Life Happens

Tuesday, 28 September 2010  |  Running + Triathlon

While the rest of the world was at Camsur Marathon over the weekend, Hubby and I rushed Little Miss TBR into the E.R., watched a mascot go naked before our eyes, and showed up 30 minutes late for our regular Sunday long run with friends over the weekend.


Little Miss TBR counted the days until her 6th Birthday.  She was to have a Disney Princess Party at McDonalds with her friends.  On the first hour of her birthday, at exactly 1 a.m., she woke up in the middle of the night screaming in pain.  Her ear was hurting.

We rushed her to the E.R. to find out she had an ear infection brought about by her cough.  The doctor dropped antibiotics into her ear and advised us to stay longer at the hospital to observe our daughter.

We waited and waited and waited. At 5 a.m., as I leaned my head against the hospital wall trying to get some sleep, my cellphone alarm rang to wake me. Crap, there goes my Saturday run.


We arrived home at 5 a.m. Caught some shut eye. Woke up at 9 a.m. and rushed off to celebrate the big day.

Little Miss TBR is such a fighter. She played and laughed, ate and ran at her Disney Princess McDonald’s Party.  It was as if nothing had happened just hours before. Everything went smoothly…well, except for Birdie, the mascot, and her suspenders falling apart during her dance number with Ronald and Grimace.  The kids, especially my little one, had a blast.

This was the reason why we passed up the chance to go to Camsur for the marathon. It was well worth it, if you ask me.



So, I missed my Saturday easy run, but I wasn’t hard on myself.  Anyway, I had a 32k long run on Sunday.  Thing is, the birthday girl suddenly had fever come night time.

Double crap. There goes my long run.  I told Hubby to push through with his plans to run with our friends.  After all, there only had to be one person to administer the paracetamol every 4 hours.

When hubby woke up for the run at 4 a.m., I checked on Li’l Miss TBR and discovered that she was completely fine.  Hallelujah. I asked hubby to wait for me and decided to push through with the run.


We showed up 30 minutes late, which meant that I would be under the intense sun longer.  Could I finish the full 32k?  I was tired from the hectic Saturday too. I gave it a try, but I thought I wouldn’t push too hard. If my body couldn’t cope, then I still had a 32k the following week to make up for it.

I ran the first 16k with our run group.  As it is with friends, we run slow because we’re chatting.  We have a lot of walk breaks.  We enjoy each others’ company.  Time flies this way, but training isn’t as serious.  Our average pace was 6:40/km.

The next 9k I ran alone.  It was here that I felt I was really training. My average pace was 5:55/km yet I felt strong. Ironically, I thought that if I could run longer, I would be able to rid my body of all the stress and exhaustion the past week.  But, it was getting hot and it was getting late, I wanted to check on the little one at home.


I quit at 25k.  At first I felt guilty about missing 7k. But, after a while, when I took a step back at my life that week, I said to myself “It’s just 7k. It’s not the end of the world.”

Running is a huge part of my life.  And, the New York Marathon is a goal I’m taking seriously.  But, it’s not everything in life.

And so, after my 25k, hubby and I called the house to learn that Little Miss TBR was up and about having donuts with her Kuya for breakfast.  With nothing to worry about, and a lot to be thankful for, we headed over to Sentro for a post-run breakfast of sinangag and bangus.  Aaah, that’s life.

Registration for TBR Dream Marathon: Sept 25 to 28, 2010

Wednesday, 22 September 2010  |  Race Announcements

Finally! It’s time to register for your first (or 2nd) marathon! Here are full details on how to register for The Bull Runner Dream Marathon at NUVALI 2011:

DATE: Saturday, Sept. 25 to Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010
TIME: 12 noon to 8 PM
VENUE: R.O.X., Bonifacio High Street
CONTACT: TJ or Angela de Luna
FOR INQUIRIES: Contact TBR Dream Hotline: 0908-756-8859 or tbrmarathon(at) (UPDATED CONTACT 9/24)


