Product Review: Powerbreathe

Wednesday, 25 April 2012  |  Bullish Insights

As runners, we’re all trying to find new ways to improve our performance through training. But, only last week, I learned that we could also exercise our breathing muscles and improve our performance.

I received a new product called POWERbreathe for testing.

– POWERbreathe –

– Upon opening the flap –

– Inside the box –

– Back –

Here’s some information provided by the local distributor of POWERbreathe:

Why should you exercise your breathing muscles?

The lungs aren’t a muscle, they rely on the muscles surrounding them for their expansion and contraction. It’s this supporting structure that you need to strengthen and condition in order to appreciate proper, full breathing.

Why is it beneficial to take fuller breaths?

Lung size varies from person to person, so there are natural limits to lung capacity, however you can influence the total lung capacity that you actually use; your vital capacity.
When you breathe all the air out from your lungs, what’s left is called residual volume, or ‘stale air’, and it remains in your lungs. Too much of this is unhealthy.

By using POWERbreathe to exercise your breathing muscles, you’ll be strengthening your lungs’ supporting structure and improving your vital capacity, the usable portion of your lungs.

This not only benefits athletes because they are maximizing their ability to breathe. This in turn makes their training or exercise feel easier and they are able to train for longer with a lower sense of effort, increasing their fitness, and ultimately sports performance.

What are the benefits of POWERbreathe?

POWERbreathe is said to improve Swimming, Cycling & Running Performance:

– Accelerated recovery during repeated sprints by up to 7%
– Increased swimming performance by up to 3.5%
– Improved cycling time trial performance by 4.6% – equivalent to slashing – 3-minutes off a 40k time trial
– Enabled participants to cycle for 33% longer and with lower sense of effort
– Improved inspiratory muscle strength by 31.2%
– Improved inspiratory muscle endurance by 27.8%
– Reduced whole body effort during exercise


I tested the POWERbreathe Plus Medium Variable Resistance. I use it twice a day, once in the morning upon waking then at night before sleeping.

At its maximum level, Level 10, I feel like I could use a little more resistance to feel like I’m actually working out my lungs. Perhaps I should’ve tried the Heavy model.

I’ve been using it intermittently for over a week.  I do feel stronger, but, to be frank, I can’t attribute this solely to POWERbreathe because I’ve also been swimming and biking more.  I will say that, at the right resistance, it definitely feels like you are exercising your lungs and I will not be surprised to feel its short- and long-term benefits down the road.

It’s a bit pricey.  But, for those who are serious about gaining a competitive edge, then this may be a good investment.


There are three resistance levels for POWERbreathe.

1) Light Variable Resistance (Wellness) model: For those who are restricted by shortness of breath, either due to respiratory illness or advancing age.
2) Medium Variable Resistance (Fitness) model: For those who are moderately fit and lead an active lifestyle but would like to push themselves that bit further.
3) Heavy Variable Resistance (Sports) model: For elite athletes and people who are in top physical condition but who want an edge on the competition.

The SRP for all models are Php 3,500. Each unit has 10 levels of adjustment.

For inquiries:
Facebook: AzioneSports

Life’s a Beach

Sunday, 22 April 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Everything has been fast paced for me lately, so a family trip to the beach was more than welcome.

The hubby couldn’t make it due to work, but the new BF and the trainer surely couldn’t be left behind. (Bulls suffer heavily from separation anxiety especially when it comes to new training gear.) Plan was to ride 40km on the trainer on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

As we loaded the car, I realized the bike wouldn’t fit. I also packed my running clothes, Nike Frees, goggles, and swim cap for my swim. Aaack I had to prioritize the items we were taking with us! So, I chose to bring a smaller electric fan and left one pillow behind. I wondered how my mom would fit into the car when we picked her up later in the day, but, hey, anything to ensure training continues through a vacation, right?

We made it to the beach only for me to find out that I left the skewer for the bike to fit into the trainer. Aaaargh! I wasn’t able to bike, but I did have a good morning run by the shore before everyone woke up on Saturday. Right after, I had a comfy 1km open water swim with my older brother.

– 7am. After my relaxing run by the shore –

What a great way to spend a not-so-lazy weekend at the beach! As for my date with the Shiv, we’ll catch up tonight and tomorrow.

