manait
  2. angelica patricia cruz
  3. Clarissa Rebulanan
  4. Clark Castro
  5. Daniella Santos
  6. Hennesy Villasenor
  7. Jezza Mae Lansang
  8. Johanah Co
  9. justin josef gomez
  10. katrina buhalog
  11. Kris Marcia Cruz
  12. Maria Eda Maningat
  13. mark anthony Diaz
  14. Mark Anthony Real
  15. Mayen Yuzon
  16. richmond sy
  17. Robert Mari De la Costa
  18. Stephanie Pelle
  19. Valeriano Eliseo Lopez
  20. vincent paul de la cruz

Part 2: Hey 2012, You Suck…Not!

Monday, 31 December 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Continuing from Part 1: Here’s even more highlights of 2012…

Runner’s World Features:  I and TBR Dream were fortunate enough to be featured on my favorite running magazine, Runner’s World Philippines, twice this year.

– One of the running bloggers featured on Runner’s World Phils Jan-March 2012 issue –

– TBR Dream Marathon makes it to Top Local Marathon list on RW Jan-March 2012 issue –

– On the cover of Runner’s World Philippines Oct-Dec 2012-

– with ex Editor in Chief and good friend Marie Calica during the shoot –

Falling in Love with Biking…and my Shiv: I fell in love with biking this year. It all started when I got my Specialized Shiv from Joey Ramirez of Dan’s Bike Shop. Running is still my first love, but man oh man, I can’t tell you how much I look forward to speeding down the hills of Nuvali.

– Fondo Manila ride out with Patrick Joson. Yes, that’s Richard Gutierrez smirking at the newbie! –

– Meeting my Shiv for the first time! That’s me with Joey. Aaah, what an unforgettable day –

Jaymie 3
– Power Meter test with Coach Andy at Alterra –

– Learned everything from changing a flat to drinking while riding. Thanks Coach Norman! –

– Bike skill training with Team Norman at MOA-

– 100k ride with Jun at NUVALI! Who would’ve thought I could ever do this?! –

Trail Runs: I love trail running but never have enough time to do it.  Thankfully, I ran trail twice this year.  First in Salomon Trail Run in Tagaytay Highlands then La Mesa Ecopark with friends.  Both were fun! Note to self: must do more trail runs for 2013.

– La Mesa Ecopark run with friends –

– Salomon Trail Run was exhilarating –

– Last few kilometers of the Salomon Trail Run. Crazy fun! –

Nike+ Innovation Space in Singapore:  Nike sent me to Singapore, along with friends Coach Rio dela Cruz, Drew Arellano, and LA Tenorio to learn about the new apparel and gear of Nike.

– with Nike ambassadors Rio and Drew –

– with friend Andrea Goh of Nike Singapore and the Nike Fly Knit –

Running and Biking with the Kiddos: We got more active with the kiddos this year!  Running and biking with the two people I love the most in the world. The best!

– Southridge Run with kids and Cosmo –

– Our new favorite past time –


Unilab Active Health as Partner and Team: I’m thankful and proud to have partnered with ULAH for 2012 to further promote running and living an active lifestyle.  I also joined Unilab Active Health triathlon team.

– with other partners of ULAH during our launch: Coach Rio de la Cruz, Dan and Ani Brown, and Raul Cuevas of Bike King –

– Team Unilab Active Health dinner –

– Team pic after Ironman 70.3 Cebu. Missing from pic: Me! I must’ve been catching my breathe on a picnic mat by the finish line –

YOU. Yes, you, my dear reader. Thank you for dropping by this little blog of mine every so often.  Some of you have become great friends, some familiar faces in the running scene.  Even if I don’t get to see you most of you in person, know that I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your life somehow.

It truly has been a fantastic year.  2012, you don’t suck at all!

Thank you to Unilab Active Health, Sun Broadband, Otterbox, Enervon HP, Enervon Activ, Gatorade, Oakley, Specialized and Dan’s Bike Shop, and Kitchen’s Best for all the loving! Thanks you also to Hero Foundation for allowing me to be involved in the great work that you do!

Previous post: Part 1: Hey 2012, You Suck…NOT!

Part 1: Hey 2012, You Suck…NOT!

