Mommy Milkshake Marathon 2011

Tuesday, 26 July 2011  |  Race Announcements

For those of you who’ve been reading this blog since it started in 2007, you know that I’m a big fan of Mommy Milkshake Marathon. There hasn’t been a year when I missed this fun run.  Why? Here are the reasons:

  1. It’s fun!  My kids always look forward to this race.  TBR Jr. loves running with his cousins here, while Li’l Miss TBR loves the fact that they allow her to bring her pink princess bike.  It’s just a 3k race within BHS so parents like us need not worry too much about their safety.  If I need a “real” run, I run BEFORE the actual race to get the mileage in.
  2. The fun run is an advocacy run for breastfeeding.  The race is held every August which is World Breastfeeding Month. I breastfed both my kids: TBR Jr until he was 6 months and Li’l Miss TBR well over 1.5 years and I always encourage every mother to do so.  It was, for me, one of the most memorable bonding experiences with my kids.
  3. The race is organized by my sister, Janice Villanueva of Mommy Mundo, a go-to portal of everything for moms and preggies, and Mommy Matters, a line of nursing wear clothes.  My Ate will kill me if I don’t show up for her run, but of course she knows I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Mommy Milkshake Marathon is now on its 5th year!  The next run will be held on August 14, 2011 at Mercato Centrale, Bonifacio Global City. It’ll have a 3k and 5k run or walk.  Hope you can join us then!

– This was taken at last year’s Mommy Milkshake Marathon. L to R: Co-founder of Mommy Milkshake Marathon, lamaze teacher, and good friend Rome Kanapi, Janice, myself, and our kids and niece. –

Below are the fun run details.  Please direct all inquiries to the contact details provided in the material. I will not be able to answer any of your questions.  See ya!

Mommy Milkshake 2011 flyer


  • 5K- P500*
  • 3K- P400*
  • Kids (3-15years old) – P250*
  • Kids below 2 years old- FREE OF CHARGE

*inclusive of singlet, race kit, finisher’s kit and snack


Milkshake is only open to 400 participants. Race is open to the public (not just for breastfeeding moms). Register now to reserve your slot. Click HERE

**Those with online reservation must pick up their kits before August 7 or slots will be given to others. After August 7, only onsite registration will be accepted in the following registration stations:

  • MOMMY MUNDO OFFICE 2/L Fun Ranch, Frontera Verde, Pasig CityOffice Hours:  9AM-5PM only (office is closed during lunch break, 12noon-1PM) Mondays to Fridays only
  • ROX Bonifacio High Street
Time: 3PM-10PM onlyFridays- Sundays only
  • MERCATO CENTRALE @BGC8th cor 34th sts, Bonifacio Global City. During Midnight Mercato- Friday and Saturday 10pm to 3am. During Mercato Centrale- Saturday and Sunday 7am to 2pm


Mommy Milkshake this year goes a step further! After the Run/Walk around Bonifacio Global City, all participants are invited to a brunch and breastfeeding expo at Mercato Centrale right after. There will be booths and activities showcasing mommy and nursing products and accessories, there will be fun and informational talks and activities for moms as well as kids.*Breastfeeding Expo @ Mercato Centrale – no entrance fees, this event is open to the public and will run from 7am-2pm.


Call 470-9925

Little Boy No More

Sunday, 24 July 2011  |  Gear + Gadgets

We took TBR Jr. shoe shopping today. My 10-year-old has grown so fast the past few months that I pretend cry to him every weekend: I don’t have a baby boy anymore!

We dropped by Mizuno Magallanes this afternoon and I had the shock of my life: TBR Jr. can now shop at the Men’s section!  This mommy gave herself a moment to “let go” then excitedly showed him the vast array of shoes to choose from. He was slightly confused so, of course, I convinced him to purchase my favorite Mizuno model: Mizuno Wave Precision.  I was a huge fan of this shoe a few years back because it’s light and stable, but I could only use it for short distances and as much as possible on a track or asphalt road.  TBR Jr. loved the colors so it was sold!

Introducing: TBR Jr.’s first pair of Men’s shoes: Mizuno Wave Precision 11.  Cool! I almost want one myself.

– Mizuno Wave Precision 11 | P4,995 –


One of the Scariest Experiences of my Life

Thursday, 21 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

How many times have you received forwarded emails about the new modus operandi of some gang in the metro?  Most of the time, you remind yourself to practice caution but you never even think that it could happen to you.

It happened to me in broad daylight earlier this morning.

After an easy run and weights at the gym, I headed towards my car in the parking lot.  I dumped my gym bag in the trunk and took a moment to search for my wallet.  As I was doing this, around four people surrounded me and the car.  Before I could even think anything of it, a lady approached me almost frantically asking: Nasaan ang chinese restaurant dito? (Where is the chinese restaurant here?) I found it extremely odd because there was no Chinese restaurant near the area (and why would one look for one at around 9am) plus she was acting extremely nervous.  This was all happening within a matter of seconds, but alarm bells already started ringing in my ear.