  1. Before going to ROX, confirm slot in reserved list. Download PDF file here.  Only runners in the reserved list will be allowed to register.
  2. At ROX, verify all information you provided online is correct.  Pay special attention to name (spelling) and email address (our primary means of communication with you)
  3. Pay registration fee of P1,800.
  4. Sign and submit the Waiver. (If a representative was sent, submit the waiver in the next Bull Session or Bull Clinic)
  5. You will receive the following:
    • TBR Dreamer Card. This will serve as proof that you have paid and are officially registered for TBR Dream Marathon.  Do not lose it!  Later on, will also announce special discounts or freebies at our partner stores and this is what you will present. It will also be used to track your attendance in events and regular attendees get a special gift on race day (No, it’s not 30 mins. shaved off your finish time!)  As the race draws near, you will use this to claim your race pack, too.
    • TBR Dream Marathon 22-week Training Program and Letter by our race director Coach Jim Lafferty
    • Receipt of payment
  6. Smile for the digital camera! This is for TBR Dream Souvenir Program (PDF CD format along with photos of the event) to be distributed after the race.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!  You are officially registered for TBR Dream Marathon!
  8. Wait for an email invitation to join TBR Dream Marathon Newsletter within one week. All information regarding TBR Dream will be sent here. Check for announcements too.
  9. Now, take care of your health. Eat well. Sit back and relax until start of training on October 18, 2010.  Please note that prior to race day you will be required to submit a Medical Certificate to ensure that you are fit to participate in the marathon.  More info on this in the months to come.


  1. What if I can’t make it to the registration? You may send a representative to pay and claim your materials on your behalf. Send a Letter of Authorization.
  2. What if I’m from the province or abroad? You may still register by sending the payment. Pls email or SMS TBR Dream Hotline so we can hold your slot.
  3. What if I have a reserved slot but failed to make it to registration period? Your reserved slot will automatically be forfeited by Wednesday, Sept 29, 2010 and given to a wait listed runner.  Sorry but you ought to know there are over 200 eager runners pining for your slot.  It is your responsibility to check for registration information.
  4. Is the registration transferable? Yes. A registered runner may transfer the registration to another runner until March 6, 2010 (2 weeks before race day). A formal letter must be sent via email or fax.

TBR Dream Marathon: Reserved Runners List

Saturday, 18 September 2010  |  Race Announcements

Here is the list of 400 RESERVED RUNNERS for TBR Dream Marathon 2011!

We reached over 600 sign ups in 2 days!  We wish we could accept all of you.  But, as you know, our thrust is to make this special for each runner and we want to be sure we can attend to each runner’s needs.  We also prioritized first timers.

To those who didn’t make the list: We hope you still fulfill your dreams of running your first marathon—be it in our race (2012 maybe?) or another marathon. You are most welcome to join us for our Bull Sessions and Bull Clinics.  You can even show up on race day to cheer the future marathoners.

To TBR Dream Marathoners 2010:  My sincerest apologies to those of you who signed up again. We hope you understand that, as much as we would want to accommodate you, priority is to allow new runners to experience what you did last May.  We hope you can be a part of TBR Dream 2011 by volunteering. Remember: TBR Dream is all about paying it forward!

To those who made it, CONGRATULATIONS!  90% of you are first timers.

In the next few days, we will post information on this blog regarding REGISTRATION and REQUIREMENTs for entry.  Few notes:

  • As mentioned, your reservation does not mean you are officially registered.
  • When registration opens, you must REGISTER in person or through a representative and fulfill all our requirements before you are officially registered for TBR Dream Marathon 2011.  Should you fail to appear during the registration period, your slot will automatically be forfeited and will be given to those on wait list.  We will explain this in detail soon.
  • We will also email you information on registration.  However, we will not accept responsibility for email that is not received or transmitted. Please check this blog to make sure you do not miss the registration period.
  • Please wait for registration details. Do not follow up.

Please click HERE to download the PDF file of RESERVED RUNNERS.

TBR Dream Marathon 2011 Reservation: CLOSED

Friday, 17 September 2010  |  News + Promos

So, I posted about TBR Dream Marathon being open for reservation yesterday at 8 am. In less than 11 hours, all 400 slots were filled!

We are currently screening the list and preparing for publishing tomorrow. Please hang on to your seats.  Get a good night’s sleep.  And say a silent prayer that you are one of the 400 runners who will have the opportunity to live your dream in the coming months.

That’s Right! Piolo on TBR Magazine Sept/Oct 2010

Friday, 17 September 2010  |  News + Promos

You guessed right.  Uhm, well, most of you did!

Our cover for TBR Magazine Sept/Oct 2010 issue is no other than Piolo Pascual!


This issue will be out NEXT WEEK.  Pick up your FREE copies before they run out.  (Click HERE for list of stores where TBR Mag is distributed.)

Now for the contest:

  • There were 282 entries (You guys are WILD!)
  • Entries submitted after 8 PM were disqualified.
  • Using, the winner of the Timex Ironman Sleek 50 Lap watch was No. 22


And…No. 22 was GHOST!

Congratulations GHOST! I will email you details regarding the pick up of the watch. Super generous Ms. Gemma of Timex will allow you to choose between the regular watch (P3,490) or the limited edition Camsur Ironman 70.3 (P3,990) as seen in the previous post. It’s up to you!