“Date a Girl Who Runs” on Podcast

Thursday, 7 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights

I wrote Date a Girl Who Runs in less than 30 minutes on a whim (much like the way I started this blog) but with a lot of heart (just like the way I blog and run, too!)  And, I guess when you do things that way, it hits a cord with a lot of people—48,835 readers to be exact since I posted it in March 31 until now.

One of the readers who stumbled upon this humble blog and that little post of mine was Debbie Voiles, a certified Road Runners CA coach from Tampa, Florida and runner for over 30 years, who runs Mojo For Running, a very informative and comprehensive running blog and podcast.


Debbie wrote me asking if she could read Date a Girl Who Runs on her podcast and I, of course, was honored.

Click HERE to listen to Debbie’s Mojo for Running podcast on Date a Girl Who Runs.

To listen to the podcast online, click HERE.

It’s also on iTunes. Just go to the Mojo for Running podcasts at the iTunes store.


Now Open: Toby’s Sports Arena in Shangrila Mall

Thursday, 7 July 2011  |  Gear + Gadgets

I’m not much of a shopper…except when it comes to sports gear!  So, I’m glad I dropped by the new Toby’s Sports Arena last week at Shangrila Mall (near Mercury Drug).

The new Toby's Sports Arena Shangrila

Toby's Cashier

Admittedly, I was expecting to see the same ol’ Toby’s Sports store that we’ve grown accustomed to through the years. But, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Toby’s Sport Arena housed the three stores of Toby Claudio under one roof, namely: Toby’s Sports, Urban Athletics, and of course, Runnr. It also had a much more modern look from its new logo to the store interiors. The place is so huge that I like how they labelled each area for easy shopping. (No time should ever be wasted shopping for sports gear, right?) They have items for basketball, badminton, swimming, fitness, and many more.

Speedo & Water Sports
– This injured runner is so into swimming and Speedo now –

UA shoewall
– Urban Athletics for lifestyle shoes for the younger crowd. Yes, that still includes us, right? –

– Toby’s stores’ badminton and indoor fitness equipment –

As for running, Toby’s of course, has Runnr. I spotted items in Shangrila Mall that were not available in Bonifacio High Street, such as the Thrive Bamboo Cotton sports apparel (featured in TBR Magazine May-Jun 2011) which kinda reminds me of Lululemon and a Halo headband (which I eventually purchased). The Shang branch also had a treadmill for gait analysis.

RUNNR corner
– Runnr corner –

RUNNR Footworx
– Cool cove for gait analysis –

Aah, you can imagine how wild I went in that place. Okay, maybe you can’t. To give you a clearer picture: I shopped for an hour in the morning, had brunch, and returned for another 30 minutes after. Two days after, I returned for more items. Aside from running items, I went crazy over swimming gear and even lifestyle brands like my super favorite Sanuk. I left the place with a new Speedo swimsuit, Finis paddles, Reef flipflops, and a Halo headband. I know, I know, I’m such a sucker for anything running and now swimming. Hey, aren’t we all?

– I’m a huge Sanuk fan (I have three pairs) so I was happy to see ’em here –

– See those thin headbands? I got one and I love it. They really don’t slip unlike some “non-slip bands” that actually do! –

Toby’s Sports Arena is located at Shangrila Mall near Mercury Drug and The Travel Club.

Day 6: TBR 30 Eat Right Challenge

Wednesday, 6 July 2011  |  Healthy Food + Recipes

Wow. I had humble expectations for this group. I wasn’t sure how many of you were willing to eat right with me for a full month. But, it turns out that a lot of us—99 as of the moment (including myself and the “shy” TBR 30 participants who emailed or texted me about the participation instead of posting)—really want to eat healthy, but we just need something or someone to jumpstart it for us.

I realized many of us WANT to do it but still need some guidance on HOW to eat properly. So, I’ll try to interview nutritionists and experts and post them here. First interviewee will be the one I bug about my eating the most: MITCH FELIPE-MENDOZA. Expect that in a few days.

So, how have you all been doing the past 6 days? I hope you’ve been sticking to a super healthy and wholesome eating regimen. If you’ve slipped (like I did two days ago) then don’t be too hard on yourself (food is good after all!) and just do better in the next meal.

Here’s something I’d like us all to remember. It’s said so often but we need constant reminding especially when treats and junk are staring us in the face…


So, who’s the reader out there who wants to be the 100th participant of TBR 30? You can still sign in and join us.

Happy and healthy eating to all!

No Pain, No Pain!

Monday, 4 July 2011  |  Bullish Insights, Gear + Gadgets

It was the second test run. And I was nervous.

I didn’t want to do this mini experiment in front of everyone.  Nope, not even before close friends.  I wanted to do this on my own, in the comforts of my home, and on my decrepit, practically orphaned, but reliable treadmill.

If this 2nd test run failed, it would be easier for me to deal with another bout of sadness.  I would just quit if I felt pain or discomfort in my injured area, change into my pambahay, grab a cup of coffee and nibble my frustrations away with some blueberries while watching yet another replay of The Bachelor.  I wouldn’t have to slow down any running buddies to a walk or dine at UCC consuming more calories than I actually burned by walking Erap-style on the road.