Monday, 31 December 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Top of mind, this is what I wanted to tell the year that passed: Hey 2012, you suck!

Then, I browsed through my iphoto library for over a couple of hours and discovered a treasure trove of fond memories of the past 364 days. Instantly, I recalled what one of my dearest friends repeatedly told me: You’ve been blessed.  He’s right.  I am blessed—despite the hiccups, bumps, and bruises along the way—and I am truly grateful.

And so, dearest 2012, forgive me for being melodramatic.  Allow me to thank you for the wonderful, meaningful, and unforgettable experiences this year. You took me on great adventures from Cebu to Berlin, gave me new running and tri-obsessed friends, and took me from the edge of fear to building my confidence and mental toughness in a way I never thought possible.

Here are the highlights of my running life for 2012. There are so many that this is a two part series! Oh, and if you wanna read more about it, just click on the titles to read the full blogpost…

TBR Dream Marathon 2012: Last March 22, 483 marathoners were born. It was our 3rd TBR Dream Marathon, but it always feels like the first.  TBR Dream Marathon, where everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner. Sweet!


Tri United 1 & 2: The shorter distance of Tri United 1 and 2 at Laiya, Batangas prepared me for Ironman 70.3, not just physically but mentally. Bonus that these were well-organized and fun!

Click on these links to read more about my Tri United 1 and Tri United 2 experience.

– Tri United 1 with my teammates from Unilab Active Health –

– Racing during Tri United 2: swim 2k, bike 60k, and run 15k –

– with Jun and Coach Norman. Photo: Team Norman –

– with teammates Bic, Drew, and Augusto Benedicto, who would later on be the 1st Pinoy to finish Ironman 70.3 Cebu –

Ironman 70.3 Cebu: It was this race that I worked oh-so hard for during the first 7 months of 2012.  Training for it was challenging and, as Coach Andy likes to say, character-building. This race made me tougher, stronger, and even more bullheaded. Is that a good thing?

– The best portion of Ironman 70.3 Cebu. Photo: Lloyd Joseph Lawas –

Jaymie and Andy
– with my Coach, Andy Leuterio, who made me suffer in training so I could perform on race day –

– with good friend Ton Gatmaitan. We signed up for this race together unsure of what we were getting ourselves into LOL. What a ride! –

– with training buddy Jun Cruz aka Tatang and our good friend Philip Leroux –

Berlin Marathon: My 8th marathon. After the rigors of triathlon training, I gave myself the chance to enjoy myself with my first love, running.  I had a blast running Berlin with my best running buddies.  Truly one of the most memorable experiences. Thank you to Unilab Active Health for sponsoring my Berlin adventure.

– Got our race packs at the Berlin Marathon expo! –

– Our pre-marathon workout: tour of Berlin on segway! Crayzeee, but fun! –

– Freezing before the race start –

– Cheers! (That’s non-alcoholic beer by the way) –

– Showing off our medals with the Brandenburg Gate behind us –

Running in Prague: After Berlin, we spent two days in the beautiful city of Prague. We “ran” a recovery run…to McDonalds.

– We toured Prague after Berlin –

– We ran…a bit…there too! –

TBR Dream Team Run: Half the distance but thrice the fun!  This was our first TRBDM alumni run.  It was a team run for 3 runners running 21k together.  One of the most fun 21k races ever!

TBR1 175

TBR2 846

– Boys Night Out hosted the event –

Laguna Phuket International Marathon: I was lucky enough to be invited by Laguna Phuket to join their fantastic and scenic event. My hotel, Hotel Angsana, was the best too!

– The course was so scenic! –

– Finished the 10k even if I had diarrhea! Waah! –

Angkor Wat Half Marathon: A flat and fast run through the ancient temples of Angkor Wat!  I was speechless as I ran through the sites.  Truly moving and astounding. Thank you to Unilab Active Health for sending me.



Wait…there’s more…

Next: Part 2: Hey 2012, You Suck…NOT!

TBR DM 2013: Bull Session 4 on 5 January 2013!

