7 New Year’s Resolutions Runners Should NOT Make

Tuesday, 3 January 2012  |  Bullish Insights

As the New Year rolls in, you probably have a long list of resolutions you’ve committed to when it comes to your most beloved sport.  I’m personally not big on resolutions, but on setting goals to achieve (What? My last public post on my New Year’s goals was way back in 2009?!).  But, I do know many of you runners have it all jotted down already.

Here are 7 New Year’s resolutions that I hope you DON’T have on your list. If you do, use your Body Glide or Hammer Gel to erase it from the list.  (Okay, not too sure if that’ll work, but you can try!)

(1) “I will join every race every weekend.” This will leave you A) bankrupt, B) injured, or C) both. Choose your races wisely.  If your argument to letter A is that you have more than enough money at the bank to finance your weekly races, then plan the races that you’ll run at an easy pace and those that you’ll race, then call me so you can treat me for breakfast after those races.

(2) “I will lose 10 lbs in 1 month because of running.”  It’s not impossible.  In fact, running will easily burn off that extra weight for you and then some.  But, as you very well know, losing weight too fast isn’t too good for your body.  Worse, if you’re competitive like uhm some people here, then it will seriously affect your performance.  Lose weight gradually and the proper way.

(3) “I’ll run a marathon this year just like my officemate.”  Who is your officemate anyway?  And what does he or she have to do with what should be one of the highlights of your entire running career?  Never ever set your running goals based on someone else’s.  Listen to your own body.  Set your own dreams.  There is no pressure to outwit, outdo or outrun another.  Last I checked, you’re not a contestant on Survivor.

(4) “I’ll beat that B#@Tch!”  Now, now, no need for cussing on this blog or on the road.  They say golf is a gentleman’s sport.  Can’t we try to make running for well-mannered and polite runners too?  Treat each runner, road organizer, blogger, volunteer, marshall, etc with respect and kindness.  I can’t understand how some people learn self-discipline and life values through running only to treat fellow runners like crap.  As for beating that other runner in a race, go ahead and do it, but shake her hand after the race. (No, don’t put super glue on your palm!)

(5) “I will run every single day.”  This is a common runners’ mistake.  Running daily may work for some, but it is not recommended for everyone.  It can cause injury especially for beginners.  It can also lead to dry hair, regular tardiness at work, and increased spending for detergent to wash your running apparel.  Allow your body to recover in between runs.  Vary the intensity of your workouts for optimal training.  If you want to train daily, then consider cross training.

(6) “I will stick to my training program come hell or high water.”  Seriously?  If high water comes in the form of Sendong, I would highly recommend you run for your life (no pun intended). Sometime during your training, life will get in the way (ex. you’ll get sick, your child gets sick, your husband gets sick, or you get sick of your husband…kidding!) so you must be flexible enough to adjust your program.  Don’t fret about it.  You’ll finish that half marathon, you’ll still have a chance of hitting your goal despite minor setbacks.

(7) “I will focus on running this year.”  Focus is good; it’s great!  And running can definitely color and enhance your life.  That’s what it did (and still does) for me.  But please have more to life than just running. Know your priorities.  Leave some space for other activities, events, interests, and more importantly, people.  Nourish your mind and soul with other non-running elements.  There’s nothing worse than sitting down with a runner who can’t talk about anything else but the next race, his fastest time, or the best running shoe on the market.  By loving running without letting it rule your life, you open yourself up to so many possibilities this 2012 and, yes, that still includes breaking your PR in that 21k!

Happy New Year, runners!

Secondwind’s 2011 Runner’s Choice for Shoes

Sunday, 1 January 2012  |  Gear + Gadgets

Secondwind Running store has just released it’s “2011 Runner’s Choice” – a comprehensive list of the top 3 choices for running shoes made by their customers for each category of running shoes: Beginner’s, Trail, Neutral, Neutral (Cushioning), Stability, Stability (moderate), and Lightweight/Racing.

As for the Best Shoe of the Year for Secondwind, guess who won…the KSwiss K-Ona.

Best Lightweight/Racing shoe for women was my very own pair: the KSwiss Kwicky Blade Light. This was my shoe for 2011 too.

– the 2012 Kwicky Blade Light for Women that I currently use –

What running shoes will we see next year and what shoe will stand out?  Let’s wait and see.  Just another reason to get excited about 2012!

Click below to download Secondwind’s 2011 Runner’s Choice file in PDF.

<<< Secondwind 2011 Runner’s Choice >>>>

Goodbye 2011

Friday, 30 December 2011  |  Bullish Insights

2011 was one hell of a roller coaster ride for me complete with double loops and hair-raising moments. But, it was definitely a year with bountiful blessings that I’m thankful for.  Here’s what made 2011 a great year for running for me:

(1) Races of all shapes and sizes.  There were huge, well-organized, near perfect races as well as small fun runs that I had the pleasure of participating in.  I thank all the race organizers and the people who work behind each race to make it memorable and safe for all of us runners.  It’s no joke to stage an event and I do believe each runner should be grateful for each experience.  If there’s a flaw or a mishap, then raise the issues with respect and in the proper forum.  My personal favorites were: Condura Skyway MarathonRun United, adidas King of the Road, and Mommy Milkshake Fun Run.

– with Alvin after running my fastest half marathon at RU 1 –

(2) TBR Dream Marathon 2011.  TBR Dream Marathon will always be one of the biggest highlights of each year for me. It’s a fave race that I’ll never get to run, but one where I have the great fortune of witnessing first- and second-time marathoners achieve their dreams.  Most of TBR Dream alumni go on to become my good friends in running, too.  Just one of the many gifts from TBR Dream that’s worth all the sweat and tears that comes into organizing it. Looking forward to see our 3rd batch cross that 42km finish line!

