Timex 226 Bohol Triathlon

Thursday, 4 August 2011  |  News + Promos

I was in my own little world wondering when I’ll ever join and finish a sprint triathlon—there’s none anytime soon and the Speedo NAGT in October conflicts with my sched—when I heard about the Timex 226 Bohol Triathlon in Anda, Bohol. I was floored.

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Isn’t it amazing how our local races just keep improving and, uhm, testing our limits? (Well, not really MY limits for Timex 226 because mine would be Timex 22 without the 6 only. Hah!) And, isn’t it fantastic that companies like Timex continue to support local races and promote endurance sports in the community? Awesome.

Anyhow, just in case you’re dreaming of joining the Timex 226 in December or in the future, you may want to join this talk on Saturday, August 6, 2011, from 2 to 6PM at Kabisera.  Speakers are good friends Coach Dan and Ani Brown and Harvie de Baron. I’ll be there just to say hi after the event.

timex 226 reg_1

Do I ever dream of finishing distances like this?  Perhaps when my kids don’t need me hanging around too often!

Of Butterfly Wings and Birthday Runs

Tuesday, 2 August 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Last Sunday morning, I woke up at 3 AM to the sound of rain dropping heavily on our rooftop. My first thought: Poor Milo Marathoners. I couldn’t imagine running a 42k for over 4 hours under heavy rain with soaked socks and raisin-like feet.

Having said that, running a distance less than a full in the rain is a completely different story. Running in the rain is an experience that I always look forward to because 1) I get to wear my favorite bright pink Nike Storm Fly running jacket (shallow I know!) 2) I don’t feel as tired running in cool weather, and 3) I feel like a kid again playing under the rain!

Well I wasn’t running Milo this year due to my recovery from injury, but I did get up early for a rainy 15k run with birthday boy, good friend, and certified Chi Running instructor, Lit Onrubia, and friends Ton, Quenby, and Leah.  The entire run was fun and smooth (my foot injury was gone!) despite the wet roads.

We ended our fun run with Lit’s birthday breakfast hosted by Tessa at her home.  A breakfast buffet table welcomed us—bacon, eggs, tocino, bagels, cheese, and coffee!—along with a birthday breakfast setting complete with little cookies as giveaways.  More of Lit’s running friends showed up to celebrate and enjoy the breakfast feast.


The biggest surprise of the morning was Tessa making a grand entrance in full costume with a chocolate cake in hand.  We sang, we ate, and we talked all throughout the perfect, rainy Sunday morning.

– Tessa and Lit –

– Perfect pic. We’re all looking at the wrong camera except for Tessa. L to R standing: myself, Lara, Tessa, Quenby, Ton, Arnel, Leah. Seated: Lit and Leana  –

Congratulations to all Milo Marathoners! Happy Birthday again, Lit!

TBR 30: Eat Right Challenge Continues…

Tuesday, 2 August 2011  |  Healthy Food + Recipes


So our 30 day challenge ended two days ago. How did you fare?

As for my 30 days, I was eating properly probably 90% of the time. Admittedly, there were times when I couldn’t resist temptation or I just completely forgot about my commitment to eat properly.  Whoops. (Apologies for failing to remind you too since life got busy busy busy. I know you know that this was a commitment to yourself that you were responsible for anyway!) But, I also remembered not to be too hard on myself. That 90% of the time I was being good and that already made a huge difference in my health. That life also was meant to be lived and celebrated and that included tasting—not fully indulging—in some of the not so healthy stuff every once in a while.

While I congratulate all of us for reaching 30 days—did you?!—I also would like to remind you that the 30 days was only the beginning. Shouldn’t we all live healthier lives, uhm, forever?

Let’s try the TBR 30 again next time.  Maybe closer to Christmas.  By this time, I’ll try to get more support and help from friends.  Until then!

Do You Believe in Second Chances?

Thursday, 28 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

I certainly do. And, it turns out, so does Gatorade.


The good people at Gatorade are giving me the chance to run my dream marathon…again. Hopefully, this time, I get to run it exactly the way I want it. No more tripping over Disneyland sidewalks (grrr!), pre-race sightseeing, and last but not the least freezing my thighs off in shorts. I know now what to do and what NOT to do.

– Running NYC Marathon 2010 with my “bodyguards” –

It will be serious, steady, and hopefully joyful running at the biggest marathon in the world: The ING New York City Marathon 2011. Looking forward to seeing you again in November, New York!


Gatorade, thank you!

Runner’s World: Training Secrets from a Pamplona Bull

Wednesday, 27 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

This is hilarious. Being the bull that I am, I just had to repost this interview of my fellow bull by my favorite running resource, Runner’s World.  Read it and laugh!

Click HERE to read the full article on RunnersWorld.com