Saturday, 29 December 2012  |  News + Promos

It’s our 4th Bull Session for TBR Dreamers 2013 on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at our race venue, NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna!  If there is one session that you shouldn’t miss, this would be it!  This is a 3 hour run, a key long run in preparation for the marathon.  (It’s also a great way to burn off the excess calories from the holidays!)


Date: January 5, 2013 Saturday
Venue: Solenad Activity Area, NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.  Click HERE for location map.
Assembly Time: 4:00AM
Start: 4:30AM
Program: Short talk by Lit Onrubia followed by a 3 hour run in NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.


  • Please come on time.
  • Don’t forget your TBR Dream Cards for attendance.
  • We recommend you leave your baggage in your cars, but if you must bring them, you may leave your baggage with our staff during the run. TBR will not be responsible for lost or stolen items so please avoid bringing valuables.
  • We will be giving out TBR DM Official Race shirts to TBR DM 2013 Participants who have not claimed the shirts.
  • Gatorade will be providing hydration.  Please bring your own water.  We recommend you practice using a hydration belt if you plan to use one on race day.  (For race day, we will be providing both water and Gatorade every 2km)
  • For those who have inquired, there will be no shuttle for this event.
  • If you have flashlights or headlamps, we recommend you bring them.
  • Bull Sessions are free and open to the public. Feel free to invite your friends!

For any questions, call Macel at TBR DM Hotline: Sun 0942 477 6099 or email

For complete calendar of activities for TBR Dream Marathon, click HERE.

Merry Christmas! Live, Laugh, and Slow Down…for Today!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012  |  Bullish Insights

How have you been celebrating the holidays?  For me, there was a whole lot of love, laughter, and…suffering the past few days!


I’m talking about the kind of suffering you’re probably familiar with, one that you probably enjoyed yourself over the past few days. Hey, we all felt compelled to burn off all the calories from feasting, plus the long weekends allowed for more time to just “play,” right?

I ran a fast 18k with my favorite running buddies: Ton, Jun, and Lit last Sunday. Aaah!  It was almost perfect.  We finally got to experience cool weather with a bonus light drizzle during the run!

The only bummer was when a bunch of the Polo Tri athletes passed my car as I was changing inside!  Que horror!  Of course, in a few minutes, I managed to get dressed, come out of the car poised acting as if nothing had happened! (These things can only happen to me!)

– All sweaty after our run –

– Lovin’ the shirts too! –

Just before mass and Noche Buena, I hopped on my bike trainer for an hour’s worth of Sufferfest! Woah, I never felt so strong on the bike before. Could it be due to the majestic ham?



After the suffering, there was always the reward of good food, laughter, and fun with friends and family.

My best running buddy, Annie, who I’ve missed terribly is back from Singapore for the holidays. Jun and I had breakfast with her.

– Laughter over sausages, crepes and coffee –

Team Berlin enjoyed our Christmas breakfast at Chelsea after our long run.

– with Lit, Angel, Miriam, and Jun. Missing in photo: Ton! –

We celebrated Christmas eve with my side of the family. I’m still dreaming about that salad dressing that my sis-in-law, Tonette of Mama L’Oca, promised to make for me!

– with my sister, Janice, sis in law, Tonette, and the kiddos –

– with my siblings: Jons, Janice, and Tan, and mom in the middle –

– What’s new? Janice and I always have goofy moments shot on cam! –

IMG_0064 - Version 2
– My loves! –


Before I go and have the kids open their gifts from Santa, I’d like to share with you a quote I found in the book Simple Abundance:

If, as Herod, we fill our lives with things, and again with things; if we consider ourselves so unimportant that we must fill every moment of our lives with action, when will we have the time to make the long, slow journey across the desert as did the Magi?  Or sit and watch the stars as did the shepherds?  Or brood over the coming of the child as did Mary?  For each one of us, there is a desert to travel.  A star to discover.  And a being within ourselves to bring to life.

– Author Unknown

There’s a time to rest, a time to suffer, a time to laugh and cry, a time to speed up and slow down. Today, for the first time, I ask you to slow down as I will too (against my own will heehee.) Rub that big belly and don’t worry about the extra weight. Lie on that couch all day and allow your legs to rest. Savor the special moments with your loved ones because, at the end of the day, that’s what matters most.

Merry Christmas everyone!
