NYC Marathon Expo

Saturday, 6 November 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Hello from New York!

Here I am by Central Park with a race banner above my head saying “ING NYC Marathon: Where the World Comes to Run.” Runners of various nationalities are all over New York getting their running fix—whether its by running short runs before the big day around the city or shopping for merchandise at the expo.

I love how the city has gone all out to support the marathon.  Runners here are given importance and this marathon is a big deal.  As early as Friday, some roads were being closed and tents were being set up for the race on Sunday.  Weather reports mention Sunday as a “good day for a run.” And, best of all, 2 million spectators are expected to come out and cheer for all of us.


We dropped by the expo last Thursday to pick up our race packs.  We returned yesterday to purchase CEP compression shorts for me and again today to get CEP socks for the hubby and myself. The expo is packed!

We were lucky enough to spot a few running celebs. Here we are with Bart Yasso. I didn’t bother to tell him that I skipped my Yasso 800s during my training period…


…and Bobby Flay, who is aiming for a sub-4, being interviewed by David Willey, editor-in-chief of Runner’s World…


…and one of my idols, American-record holder, Deena Kastor, who’s currently pregnant and won’t be participating in the race. Behind her in the photo with his arm raised is husband, Andrew…


We also bumped into fellow Pinoy running couples, Deo and Mayda Custodio, and the Solemates, Jun and Mariel Cruz. Imagine, hubby, Deo, Mayda, and Mariel are all TBR Dream Marathon alumni!  How far they’ve come…literally and figuratively!


There was a whole lot of shopping…Asics is the official footwear of the race. But, New Balance, Mizuno, Nike, Adidas, Brooks, Newton, Saucony, and more were there…



Asics released a limited edition Asics Gel Kayano 17 for the race…Niiice!


Timex, Polar, Garmin, and Suunto were there. Garmin is offering a $25 discount on purchases of new Garmin products upon trade in of an old Forerunner!


Even Tiffany was there for NYC Marathon jewelry and memorabilia. Too bad hubby didn’t spend time here to purchase something special for someone who will be running the marathon tomorrow. Or, maybe he did but he’ll surprise her tomorrow? ehem…


Of course, there was eating…


and drinking….We tasted various kinds of Gatorade. Prime for pre-race, Perform for during the race, and Recover for post-race protein recovery. They even have low-calorie options…


There was massage and kinesio taping too…


Little Miss Bull Runner wants this when she grows up. Cinderella’s glass sneaker from the Disney Marathons. I want one too!


As we were about to leave, we bumped into Coach Rio. Good luck Coach!


We got home to open our huge race pack (or more like bag) to find loads of freebies. My favorite was the cool long-sleeved shirt. Love it!


Run BGC on 28 Nov

Tuesday, 2 November 2010  |  Race Announcements

I’m a thousand miles away and NYC Marathon is the primary race in mind (we depart LA tonight for NY…Woohoo!) yet I know I’m going to enjoy an easy run on Run BGC a couple of weeks after I arrive in Manila. I think it’s the perfect race for me to recover from the marathon, burn the extra calories from overindulging, and perhaps win a Chevrolet Cruze (with or without Ryan Agoncillo inside is fine!)


BGC shirt

– Bench singlet design for Run BGC –

Trippin’ Over Disney

Monday, 1 November 2010  |  Bullish Insights

We had two fun-filled days at Disneyland…


There was a whole lot of laughing and riding…


nervous groans and hugs…






and more jumping.


The third and last day almost came to a perfect end with a solo morning run around Disneyland. It was to be a fast 8k along the sidewalks of the busy roads around the hotel and theme parks. It wasn’t as chilly as my past morning runs around Glendora so a 5:30 pace felt comfortable and surprisingly easy.

By 2k, I was enjoying the sights while speeding along the sidewalk of Katella Ave. when… WHAM! BAM! KA-PLAAAM!… I tripped over that annoying uneven part of the sidewalk that no one ever sees. In a split second, I landed on both knees, slid over the road just like superman, and lay on my tummy for a few more seconds in complete shock.

What had just happened? No way. I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t so much that I tripped. But, that this had to happen a week before marathon day. I couldn’t believe my luck.

I got up to see both palms scraped. My leggings had a huge hole where I landed. Much to my horror, my left knee was wounded. My right knee was not bleeding, but it felt worse.  The impact of the landing had been stronger on the right knee.  I was more worried about this because I couldn’t walk properly on the way back. I returned to the hotel room and iced the knees and bandaged them.


