What Do You See Everyday?

Thursday, 1 March 2012  |  Bullish Insights

I work from home. And, only recently, I finally had the time to spruce up my little home office. With tons of work for the blog, magazine and the race, I spend most of my time on my laptop facing one wall of this little room.

This is what I see everyday.  No, it’s not that obvious that I’m completely in love with running.


Right: MARATHON MEDAL HANGER. Only 42k medals allowed to hang on that little thing.  Shorter distances are stored in an old lengua de gato container.  Sad, but hey that’s how special a marathon is, right?

Middle: RUN UNITED 1 2011 21k CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION.  I’m never really attached to certificates, but this one was special for me because it was my half marathon PR last year.  No, I don’t particularly enjoy seeing my thinner self staring back at me on a daily basis, but I posted it as a reminder of my goals this year: 1) Lose the last 4 lbs I gained last year, and 2) Break my 21k PR.

Middle: TBR DM TRAINING PROGRAM.  The white bond paper in the middle is the training program of our TBR Dream Marathoners this year.  I keep track of it to know what they should be running, when our next talks and clinics are, and how many more days until race day.  (Answer is 16!)

Middle: PINK BULL. See that little pink bull?  She was a pasalubong from my good friend, Mayi Lopa, who spotted it on a trip abroad and said she just had to buy it for me.  Methinks I should have green running shoes made for her.

Left: BERLIN MARATHON MAP.  I signed up for only two major races this year: 1) Ironman 70.3 in August (shoot, did I really just announce it here?  Gulp.) and 2) Berlin Marathon on September 30.  I’m psyched. I love the thought of just choosing two major races and going all out to train for those.  It pretty much sets the entire year for me.

Left, middle, right: RUNNING STICKERS!  I’m a running sticker freak.  I collect them when I run races abroad.  The black circle is a Mizuno sticker from NYCM 2011, the 26.2 was from CIM 2011, and the nicest of ’em all is stuck to that little bottle which houses TBR Dream Medals of the past.  (Aw, I’m getting all sentimental already.)

So, that’s what I see everyday.  A picture of my running goals and just some of the things in life that make me happy.  What do you see everyday?



The Last Bull Circle and Bull Session

Thursday, 1 March 2012  |  Running + Triathlon

The TBR Dream Marathoners are at the homestretch of their training program!

Last February 8, 2012, we had our 5th and last Bull Circle sponsored by SecondWind Running store.

– Full house again at the Home Depot Events Hall in Ortigas across SecondWind Running Store –

Lit Onrubia, Chi running instructor and lead coach for all our Bull Sessions, gave a talk on “The Art of Tapering” to guide the runners on how to use the last few weeks before the marathon wisely.

– Lit reminds marathoners about tapering properly before the big day –

TV host, former swimming olympian, and TBR Dream Marathon alumni, Christine Jacob-Sandejas, inspired our runners with her animated and entertaining account of her journey towards becoming a runner and subsequently a marathoner.

– TBR Dream Alumni Christine Jacob-Sandejas had the crowd captivated with her marathon story –

– Ask all you want. TBR Dream Team, Neville, Lit, and myself along with guests, Christine Jacob-Sandejas, Susan Lafferty, and Mitch Felipe-Mendoza, answered questions from the runners –

The last part of the Bull Circle was a Q&A on “How to Run TBR Dream Marathon,” a no-holds barred Q&A on details of the upcoming race at Nuvali.

– Neville, Christine, myself, Susan, Mitch, and Lit –

Last February 25, 2012, we had our last Bull Session at Nuvali. We started with a brief talk led by head of Gatorade Sports Science Institute, Nino Singco, who created a special TBR DM drinking guide for our marathoners. How cool is that?

– Gatorade talk on hydration for TBR Dream Marathoners –

Then, Jim Lafferty and Lit Onrubia briefly explained the plans for the day: a 3 1/2 hour run through the roads of Nuvali split into 4 run-walk interval groups led by volunteer pacers (thanks guys! You know who you are!) and they were off!