(3) Meeting celebs and legends!  I had the pleasure of meeting legendary runner Jeff Galloway, getting international star Apl .de. Ap of Black Eyed Peas to grace TBR Magazine cover, rubbing elbows with Coach Erik Spoelstra, and last but not the least, speaking with Congressman Manny Pacquiao!

– Super Pinoy star Apl. de. Ap –

– Starstruck over Manny while he browses through TBR Magazine –

(4) Traveling! Oh boy, the runs and the travels!  Thanks to Women’s Health for taking me to Boracay for Beauty and the Beach for it’s 2nd Anniversary. Thanks to Mitch Felipe, Armand Mendoza, and Misibis Bay for inviting me to the Misibis Bay Fitness Escape.  Thanks to Francis Velasquez and Jeffrey Ang of Circle Productions for taking us to Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon. I flew to Bohol with the family too. Thanks to Guam Visitors Bureau and EON for taking me to Guam for the awesome Guam Koko Road race.

– Boracay with Lara Parpan and Christine Ong of Women’s Health, Summit –

– with Francis Velasquez at the trails of Cdo-Dahilayan Ultramarathon –

– with friends from the Guam Visitors Bureau before the race start –

Special thanks to Gatorade for flying me off to New York to participate in my 2nd ING New York City Marathon. I ended the year with a wonderful trip to San Francisco and Sacramento for the California International Marathon, too.

– After the NYC Marathon 2011 –

– During the California International Marathon –

(5) Trying to Tri. So, I got my feet wet (a bit) and found out that I could seriously enjoy the triathlon world. Thanks to The Next Step Tri Camp for allowing me to be saling pusa in their camp. I had a blast there bonding with Team Hammer friends. I also got a swim coach with teammates Adel, Bic, and Jake and learned to love the water.  Running and marathons got in the way this 2011 (as they always do because it’s pretty evident that running is my love!), but I hope to get more into triathlon this coming year.


(6) Humble running achievements such as breaking my half marathon PR at Run United 1 with the help of running buddy, Alvin, and finishing a total of 7 marathons by the end of this year.  There’s still so many goals to reach, so many roads to cover, and oh so many marathons to run!

(7) Partnering with Sun Broadband and Cherifer Premium.  Thank you to Sun and Cherifer for the trust and the support in helping me get more people to run!  Thanks also to Hammer Nutrition, Oakley, and Gatorade for the support!

There’s only one thing I’d like to happily bid goodbye to this 2011.  Good riddance to Morton’s Neuroma which hit me in May and practically bugged me for the rest of the year.  Boo to you for making me missing Phuket Marathon!  I look forward to not seeing you this 2012!

May the coming year bring you lots of joy, laughter, bliss, and good health as you cover more kilometers on the road!  Hope to bump into you soon!


Slowing Down

Thursday, 29 December 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.

– Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne

– Lunch with running buddies Jun and Annie. We had banana-carrot cake in UCC for dessert. Aaah, yummy! Definitely not as good as Leona’s carrot cake from Cebu though! –

After two consecutive marathons and non-stop work, I gave myself the entire December to run easier, work less, eat more dessert, and just do nothing (which is something I hadn’t done for so long!)  Yes, sometimes, this Bull believes that she’s gotta slow down too.

The past two weeks have been incredibly refreshing.  I’ve spent more time lunching with friends (strictly following the dessert rule!), playing with the kids, cleaning up their rooms (which was a workout in itself!), redecorating my home office, and eating more dessert (have I said that already?) rather than facing my Mac which is usually right in front of my face all day, everyday.

It’s how I hoped to end this crazy, busy year and exactly how I wanted to start 2012.  *Note to self: pencil in more “do nothing” weeks for 2012.

What is a Christmas Run and Should You have One?

Saturday, 24 December 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Question: How do runners celebrate the holidays?

Answer: We have our own Christmas Run, of course!

– After our Christmas Run this morning, me, Annie, Jun, Ton, Trixie, Angel, Miriam, Jun, Lit at Sentro –

What’s a Christmas Run?

A Christmas Run is defined as any activity done by an individual or group moving at a speed faster than a walk that is executed anytime during the period of December 20 to 30.

The run can be done at any location, at any time, and at any distance but early morning—4:30 AM to 6:30 AM—is highly recommended for participants to 1) feel the cool Christmas air and 2) possibly partake of Puto Bumbong from Simbang Gabi.

Pace must strictly be easy, non-competitive, and preferably one that allows the runner to laugh at senseless jokes the entire time.  Stupid jokes that are associated with Frosty the Snowman or Rudolp the Reindeer, although relevant for the season, are strictly prohibited.

Who Can Join a Christmas Run?

It is recommended but not required that all participants have been running together for over 6 months and have accumulated a total of 300 kilometers together.

It is a non-negotiable that all runners sincerely enjoy each others’ company.  If there’s one rotten egg in the bunch (e.g., no sense of humor, makes too frequent stops at the restroom, too pacute, the list goes on and on) then the runner may be expelled from the group after a consensus is reached (preferably before the Christmas Run invitation/SMS has been released).

Why Consider a Christmas Run?

TBR highly recommends a Christmas Run among your best running buddies.  It’s the one time of the year that you do exactly the same thing you’ve been doing with your running group: you wake up the same time, meet at the same place to see the usual faces, run more or less the same distance, and have breakfast at the same restaurant to order the same ol’ breakfast meals, but without cheesy words exchanged and just by showing up on this special weekend, you essentially tell each other that running together has been one of the greatest gifts you could’ve received this year.

Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy the Holidays!