– with the kiddos –

Holy Shiv!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012  |  Gear + Gadgets

HolyShiv copy

HOLY SHIV! That’s all I could say—well, okay, something that sounded like that—when I saw the new tri bike that Specialized was going to loan me.

My new bike is a Specialized Shiv Comp Rival.  It’s a tri specific model. 10 speed. Fully adjustable cockpit.  And, as if it was made for me, it has an internal hydration bladder!

The Shiv is the same model that Craig Alexander, seen in the ad above, used to win the Ironman World Championship last year.

There’s only around 10 of these in the Philippines.  When I saw it, I was overwhelmed.  I thought: I’m just a newbie. I’m not worthy.

BUT, man, whenever I take a look at this handsome bike, I just drool.  And smile.  And I wanna train all day and ride fast in it (heehee!)  It’s love at first sight, really.

– Me and my new baby…or boyfriend…whatever label is fine with me –

– with Joey Ramirez of Dan’s Bikeshop, distributor of Specialized –

So, here’s the deal with Specialized. The Shiv will be on loan as I train for Ironman 70.3 Cebu. Specialized will set a target time for me. If I reach it, the bike is mine. If I don’t, they will offer it to me at a discount.

It’s not like I needed an incentive to do my best at Ironman 70.3 Cebu. But, ya know, this sure makes the journey a whole lot sweeter!

– Hey shiv, you’re gonna be mine! –

For inquiries on Specialized bikes, please contact:
Dan’s Bike Shop
Phone: 894-5110
Facebook: search for dan’s bike shop or specialized philippines

Lunch with the Foreign Runner

Tuesday, 17 April 2012  |  Bullish Insights

It’s always nice to catch up with old running blogger friends.  So, when we found out Philip and his wife Vina were back in town, we had to call for a get together.  Of course, talk was about running, marathons, and triathlons over sinigang na corned beef and crispy pata.

– Jay, Vina, Philip, me, Jun, and Levy –

Several years ago, Philip, who hails from South Africa, would tease us about running Comrades Marathon.  Now, looking fit in his Ironman 70.3 shirt, he bugged us about joining Ironman in his hometown 3 years from now. We’ll see, Philip, we’ll see.

Read their old running blogs here: (Guys, can you please update them? I miss reading these!)

> Jay – Prometheus Cometh
> Levy – Happy Hour
> Philip – Foreign Runner
> Jun – The Solemates

Laguna Phuket Marathon on 10 June 2012

Monday, 16 April 2012  |  Race Announcements

I signed up for Phuket Marathon last year only to be sidelined by injury.  This year, I may be able to squeeze in a half marathon in my training. Hmmm…

If you’re looking for a destination run within Asia, you may consider Laguna Phuket Marathon.  Online registration is available until 2 June at with special deals at Laguna Phuket hotels also available on the website.

Here’s a press release below…

Asia’s Fastest Growing Destination Marathon Set for Record Numbers

Hundreds of runners from around the world will “Run Paradise” in the seventh annual Laguna Phuket International Marathon on Sunday, 10 June, to re-affirm its status as Asia’s fastest growing family-friendly destination marathon.

International registrations opened in October and since then entries have surged ahead of the same period last year, with total international entries now close to 1,000.

Local entries opened on 1 April to great enthusiasm and the final number is expected to exceed last year’s record of some 5,000 participants from 45 countries.

The biggest international group so far is Japan, with more than 200 runners, followed by Singapore (96) and Hong Kong (78).

Year-on-year growth since the inaugural 2006 event with less than 2,000 runners makes Laguna Phuket International Marathon Asia’s biggest and fastest growing destination marathon.

Its “Run Paradise” tagline is an apt description, with runners of all ages and abilities on a mainly flat course that takes in rubber and pineapple plantations, beach views, local villages and the tropical lagoons of Laguna Phuket – all in a family-friendly carnival atmosphere.

As well as the full marathon there’s a 21.1km half marathon and 10.5km run, with families catered for with the 91.5FM 5km community walk and 2km children’s race.

A two-day expo with sponsor booths and fun activities around Laguna Phuket will stoke the carnival atmosphere.

Event Director, Roman Floesser, of organiser Go Adventure Asia, said: “We encourage runners to enjoy the scenery and have a fantastic race experience instead of pushing themselves to achieve personal best times.

“It’s all about participation and having fun in a great atmosphere.”