TBR Dream Send Off Party on 12 March, Saturday

Tuesday, 8 March 2011  |  News + Promos

To all TBR Dream Marathoners! Let’s meet up for a simple gathering to celebrate your successes from training and for us to wish you all the best before the big day.  Come and join us for our TBR Dream Marathon Send Off Party!


DATE: Saturday, 12 March 2011

TIME: 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM

VENUE: Mercato Centrale, Bonifacio Global City.  Mercato has now moved to another venue still within Bonifacio Global City.  Here’s the map…


– Registered participants of TBR Dream Marathon and their guests.  Yes, you may bring your family and friends along
– Registered and approved Dream Chasers and Pacers
– Invited guests and VIPS


3:00 PM:

  • Registration
  • Redemption of Race Packets – See below for full schedule and details on race pack redemption
  • Distribution of P100 food coupons (only for TBR DM runners)


4:00 to 5:00 PM: BULL CIRCLE 5: THE LAST STRETCH.  Q&A with TBR Dream Team and Coaches/Experts – Neville Manaois, Jaymie Pizarro, Lit Onrubia, Armand and Mitch Mendoza

5:00 to 5:15 PM: Raffle

5:15 to 5:30 PM: Video  and Closing


  • March 12, 2011 SATURDAY | 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM: Mercato Centrale (near MC Home Depot), Bonifacio High Street.  Look for TBR Dream Booth at Organizer’s booth.
  • March 13, 2011 SUNDAY | 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM: Mercato Centrale (near MC Home Depot), Bonifacio High Street.  Look for TBR Dream Booth at Organizer’s booth.
  • March 14, 2011 MONDAY to March 16, 2011 WEDNESDAY: 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM: R.O.X. Bonifacio High Street – 3/F Core Room

NOTE: An authorized representative may claim your race pack upon presentation of a Letter of Authorization, Valid ID, Medical Certificate (if not submitted yet), and Submission of Signed Waivers which you may download HERE.


  1. Submit Medical Certificate.  If submitted, disregard this.
  2. Sign NUVALI waiver.  Download HERE or you may get a copy at the booth.
  3. Sign TBR waiver. Download at HERE or you may get a copy at the booth.
  4. Claim Race Packet

FOR QUESTIONS, call TBR DM Secretariat at 570-7827.

How was Your Run United 1?

Sunday, 6 March 2011  |  News + Promos

I’m pooped. And, I was ready to nap after the awesome Run United 1 Race this morning. But, I decided to check race results first.

Click HERE to get your Run United Results.

Here’s mine…Hope you had a good run!


Drop Your Medical Certificates Here!

Friday, 4 March 2011  |  News + Promos

To all TBR Dream Marathoners: See this green drop box? This is where you will drop your MEDICAL CERTIFICATES before the deadline: March 12, 2011.

Remember: NO MEDICAL CERTIFICATE, NO RACE PACKET.  This is for your own safety and it will be strictly enforced.




  1. Place medical certificate in a sealed brown envelope.
  2. Write your name on the upper left portion of the envelope.
  3. Drop in the TBR DM Drop Box.

The TBR DM Drop Box will be available at the following venues:

  • March 5, 2011, 4:30AM to 6:30AM: BULL SESSION 5 at Bonifacio High Street
  • March 5, 2011, 12:00 noon to March 11, 11:00 PM: 2/F ROX, Bonifacio High Street (race registration area)

On March 12, 2011, during the TBR DM Send Off Party and Race Pack Redemption: We will still accept submission of medical certificates when you claim your race packets. Please submit them directly to TBR DM staff.

The Runrio Trilogy Awards Night

Friday, 4 March 2011  |  News + Promos

Last March 1, 2011, I was invited to attend the Runrio Trilogy 2011 Awards Night for all Runrio Trilogy participants who successfully finished the 21km/21km/32km in Legs 1, 2 and 3 of last year’s Trilogy of races, respectively.  As always, Runrio provided us with yet another well-organized event—even if this one was a semi-formal, sit-down dinner.

Imagine, the awardees received special Runrio medals and recognition onstage for running all three distances!  Aside from this, we were all treated to a fun-filled, entertaining programme with Philippine All-Stars and—the highlight of the event for me—6CycleMind performing Runrio’s new theme song, which I’m sure you’ll all be hearing at future Runrio events.  Let me warn you: it’s one of those Last Song Syndrome songs that you’ll be singing even in the shower after a Sunday morning race!

Thank you to Coach Rio and Runrio Team for a wonderful event!  This was a first for the local running community and I do hope you continue to surprise us in the coming years.  Thank you too for awarding me with the Hyper Blogger Award (even if I don’t consider myself “Hyper”!)  Next year, I hope to go onstage and have one of those Runrio Trilogy 2011 Medals on my neck!


*Photo courtesy of Banjo Assidao. Thank you Banjo and congratulations!

The Edsa Run

Wednesday, 2 March 2011  |  Race Reports

It was a double run weekend for me.  We had our long slow 30k run with TBR Dream Marathoners on Saturday, then I signed up for a hilly 10k race on Sunday: The Edsa Run.  Of course, I couldn’t miss this for the world.  And, I am so glad I didn’t.  It was one fun yet challenging race!

The Edsa Run started near the People Power Monument, not very far from the area where I had stood on EDSA as a 10 year old wearing my yellow Laban styrofoam hat and yellow shirt with my older brothers and sisters.  25 years ago, I knew I was there to make a stand against the dictatorship and for People Power (serious stuff for a 10 year old!), but I also had a grand time devouring fish balls and dirty ice cream along the way.

– February 1986: My three older brothers and my sister –

When the gun went off, it was surreal to start off the race running on Edsa in the dark along with all the other runners in yellow.  For a moment, I forgot I was in a race and I felt like I was tossed back in time making a stand for the country once again—only this time for education.

There were buses and cars everywhere, but it was managed well.  I guess you can never expect an Edsa Run to be completely vehicle free.  We ran past Robinsons Galleria and down towards Ortigas.  The downhills were a blast.  I thought I was going fast enough, but I noticed a lot of runners overtake me here.  I guess I’m still pretty conservative after all.

From Ortigas, we went towards Greenmeadows and E. Rodriguez then back up again towards Temple Drive.  Oh boy, it was a killer route.  The ascents were long and lung-busting, especially the ascent by Christ the King Church where I said a silent prayer for God to help me survive the climb!

The highlight of the run was the confetti that dropped from a crane at the corner of Temple Drive.  It was a nice touch for runners to remember People Power by.  I contemplated on running under it, having the confetti drop on my head as I jumped up and down yelling “Laban Kami!” but, after realizing I could slip and sprain my ankle plus lose a chunk of time doing this, I decided otherwise.

I crossed the finish line at 53 min and 10 sec. according to my Garmin.  Average pace was 5:16/km.  4th Place for Female category.

Greeting runners at the finish were fellow iamNinoy members and very good friends.  It was so nice to see all of us together again.  It wasn’t that bad to see Phil Younghusband and the rest of the Azkals there, too!

– Loved seeing these guys at the finish line! –

– with Maricel, Mimi, and Nina. Photo courtesy of Jordana Queddeng –

Watch this great video of The Edsa Run by Jake de Guzman. Hilarious and touching at the same time. I’m an extra near the end…hah!

Congrats to iamNinoy Runners especially Jamike and Mayi Lopa and ExTribe for a successful event!