Meeting Jeff Galloway

Wednesday, 2 February 2011  |  Bullish Insights

His book was my training bible when I started running in 2006. This morning, he was right in front of me talking for a full three hours during a running workshop at the Ultra Track Oval. Jeff Galloway in the flesh! Pinch me now.


Jeff talked about his training program which revolves around his run-walk program and how it doesn’t just help you avoid injury and exhaustion, but it actually helps you to reach your target time for a race. While many runners shy away from walking since it may be a sign of weakness, Jeff is quick to point out that his program will actually allow you to run faster. He trained a runner to finish a marathon at 2:38 on the run-walk program. Can you believe that?

– Chris Cone of South Tri, Anton Gonzales of Planet Sports, and Coach Ige Lopez listen intently –

– Belle Grandinetti of South Tri, Aileen, and Gelo Arellano of Fitness First Tri Team –

– Jeff runs around the track with workshop participants, including Sen. Pia Cayetano in front –

Jeff went on to discuss the suggested pace for long runs, his recommended training for us, hydration, marathoning, stretching, strength training, nutrition, compression tights…I could go on and on. He basically talked about all things running and effectively answered the questions we threw at him. It was a chance to get all my running questions answered by no other than the running guru himself!

One question I asked (and I just loved his answer) was: Is it true that we should run only one marathon a year when I’ve heard you and your wife run a marathon every month?  His answer:  It’s alright to run a marathon per month as long as you run this at training pace.  Choose one key marathon where you’ll race your best effort.  Wooohoooo!  Wait here’s a disclaimer >> Do NOT go running 42ks per month especially if you are a beginner.  Please make sure you have a good mileage base and get more advice from a coach if possible.

I’m looking forward to hearing the talk tonight (6pm at Colegio San Agustin, Dasmarinas Village) and learn even more from Jeff. Tomorrow, we shall all fly to Cebu for The Galloway Method talks and workshops there. Then, we’ll have 1 more workshop and 1 more talk here in Manila on Saturday. It’s a full week of learning from the master himself!

For more info on The Galloway Method, click HERE. Tickets for the talk will be available for purchase onsite. To sign up for the workshop, call the contact details provided in the link.

The Edsa Run on 27 Feb 2011

Saturday, 29 January 2011  |  Race Announcements

Come and celebrate  the 25th anniversary of the People Power Revolution through running—and become heroes for a day.  Join The Edsa Run on February 27, 2011.


  • Venue:  People Power Monument (corner EDSA and White Plains)
  • Distance: 5k and 10k
  • Fees:  P 400 for 5k, P 550 for 10k (inclusive of timing chip, souvenir shirt & donation to DepEd)
  • Time: 5:30 am
  • No. of runners: 5,000
  • Race Organizer: ExTribe
  • Proceeds will be used to help build classrooms nationwide

For more info, click HERE to visit the iamninoy website


You can now register for The EDSA Run on line and pay via your credit card. This is a fast and hassle free way to be part of the much awaited run. Please make sure you follow the directions provided. To register, click HERE


For those who do not wish to register on-line, registration centers will be opened up soon at various areas. We will announce details here.

View the video below to see so many familiar iamNinoy runners’ faces.  Most of these shots were taken at Condura Run in 2009 when we first launched iamNinoy Runners Group. Aaaw, I’m getting all sentimental already. See you in Edsa!

Biking for Dummies

Friday, 28 January 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Biking for Dummies. That’s the book I need right now for two obvious reasons:

1) This February, my goal is to learn how to bike with cleats, and
2) I’m the dumbest person I know when it comes to biking.

My brain has the capacity to memorize pace and time for marathons, but it struggles to absorb any word or number associated with bikes, except for “Contessa” and “Shimano”. If it is pressured to recall any more than that, it goes into emergency mode and my brother-the-cyclist’s cellphone number automatically pops out in blinking red lights, much like the fire exit sign in a burning building.

