Reminder: Bull Circle 1 Tonight at ROX

Wednesday, 13 October 2010  |  News + Promos

Don’t forget!  It’s the first Bull Circle entitled THE MARATHON DREAM tonight at R.O.X., Bonifacio High Street.  We start at 6:30 PM and hope to end by 8 PM. It’s free and open to the public.  Please click HERE for full details.

Looking forward to seeing the new batch of TBR Dream Marathoners there as well as all you other runners. It’s going to be a fun evening!

Thank you to our partner NUVALI, co-presenter New Balance, major sponsors Secondwind Running Store, Gatorade, Photovendo, minor sponsors Hammer Nutrition, Nutribar, Nathan, ROX and logistics partner Creative Juice.

Product Review: Kinesio Tex Gold & Muscle Tape

Tuesday, 12 October 2010  |  Bullish Insights

A couple of years ago, when I was often troubled by injuries, the therapist at Dr. Canlas’ clinic taped me up and I learned about Kinesio Taping. I wrote about it HERE.

Fortunately, through the years, I’ve wisened up (at least I’d like to think so) and with preventive care and management, I’ve managed to avoid getting injured again.

But, last week, I felt my ITB tightening up…again. There is only one word to describe how I felt last week: STRESSED.

I practiced caution and did all I could last week to nip this injury in the bud. First thing I did was to tape myself.

According to, “Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and to treat pain.”

As in the past, kinesio taping always works for me. I can honestly say it helps to relieve the tightness or the occasional soreness I get on my left knee/ ITB. As I type this, my left ITB is taped up.


The past few months, I learned that there are several brands of tapes in the market, such as Kinesio Tex, KT Tape, and Muscle Tape. I had the pleasure of meeting the people behind MUSCLE TAPE and KINESIO TEX.


The local distributor of Muscle Tape, Riel Banaria, and I met a few months back. He was kind enough to give me a box of colorful samples and pre-cut samples for the knee, neck, and other key areas of injury.

– Muscle Tape –

– Pre Cut Muscle Tape for easy application –

According to Riel, Muscle Tape® is a “non-restrictive, elastic taping material which supports and normalizes the muscle function to provide improved joint stability. MUSCLE TAPE ® is designed to ensure muscles have free range of motion.”


I also met with Sanjo Gudalpas, the local distributor of Kineso Tex, and Jay Lopez, a licensed occupational therapist. They gave me a sample of Kinesio Tex Gold and we hopped on over to Runnr where Jay demonstrated how to apply the tape on my leg.

– Kinesio Tex Gold –

– Jay demos Kinesio Taping for common runners’ problems: ITB and Runner’s Knee –

Jay explained that Kinesio® Taping alleviates pain by lifting the skin. Pressure and irritation are taken off the neural and sensory receptors of the taped area of our body, which results in reduction of pain.

– all taped up! –

– the finished product –

– we bumped into Coach Rio who was coincidentally feeling some back pain. He got taped too! –

According to its website, Kinesio® Tex Gold is the authentic tape product made exclusively for the Kinesio Taping® Method and designed and authorized by Dr. Kenzo Kase himself (founder of the Kinesio Taping Method).

It is used to re-educate the neuromuscular system, prevent injury, alleviate pain, enhance performance and promote improved circulation and healing.


After testing both products, here’s what I observed:

Muscle Tape

– effective, definitely helps loosen up tight muscles
– offers pre-cut packages with clear directions on how to apply for specific injuries
– comes in a variety of colors – beige, pink, blue
– cheaper than Kinesio Tex

– comes off easily – While these tapes are said to come off in 3 to 4 days. Muscle Tape slowly peels off in one day. The edges of the tape gradually unravel and fray, which is inconvenient especially if it starts sticking to your pants or shorts.
– leaves a residue – When pulled off your skin, it leaves a residue which can easily be removed with baby oil

Kinesio Tex

– effective – Compared with Muscle Tape, I thought the quality of the tape was much better. I felt like this tape was stronger and tugged a bit tighter on the skin.
– adhered to the skin well lasting for over 2 days without fraying
– no sticky residue upon removal
– they recommend that a certified Kinesio Tape practitioner tape you to ensure that it is done properly
– comes in beige, pink, blue and black

– more expensive than Muscle Tape

The Verdict

My personal choice would be Kinesio Tex Gold for its effectiveness, high-quality, and durability. But, if you’re on a tight budget, Muscle Tape will still be effective without burning a hole in your pocket.


Experts are still undecided about the real benefits of Kinesio Taping. I know Dr. Canlas uses Muscle Tape in his clinic. Coach Jim Saret says there is no scientific evidence to prove it works.

For me, I know it’s been effective so I continue to use it and recommend it to injured friends. Should you decide to try taping, it’s best to consult a doctor or have a licensed therapist show you how it’s done.