– Pacers Jojo Manalo and Zaldy Santillan brief their group –

Cip <em>Lim
– TBR DM runners running before sunrise at NUVALI. Photo courtesy of J-Cip Lim –

– Runner bonding! Photo courtesy of Merl Magtangob/ Spongebob Runner –

It was hot and challenging, but the runners braved the hills and the heat to finish their last long run before marathon day on March 18.  Woohoo!  What can I say? This batch of TBR Dream Marathoners is one committed and determined group!  Looking forward to see each runner cross the finish line in a couple of weeks!

– We filled the entire back of Solenad. Looked like a mini BHS, really! –

– Jim with our TBR DM runners –

– with my teammates Bic who’s pacing Adel at TBR DM for his first marathon –

– Group pics after the run! –

– Mission accomplished. Time for rest and recovery. –

The Next Step Camps and Clinic 2012 Calendar

Monday, 27 February 2012  |  News + Promos

TBR is proud to partner with Coach Dan and Ani Brown’s The Next Step Camps and Clinics.

I joined The Next Step tri camp last year (read my review HERE) and I plan to do so again this year (just gotta get the hubby and kids’ go signal for next week’s camp. Crossing my fingers!)  in preparation for triathlons I plan to join for this 1st half.  Yiiiikes.  The thought of swimming and cycling freaks me out (that’s an understatement), so I feel pretty fortunate we have camps like this to equip wanna be triathletes or triathletes who want to improve some expert advise and guidance.  See below for The Next Steps complete calendar for 2012.





February 25-26 Next Step Camp 1 Pico de Loro
Starting It Right Camp

March 7 Next Step Clinic 1 for Tri United, Unilab Pool Mandaluyong
Focus: Swim Clinic

March 10-11 Next Step Camp 2, Pico de Loro
Sprint-Olympic Weekend

April 11 Next Step Clinic 2 for Tri United, Mall Of Asia
Focus: Bike Clinic

May 23 Next Step Clinic 3 for Tri United, University Of Makati
Focus: Run Clinic

June 9-10 Next Step Camp 3, Pico de Loro
Long Distance Weekend

July 21-22 Next Step Camp 4, Pico de Loro
Long Distance Race Prep Weekend

October 13-14 Next Step Camp 5 for Tri United
Beginners Camp for Tri United 3

The Next Step Clinics for Tri United

A. Feb 22 Next Step Clinic 1 for Tri United
Focus: Swim Clinic
Manila Venue: Unilab Pool
Time: 5:30pm-8pm

Will cover swim theory and technique for the first part and swim application and stroke analysis for the second part.

B. April 11 Next Step Clinic 2 for Tri United
Focus: Bike Clinic
Manila Venue: Mall Of Asia
Time: 5:30am-7:30am

Will cover bike theory and technique for the first part and a short bike ride for the second part. Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

C. May 23 Next Step Clinic 3 for Tri United
Focus: Run Clinic
Manila Venue: University Of Makati
Time: 5:30pm-7:30am

Will cover run theory and technique for the first part and a run workout and run analysis for the second part.

The Next Step Camps for Tri United

A. Feb 25-26 Next Step Camp 1 for Tri United
Focus: Starting It Right Camp
Venue: Pico de Loro
Coaching Fee: Free
Cost of Accommodations: P5,000/ hotel room
How to Register: Just email nextsteptri@gmail.com to confirm your slot, first come first served

A great fitness booster for the 2012 racing season and educational weekend for both beginner and experienced triathletes. Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

B. March 10-11 Next Step Camp 2 for Tri United
Focus: Sprint Olympic Training Weekend
Venue: Pico de Loro
Coaching Fee: Free
Cost of Accommodations: P5,000/ hotel room
How to Register: Just email nextsteptri@gmail.com to confirm your slot, first come first served

Join this camp and be race ready for the first few sprint and Olympic distance races of summer! Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