But, if this little experiment succeeded, if I could actually run again without any pain or discomfort, then I could proceed at my own easy pace or even stop anytime if I didn’t want to aggravate the injury.  Even in the silence of my own study where my treadmill is homed, I could rejoice on my own and savor every single moment of a short experimental run after having been out for so long.


I had done my research online and scared myself to death with all the threads about Morton’s Neuroma being a persistent runner’s injury.  (You would’ve been glad to NOT be my personal friend at this point because you would’ve received incessant texts from me about possible alcohol injections and surgery just to get this nasty injury out!)  But, I managed to draw out some helpful tips on how to deal with the injury that I practiced for the test run.  These were:

1. Keep shoe loose in the toe box – I used my Women’s KSwiss Kwicky Blade Light.  I’m still unsure if I should be using this considering I got the injury while wearing them for 6 months, but I’ll see how it goes.

2. Run on soft surface – hence the treadmill

3. Use orthotics – I used my newer Spenco orthotic insoles (I have three pairs which I rotate! Hah!)

4. Use metatarsal pads – I didn’t know what the heck were metatarsal pads.  Man, before this injury, I didn’t even know what a metatarsal was!  But I did remember that I was given samples of footcare products from New Zealand a few months back so I hunted around the house for them.  True enough, I found metatarsal pads…and more!

– I attached this Neat Feat Metatarsal Pad to my middle toe (just like in the illustation on the packaging) and felt relief underneath my injury –

– I wanted to attach this Neat Feat Forefoot Insole under my Spenco but thought it may be overkill. I’ll try it some other time –

– No use denying I have a bunion. If you see me in flipflops, you’ll spot it a mile away anyway. I’m thinking of trying this soon too since bunions make one more prone to having Mortons Neuroma –

I’m posting images of other Neat Feat products in case you may spot something you need…


– See the 3B Action Cream above?  I tried that in place of Body Glide for one long run.  Oh looord, I chafed like crazy.  No, I wouldn’t recommend that.  I guess Neat Feat should stick to Feet. –


– Products for women’s feet –


So, there I was, on a fine cloudy Sunday morning yesterday, dressed in full running gear at 7 a.m. ready to hop on the treadmill. The metatarsal pad felt awkward but it did provide relief at the injured area.

By this time, I thought, most of the 21k runners who signed up for Yamaha Run would be nearing the finish.  There were no thoughts such as “Drat, I should’ve been there.” or “I could’ve PR’d in that race.” I was focused on only one thing: Running at least 30 minutes without a single hint of pain.  If I could just have that, I would be the happiest runner in the world.  (Funny how life can throw you a curveball and reduce your goals to what you used to take for granted, eh? )

I started with a 5 minute walk and increased the pace to a conservative 6.  That was it for me.  No sense in pushing any faster to the level I was accustomed to.  I ran and ran and ran.


I couldn’t believe it.  I couldn’t feel a hint of pain.  None at all!  After 10 minutes, I slowed to a walk.  Then, I increased the pace to a run and did another interval of running.  No pain!  Holy crap, no pain!  I finished 3k with absolutely no pain.  What a feat!  A Neat Feat! (Corny.  And, no they didn’t pay me for that!)

Let me tell you that in that moment everything just fell into place.  Like there was a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel.  Like I found my rhythm after being sidetracked for God knows how long.

I’m not fully recovered yet, but wow it’s good to finally get out of limbo land and know that I’m finally headed somewhere.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the road soon.

Neat Feat products are available in Watsons SM Mall of Asia (near National Bookstore), Fairview, Podium, Gateway.  For inquiries, contact joniandrea.ong@jcp.com.ph.

TBR on Food Magazine – July 2011

Monday, 4 July 2011  |  Healthy Food + Recipes, Press

Thanks to Food, especially Ianne Sison-Evangelista and Nana Ozaeta, for giving me the opportunity to write “Eat to Run” for the July 2011 issue of their magazine.  (Am I the only that’s noticed that when I’m injured, food is the only other thing on my mind? Hah!)

Food Magazine_low

I wrote about my daily food regimen, how I manage my cravings (really, I try my very best all the time!), my race day diet, must have pantry items, my favorite restaurants, and last but not the least, my favorite healthy recipes (thanks to Harvs for sharing!)  I also interviewed my favorite experts Harvie de Baron, Mitch Felipe-Mendoza, Coach Ani de leon-Brown, and Coach Dan Brown to provide you with tips on proper eating.

Food Magazine1

Food Magazine4
– Grrr. Don’t laugh. I look bloated and like I just woke up here. And I really just did. –

Food Magazine2
– This is really how my breakfast looks every morning. I use honey for my coffee instead of sugar and low fat milk instead of creamer or full cream. The apple and banana are midday snacks. Oh, and I usually drop blueberries, peaches, or almonds into my oatmeal to make it munchier –

Food Magazine3
– I’m no cook, but one of my dreams right now is to take cooking classes (if I find the time). I’ve been eating my tuna-mushroom-spinach omelet with brown rice so often lately because I love it. My nutritionist friend Harvie always reminds me to vary my meals to avoid boredom, but what can I do, I can’t have enough of it! –