I answered her: Hindi ko alam (I don’t know) then headed towards the door of the driver’s seat. She blocked me and asked the same question over and over. By that time, I was pretty scared so I yelled at her: Hindi ko alam!!! and headed for the door again. When I looked ahead, a man had already opened the door of the passenger seat. I yelled at him: Hoy!!! He was taken aback, apologized (yes he did!), and shut the door. I rushed into the driver’s seat, locked all doors, checked if all my valuables were complete (they were thank God!) and drove away in haste.  As I passed the parking lot, these people were nowhere in sight.  I then called the security guard and reported the incident.

Wow. I was captivated in fear for the next few minutes. But, after I calmed down, I was ultimately thankful that no harm was done.  It could have been a lot worse for me.  In a split second, my life could’ve changed…or ended.

I write this to remind you about a number of things:

  1. to be careful out there—especially when you are running alone,
  2. to listen to your instincts.  If you sense that something is amiss, then you’re probably right
  3. to be a bitch (pardon my French) or a bull or both if you feel you have to defend yourself (although if they’re just asking for your wallet just give in and let them go. No amount of money is worth your life), and lastly
  4. to be thankful for the blessings—big or small—that come your way.  I’d like to think there was Someone watching over me earlier this morning.

Note: I won’t be sharing any details about exactly where this happened for security reasons, but I did report the incident and shared my story with others who frequent this area.

Think Yourself Strong

Wednesday, 20 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Every night, just as we climb into bed and get ready for sleep, Little Miss Bull Runner will look at me with her puppy dog eyes and whimper: “scared.” And, every single time, I’ll reassure her I’m right by her side, switch off the lights, and hug her until she dozes off into la la land.

We all have our fears. Little Miss TBR is afraid of having nightmares. My son is petrified of the dark. I sometimes worry about the future and my children’s future. Bottom line: many of us fear the unknown.

– Running at Corregidor with hubby and Edward Kho. Photo by Levi Lakandula –

For runners, the unknown could churn out the following questions in our minds and keep us mortified for weeks on end: Can I finish 5k? Will I be able to do a 3:50 at Milo Marathon? Was my 50k long run enough to finish 102km at BDM? Will I come in last?

No one really knows the answer until you do cross that finish line and that terrifying unknown becomes reality. In the meantime, there’s nothing left to do but run.

Run your heart out in training. Climb those hills, give your all in that last lap on the track, and yes, hold up that plank position for the longest 10 seconds of your life. Remind yourself that running isn’t entirely about running; it includes cross training, proper nutrition, stretching, and rest. Do your homework…and then some. Be consistent. Stay committed to your dream.

The key is really to take hold of your fears, hide it beneath the soles of your running shoes, and take a leap of faith. Then, when judgement day comes, stand at the starting line with confidence in your work, pray that all things run smoothly from the weather to the water stations, and allow your body and mind to accomplish what they were trained to do.

Amby Burfoot said: “When it comes to staying motivated, running is a mind game.” If you start your training or your race telling yourself how scared you are, so you will be. But, if you think yourself strong, fast, and invincible, then you’ll cross that finish with arms raised high winning over your fears.

As my second husband, Lance Armstrong, always says: Livestrong. Truly, it is the only way to go whether you are running a race or living your life.

Inspired by Hope

Monday, 18 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

I ran 15k yesterday, the longest distance I’ve covered the past couple of months since Morton Schmorton Neuroma attacked my little toes.

Wow. I was over the moon about hitting the road once again in such pristine weather conditions and among a fantastic group of running friends. Friends would often ask throughout the run: How’s the foot doing? And, I would reply with a smile: Good. Doing fine.

To be honest though, I carried a bit of weight while we were running. Uhm, yes, I still haven’t lost the extra weight I’m lugging around (grrr). But, there was a heavy burden upon my shoulders that my friends weren’t privy to (until now.)

I was a bit worried. Okay, that’s not being honest. I was awfully pissed.

While I could run easy, I was still frustrated that I could’t run exactly the way I wanted to, the way I used to in the past. There was still slight discomfort and my legs didn’t feel like they were back in full fighting form. I know, I know. I should be patient. Things won’t change overnight. But, still, frustration did set in. In my head, I thought: Why can’t I run the pace I want to yet? When will I be able to do so? How much longer must I wait? Aack, the bull in me was raging.

Good thing I stumbled upon this video of Hope Solo, the goalie of the US Women’s Soccer team (who lost to Japan a few hours ago. Sob sob!). In the video, she talks about her shoulder injury: I was nowhere close to where I needed to be…Could I handle the pain? Could I forget about the pain and get through training? Wow, I could completely relate. And, watching her nurse herself back from injury and get back into the game again just gave me…hope! (Pun intended)