C. June 9-10 Next Step Camp 3 for Tri United
Focus: Long Distance Weekend
Venue: Pico de Loro
Cost of Accommodations: P5,000/ hotel room
How to Register: Just email nextsteptri@gmail.com to confirm your slot, first come first served

For triathletes who want to work hard and prepare well for their long distance race events. Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

D. July 21-22 Next Step Camp 4 for Tri United
Focus: Long Distance Race Prep
Venue: Pico de Loro
Coaching Fee: Free
Cost of Accommodations: P5,000/ hotel room
How to Register: Just email nextsteptri@gmail.com to confirm your slot, first come first served

A great tune up weekend specifically designed for the 70.3 Philippines in Cebu. We want to help you have an awesome race! Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

E. October 13-14 Next Step Camp 5 for Tri United
Focus: Beginners Camp for Tri United 3
Venue: Alabang
How to register: Available only to registrants of Tri United Race Series.

Triathlon 101 for those who are new to the sport and want to arm themselves with practical lessons in swimming, biking, running, transitions, nutrition, etc. Partner bike shops, mechanics, and bike-fit systems present.

For more info, visit:

Website: http://thenextsteptricamp.com/

Run United Update for 21k and 5k

Monday, 27 February 2012  |  Race Announcements

Ready for Run United this coming Sunday, March 4, 2012?  Here are updates about the race from RunRio, its race organizer:

21k category

1. Starting gun

The gun start for the 21k category was adjusted to an earlier time from 5am to 430am . We are allowing a maximum grace period of 30 minutes to allow participants to start. Hence, by 5:01am,the starting line will be closed to all runners. This is due to the limited time that the race organizer has been allowed to have the race route closed to traffic. We hope you understand that this is for every one’s safety and security.

2. Free shuttle services

We are providing free shuttle services for all 21k runners from MOA to BGC starting at 230am. This service will be available at 15 minute intervals until the last trip scheduled at 330am. After 3:30am, the next shuttle service to BGC will only be available starting 630am, at 15 minute intervals, with last trip scheduled at 930am. No shuttle services will be provided after 930am.

Designated pick-up point: OCEAN DRIVE (in between ECOM Bldg and Blk12) at Mall of Asia complex
Drop off point: In front of RIOVANA STORE in Fort – BGC

Runners are are recommended to plan their transportation in advance given these developments.

3. Baggage Counter

21k runners may leave their bags at any of the two designated Baggage Buses parked along the 9th Avenue near the Gun Start area in Fort BGC from 2:30am until 5am only. After the race,you may claim your items from the same bus at OCEAN DRIVE (in between ECOM Bldg and Blk 12) at Mall of Asia. Participants are strongly advised not to leave any valuables in their bags. The race organizer and any of its sponsors will not be held liable for any loss or damage to your personal items.

Below are key points to remember:

  • Starting line at BGC across RIOVANA
  • Baggage buses: 230am to 5am
  • Assembly time 330am
  • Starting gun 430am
  • Cutoff of start 500am
  • Finish line at MOA

Shuttle services*:

  • MOA to BGC**:230am to 330am in time for the 430am starting gun
  • MOA to BGC**:600am to 930am

*all shuttle services are exclusive to 21K participants only
**in 15minute intervals

5k category

The 5k gun start at MOA has also been adjusted to 5:30am. This will be simultaneous with the 10k category at a separate starting line, also in MOA.

Registration for Run United at Bull Session 5

Friday, 24 February 2012  |  News + Promos

Oh boy, tomorrow’s Bull Session 5 is turning out to be a huge event in itself.

As mentioned, we’ll be having the TBR DM Gatorade Drinking Guide talk at 4:00am before we run at 4:30am.  For our long run of 3.5 hours, we’ll have our two coaches, Jim Lafferty and Lit Onrubia, running with us.  Gatorade will have three stations while Unilab is providing us with a water station (but we still recommend you bring your own hydration belts.)  Lastly, after our long run, we’ll have a Run United registration booth (for TBR DM runners you can use the 10k as a training run) plus free sampling of Enervon.

Sleep early for our long run tomorrow!  See ya!