Kinesio Tex Gold – P950.  Available at Tobys Sports and Hobbies, Runner, Intercare Clinics, Cancio Chiroparactic Clinic and other dealers nationwide.

Muscle Tape – Precuts – P120 | Rolls – P630. Available at Runnr, all Tobys Sports, all Chris Sports, Landmark Department Storem Juego Sports and Sports Hub.


Download the following PDF files by clicking below:

About Kinesio Taping
Muscle Tape Product Description
Muscle Tape FAQ

Southridge Run: First Place!

Monday, 11 October 2010  |  Race Reports

The day started ominously. I crawled out of bed with my left knee still sore (as it had been all week hence the lack of posts due to minor depression!) I hadn’t had over 5 hours of sleep all week due to work. Breakfast wasn’t satisfying at all with with my favorite Skippy’s Natural Super Chunk running out. To top it all off, we left the house late, got stuck in traffic, and almost missed the race. Good thing it didn’t start on time!


The assembly area was a sea of familiar faces. It was where my two worlds as mom and runner collided. There were co-parents from school who were joining their first race. But, at the same time, there were serious, competitive runner friends —heck, even ultramarathoners—who signed in for this little fun run for Southridge.

If TBR Jr. was giddy with excitement over this race, I was the opposite. I was drowning in worry over the sore knee. I had decided early on that this was not going to be a “race,” but a training run. I entered the assembly area not feeling the race at all. I thought I’d take it easy, play it by ear, and pray to the high heavens that—at the very least—I wouldn’t aggravate my injury with less than a month before New York Marathon.


– Race organizer Francis Macatulad starts the 1k kids race (Photo courtesy of Jojo Gloria) –


The first two kilometers were a challenge. Without any warm up, I tried my best to keep it slow and safe. But, when you’re surrounded by giddy and overly enthusiastic highschool boys or super serious runners, it’s hard to hold yourself back. I ran steady at a comfortably hard pace. All the while I listened intently to my body, specifically my knee.

None. Nada. No pain, no complaints from the knee…AT ALL. This was a surprise…a pleasant one!

At around 3k, unless I was hallucinating which is usually the case when I run under such intense heat, I believe the knee yelled back to me “Run faster. I’ll be fine!” And so, being the obedient runner that I am, I complied. I quickened my pace and found my rhythm. I didn’t give it 100% but I did let go of my worries and allowed myself the opportunity to have fun.

We ran two 5k loops around the area of Palms Country Club in Filinvest Corporate City, a route that I love for its challenge and simplicity.  Before I knew it, the race was over.  And, I finally could begin to smile.

My stress-free happy run ended at 51.19 mins according to my Garmin. Distance was 9.7km and my average pace was 5:17/km. First place for women’s 10k! Woohooo!

– First Place: Women’s Category 10k (Photo courtesy of Jojo Gloria) –


– Couldn’t be any prouder of TBR Jr. who didn’t win the race but loved every minute (Photo courtesy of Jojo Gloria) –

Even better news: As of today, my knee is back to normal. Southridge run race organizer, Francis Macatulad, was probably right in saying: “A podium finish is the best pain reliever.”

– with Krispy Kreme and Total freebies in hand. New York, Here I Come! (Photo courtesy of Eric Cantuba) –

Bull Circle 1 on Wednesday, 13 Oct

Friday, 8 October 2010  |  News + Promos


2nd Wave of Registration for TBR Dream Marathon

Wednesday, 6 October 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Could it be you?

If you were one of those who attempted to reserve a slot for TBR Dream Marathon and failed to make it to the Top 400, this may just be your 2nd chance to grab a slot for TBR Dream Marathon 2011.  We have a little less than 50 remaining slots to be filled for our special race.

Are you ready?  Click HERE to download the list of runners who will be allowed to register for TBR Dream Marathon 2011. (File updated: Oct 7, 630am)

If your name is on the list, you will be allowed to register for the race. Registration details below:

  • Registration Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010. 1 day only!
  • Time: 12 noon to 6 pm
  • Venue: 2/F ROX, Bonifacio High Street
  • Registration Fee: P 1,800
  • For inquiries, contact Angela at 0908 756 8859.
  • If you cannot make it, you may send a representative. Email a 2×2 photo to


We have a little over a week until Day One of our training (October 18, 2010)!

  • TBRDM E-NEWS: Within the next few days, you will receive an invitation to join the TBR Dream Marathon E-group, please confirm your subscription.  (To those who asked, yes, after confirmation, the link leads you to  Don’t worry, you’re in!) After confirmation, you will receive Coach Jim Lafferty’s 22-week Training Program.  This will be our primary way of communicating with you from October up until race day on March 20, 2011.
  • BULL CIRCLE 1: THE MARATHON DREAM: Mark your calendars for our 1st BULL CIRCLE (free running talk) entitled “THE MARATHON DREAM” on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2010, 6:30pm at Bonifacio Global City.  Exact venue and speakers to be announced on a separate post.  This is open to the public.