As I’ve said, the magic word for the coming month is: cleats. I never knew that this 6-letter word could cause so much stress in my life. Every single time it’s been mentioned, whether at the community bike shop, over coffee with Jun (The Solemates), or at a dinner party with Team Hammer, my palms get all sweaty and my legs lock up. I am so incredibly afraid of falling off the bike if or when I forget to uncleat. Worse, I am so worried that when I do fall, I will break a bone in my body which will render me unable to run for months. I will die if that happens.

I’m an optimist and I pray it doesn’t happen, but who am I kidding? I don’t know anyone who hasn’t fallen off a bike while learning to ride with cleats. I bet in the mysterious and secret world of biking, one can only enter the 10-foot tall, well-guarded gates by revealing gaping wounds from cleating accidents. It is, as all bikers say, a rite of passage.

I was so fearful of cleats that I tried my best to delay using them for as long as possible. Remember that I got my Contessa in October? I had the convenient excuse of not riding it since I was training for New York Marathon. Then I was lucky enough to use the busy holiday excuse for December. While I was thinking of a new excuse for January, good friends from GranTrail bike shop decided to put an end to the charade. A couple of weeks ago, they surprised me with Shimano bike shoes and cleats! Overhwhelmed with joy (and fear), I texted Hans of GranTrail to thank him profusely for the gift, then I wiped the sweat off my face as I thought: “Crap, now I don’t have a reason NOT to learn how to use cleats anymore.”

– Thanks Hans & Cherie Co of GranTrail Cycles! –

Now, back to how I dumb I am. In excitement, in the car, I opened the Shimano box to fit the shoes. I ripped out the velcro from the first two straps, then I spotted the buckle for the shoe. I pulled it, flipped it around, attempted to yank it off, pressed here, then there and I realized after a few minutes that I didn’t know how to open the shoe. Told you I’m the dumbest person when it comes to bikes.

Who did I call to answer the dumbest question ever? Not Hans, of course, that would be too embarrassing. I called on my dearest Kuya first. He said his shoe was just velcro, so he had no clue. Argh. Next I called on a good friend Jay (Prometheus Cometh) who, much to my bad luck, had simple one-strap velcro tri shoes; he had no clue either. I swallowed my pride and texted Hans. No reply. Gawd, he must’ve showed the text to everyone at the bike shop before answering me. Fortunately, I was fetching my son at his best friend’s house, and BFF’s dad, Jamike, is a triathlete and friend. So, after three pathetic pleas for help from several people, Jamike was successful at solving the world’s dumbest bike issue simply by pressing a button. Voila! The bike shoe unfastened and was ready for my fitting!

So, here I am now with the bike all set up, the bike shoes fitted with its cleats, and my heart palpitating every single time I think of practicing. Thankfully, it’s just January 28; I have four more days before February. Lord, help me.

TBR Dream Marathoners & Galloway Tickets

Friday, 28 January 2011  |  News + Promos

To all TBR Dream Marathoners, you may claim your FREE Galloway tickets at the following venues:

  • Friday, 28 January (starting 1PM) to Tuesday, February 1, 2011 – Runnr, Bonifacio High Street. Look for Nikko or Erika. Inform them that you are a TBR Dream Marathoner.  You may send a representative with a letter  of authority to claim your ticket
  • Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 5:30 pm to 6 pm – Colegio de San Agustin, Dasmarinas Village, Makati City.  This is the date and venue for The Galloway Method.  You may claim onsite before the event.
  • Saturday, February 5, 2011, 2:00 to 2:30 pm – Colegio de San Agustin, Dasmarinas Village, Makati City.  This is the date and venue for The Galloway Method.  You may claim onsite before the event.

For non-TBR Dream Marathoners: tickets will be sold onsite as well.  See you there!

RIP J. cu unjieng

Thursday, 27 January 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Runner, triathlete, and FrontRunner Columnist, J. Cu Unjieng, passed away this afternoon.  I didn’t know him personally, but I knew of him. In April 2009, I interviewed him along with other BDM 102 finishers.  I thought it best to repost the link below as he talked about finishing the 1st Bataan Death March:


My deepest condolences to J.’s family.  The Philippine running community mourns with you.