TBR DM Runners’ Handbook

Monday, 14 March 2011  |  News + Promos

To all TBR Dream Marathoners: your TBR Dream Marathoners Runners’ Handbook is ready for download!

Please click TBRDM RUNNERS’ HANDBOOK 2011 to begin download.


What’s Inside:

  • Event Details
  • Our Sponsors
  • Event Schedule
  • General Information
  • Course Map
  • Course Map with Stations
  • Getting Your Body Ready for TBR DM by Coach Jim Lafferty (Please read this today!)
  • Guest Guide

6 More Days to TBR Dream Marathon 2011

Monday, 14 March 2011  |  News + Promos


– Seen at NUVALI. Photo courtesy of Gejo Jimenez –

Phuket Marathon on June 12, Anyone?

Thursday, 10 March 2011  |  News + Promos

I’ve been shopping for a nice marathon for the middle of the year and, until now, nothing has piqued my fancy.  It sucks to be goal-less!

I got this Press Release in my email this morning.  Phuket Marathon.  Wow.  What do you think?  Any takers?

Laguna’s “Run Paradise” Marathon Sparks Growing Global Interest
Surge in Entries Makes Annual Event Asia’s Fastest-Growing Destination Marathon

Record numbers of runners from around the world are racing to Phuket to “Run Paradise” amid the island’s picture postcard tropical scenery in the sixth annual Laguna Phuket International Marathon on Sunday, 12 June.

International entries since registration opened in October have surged 20 per cent from the same period last year – putting the 2011 marathon on course to smash last year’s record of more than 4,600 entries from some 45 countries.

Year-on-year growth since the inaugural 2006 event makes Laguna Phuket International Marathon the biggest and fastest-growing destination marathon in Asia.

The “Run Paradise” tagline is an apt description of the event, which sees runners of all ages on a mainly flat course that takes in rubber and pineapple plantations, beach views, local villages and the tropical lagoons of Laguna Phuket – all in a family-friendly carnival atmosphere.

As well as the full marathon there’s a half marathon, 10.5km run, 2km children’s race and 5km family walk.

And a two-day expo with sponsor booths and fun activities around Laguna Phuket will stoke the carnival atmosphere as runners from around Thailand, the Asian region and elsewhere in the world gather to take part.

Race Director Roman Floesser of organiser Go Adventure Asia, said: “We don’t encourage runners to strive for personal best times, but to enjoy the scenery and the complete race experience. That’s also a reason why we don’t offer prize money – it’s all about participation and having fun.”

Runners are encouraged to take part in fundraising, either for their own chosen charity, or for Laguna Phuket’s community initiative to support local schools.

Early Bird registration is open until the end of March and online registration until 4 June. Hotel specials at all Laguna Phuket resorts and hotels are available for instant booking on the event website. For further information or to register, visit: www.phuketmarathon.com.

TBR Dream Marathon Route Map

Wednesday, 9 March 2011  |  News + Promos

Below is the 42km Course Map for TBR Dream Marathon on March 20, 2011.

The race will be held in NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna. The route will be a 21km loop x 2 all on paved roads within NUVALI. Roads will be well lit but runners who wish to bring headlamps or flashlights may do so.


  1. Start: Back of Solenad, near Parking Area
  2. Immediate RIGHT. Slight LEFT and LEFT again at Starbucks and LEFT onto NUVALI Blvd.
  3. Follow NUVALI Blvd. passing the rotunda.  Cross the bridge and, at crest of hill, turn LEFT until the MAJOR TURNAROUND. Follow Nuvali Blvd. back.
  4. RIGHT at Evoliving Center, then turn RIGHT heading to Abrio. Circle around Abrio Rotunda.  Go straight towards Solenad and make a UTURN. Make a RIGHT back towards Evoliving Center. RIGHT onto Nuvali Blvd.
  5. RIGHT at the bridge. Immediate LEFT after the bridge into Solenad. Weave through Solenad boardwalk and lake area. RIGHT at Italianni’s and LEFT at Domo Tomo to head out of Solenad area.
  6. Turn LEFT at the end of the road and LEFT again at Starbucks. LEFT back onto NUVALI Boulevard. This marks the end of Loop One.
  7. Start LOOP 2: Repeat Step 3 to 5.
  8. From Solenad area, head straight towards the FINISH LINE.

1TBR Route
Below is the same route map featuring the hydration stations, key stations, and Dream Chaser stations.

  • Hydration stations will have water and Gatorade.  This will be placed at every 1.5 km of the route.
  • Aid Stations will be placed at every other hydration station (approximately 3km).  These will have basic first aid kit, petroleum jelly (vs chafing), salt sachets, Tiger Tail foam roller (vs tight muscles), and Bodivance (for blood circulation and to battle cramps) manned by a nurse.
  • Key Stations will have more stock of water and Gatorade.  These will also have sponges, ice, bananas, Cadbury Zip chocolates, and Tiger biscuits.
  • Dream Chaser Stations will have 10-14 runners who will cheer you on and support you to get you through each kilometer.  Most of our Dream Chasers now are alumni of TBR Dream Batch 2010.  This time, they’ve gone the extra mile—literally and figuratively—to surprise you with super creative and unique ideas for each tent. I heard some have prepared music, cameras, and tons of food!
  • Others:
    • Hammer Gels will be distributed at the assembly area at 1:30 AM.  They will also be placed near the 10km station and 21km station.  We have allocation of 3 gels per runner.
    • Kinesio Taping will be available before and during the race to be placed by certified professionals. Until supplies last.

1TBR Route

More Time

Wednesday, 9 March 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Moms complain about it all the time. Entrepreneurs rant about it. Runners often do, too.  Since I am all of the above, I have even more reason to ask for it: MORE TIME, please!  I need extra hours—just 4 or 5 more—to tick off all the tasks I have to accomplish in a day.

The past week, we’ve been busy preparing for TBR Dream Marathon 2011. So, I would like to sincerely apologize for the lack of meaningful updates here lately. I’ve had little time to stop and ponder much less come up with any interesting running posts due to intense preparations for TBR Dream, which is—can you hear 400 nervous and excited hearts thumping simultaneously?—less than two weeks away.  We’re pulling out all the stops to make this a better one. Hang on to your seats, TBR Dream runners!

I also haven’t had the time to sit down and write a Run United 1 Race Report.  In a word, it was fantastic!  As for my run, it was completely exhausting yet exhilarating.  Paced by my forever dependable and indefatigable running buddy, Alvin, I pushed my body as hard as I could in training and during the race to break my 21k PR by a whopping—drumroll please—10 seconds!  I covered 21k at 5:28/km vs 5:32/km in my best 21k last year.  For some reason, I find this hilarious but, at the same time, it’s annoyed me enough to commit to more training come summer time. (You hear that, Alvin?!)

– Alvin and I after crossing the finish at 1:55. I could hardly breathe. That was one tough yet memorable run. Photo courtesy of Chatey Retuerto –

With the lack of time, I’ve also let go of my plan to do Subit in May.  With my crazy sched, I’ve managed to squeeze in 4x a week runs, 2x a week strength training, and 2x a week cycling/spinning.  But, the swim?…pfffttt.  None.  I can only start swimming after TBR Dream which is too close to Subit.  In order to avoid possible drowning or potentially embarrassing situations in a triathlon, I shall target another race instead.  Triathlon, will you please wait for this busy running mom to get her act together?

In the meantime, I’ll pray that God grants me more hours today to get a massage. I got one last Saturday, had another one last night, but c’mon one can never have enough massages right?