– Yeooouch! –

As of this writing, I’ve missed two training runs, which includes my last long run this morning. While I can walk better now (I walked like Erap all around Legoland yesterday!), the wound is still open and wet. I hope it dries up tomorrow so I can squeeze a morning run before we fly off to New York.

It was so unfortunate that I fell, but the way I see it I was pretty lucky to have escaped with no broken bones. It’s good too that there’s enough time for the wound to dry up and the inflammation to subside. I just hope I don’t trip again anytime soon (ack!) and that I can run again ASAP to burn all these calories from excessive eating. Life is still good!

I Clean. I Green. I Educate.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010  |  Bullish Insights

A video break from running (although I’m clearly in my usual running gear in this video).  This is worth checking out…

Why am I posting about household cleaners in my running blog?  For two reasons:

1) Messy Bessy is a brand I strongly believe in and support. Messy Bessy products are non-toxic and safe for the environment.  Apart from that, it was actually created to support H.O.U.S.E. (Helping Ourselves through Sustainable Enterprises), a group of enterprises that employ and educate formerly abused, trafficked, incarcerated and impoverished young adults.  I still remember its founder, Krie Reyes-Lopez, conceptualizing businesses she could set up to provide employment to these kids.

2) It’s founder, Krie, had a lot to do with “creating” The Bull Runner. I always share the story about how I started running.  One  fairly ordinary day in 2006, I was having coffee with 4 of my bestest girlfriends when one of them, Krie, mentioned proudly that she could already run on her treadmill for 30 long minutes.

– Krie and her hubby are runners, too –

It was a lightbulb moment for me who had been walking on my treadmill for years.  Why didn’t I ever try running on it?!  That I did the minute I got home. I survived for around 5 minutes of running and later chanced upon the Beginners’ 5k Program on Runner’s World.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Hope you learned a thing or two from the video about caring for the environment and also for those around you.

Click HERE to visit Messy Bessy’s website.

Good Morning, Glendora!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Aaaah, can I just tell you? I deserve this vacation. For the first time in months, I finally get to think of nothing else but family, food, and running. It’s the way life should be, isn’t it?

We arrived in Los Angeles last Saturday. This gives us a full week to relax and tour LA (read: Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Lego Land with the kiddos) before things get serious and we fly off to New York on Nov 1 for the marathon on November 7.

– After a 10k solo run in wet and chilly Glendora, CA this morning. My favorite Nike Storm Jacket with a Mizuno long-sleeved top underneath and CW-X tights kept me warm and happy. Loved that run! –

I’m having a grand time.  But, I’m not at all losing my focus on the race.  I promised myself this.  And, I promised a few other people too who have been all too generous in helping me train:

On the last day of my gym workout, my trainer, Coach Pete, looked me in the eye and demanded a commitment: “Jaymie, stick to the plan, okay?” I smile and say “Yup!”  Not content, he adds: “Remember, this is NOT a vacation; it is a RACE. Don’t mess up the past months training and hardwork on two weeks of fun before race day.”  And, it hits me: He is so right.  Coach Pete teaches me four strengthening workouts I should be doing while in the US. I memorize it and promise to do them.

During my last tempo run with Alvin, my pace buddy, he reminds me: “Do not go too fast during the 1st half.  Hold your pace so you’ll be strong enough to run the 2nd half.”  I repeat his words over and over hoping that I remember his advice—or, if I do remember, I hope I don’t throw it out the window after Km 10.  I will however continue to run this week here in LA trying to imagine him pushing me to keep my pace and, just like him, I won’t be listening to all my silly excuses.

Then, finally, on diet, I am trying my darndest best to stick to Harvie’s nutrition plan which he taught me a few month’s back.  I hadn’t consulted with Harvie for over a month now, but his words still echo in my head: “All that sodium will stay in your body for 48 hours!” or “That is the devil’s food!”  It’s a challenge, I tell you.  I haven’t been a perfect student with all the good food to taste in giant portions, but I’m proud to tell you not an ounce of Doritos nor Cheetos has passed through my lips!

It’s serious marathon work over here.  But, hey, not THAT serious.  This runner has gotta live a little, too.  I’ll just let loose completely after November 7!

Hello, Glendora!  See you soon, New York!