Save the Date: TBR Dream Marathon on 6 March 2011

Wednesday, 18 August 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Surprise surprise!  Due to the success of the first TBR Dream Marathon and the public clamor for a second event, we are happy to announce:




in partnership with


presented by


TBR Dream Marathon last May 22 was a huge success, but we’re bent on staging an even better event this year for TBR Dreamers Batch 2.  Brainstorming, meetings, and dreaming of our “Dream Race” are underway.  For now, these are the details we can reveal to have interested runners block off their calendars and mentally prepare for one of the most thrilling adventures of their lives:

Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011

Venue: NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Number of participants: 400 runners. As with TBR Dream Marathon 2010, priority will be given to first timer marathoners but 2nd timers will be allowed entry.  Details to be announced in September.

Registration: Target date – September 2010.  First come, first served.  Registration info will be announced ONLY through The Bull Runner (blog, facebook, twitter). Note: Last May, slots were filled in 3 days so stay tuned!

Registration Fee: To be announced.

Training Program: Target date – starts mid-October 2011 until race day.  All registrants will receive a 20-week TBR Dream Marathon training program developed by Coach Jim Lafferty.  Participants will also be prioritized during:

  • Bull Sessions: FREE running clinics starting October 2010 to February 2011
  • Bull Circles: FREE running talks starting October 2010 to February 2011

Beneficiary: HERO Foundation (stands for Help Educate and Rear Orphans). HERO foundation provides educational stipend support to children of soldiers who are killed-in-action or are permanently incapacitated in battle.   Original founders: late Pres. Corazon Aquino, former AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Renato de Villa, Don Jaime Zobel de Ayala, and other concerned businessmen.  Click HERE to view website.

In the meantime, sit tight and think about it.  If you’re dreaming of a marathon, TBR Dream Marathon may be just the right one for you!  Here are some letters we received after TBR Dream Marathon last May:

I wanna say kudos for organizing such a FANTASTIC race. Even the term fantastic would be an understatement for the event that you just did. 🙂

The race was very very very organized….I cant say that enough. From the aid stations, the support crew, the logistics, everything! It was perfect. The first/second timers are really really lucky 🙂
I’ve done a lot of races like Singapore marathon, Ironman West Australia and I can say that this is almost up to par all of them from the organization, down to the execution. Honestly i think you may have set the bar too high though 🙂

– Carlos de Guzman, pacer

I did it!!!! WE did it!!!! Thank you so much, Jaymie. Really, words cannot express my deep gratitude for all you have done. That was the most amazing marathon a new runner could ever ask for.

– Marnie Hurst

Maraming maraming maraming salamat. I am one of the very lucky runners to have experienced the TBR Dream Marathon last May 22. It is a very special and priceless experience in my lifetime. I am sure this is the same with many if not all of the other participants. You are very much responsible for making our dream(s) come true.

– Macky de Lima

Last Saturday, I surpassed one of the greatest physical challenges known to man. I probably would have joined other full marathons but your event was different. It was well thought of, well planned, and well executed. I could never ask for a more personalized run than this. You inspire me to share the love and passion for running to other people.

– John Benedict P. Salvador

At first, I thought it was called the “Dream Marathon” because it was your dream to put up an event like this. I’ve since realized that it’s a marathon for those who dream they can accomplish more than what they’ve ever imagined or been told. There are no limits for those who dream. Thank you very much for inspiring us to chase our own dreams and make our own reality.

– Vic Rufino

* Please avoid posting or emailing inquiries about the race for now.  We will announce full details in due time.

** To read stories from Batch 1 of TBR Dream Marathoners, enter TBR DREAM MARATHON STORIES in the Search bar

Weekend for the Kids: Run to Read and U.P.

Monday, 16 August 2010  |  Bullish Insights

For the past weeks, hubby and I have been focused on training for NYC Marathon.  We run separately on weekdays due to our chaotic schedules and run together on weekends.  We usually run easy on Saturday mornings then join a race on Sundays. Both weekend mornings have been devoted to running.

Last week, after all the fun we had at Mommy Milkshake, I realized that the kids need a regular dose of outdoor activities on weekends, too.  Running—whether we are training for one of the exciting races in our lives or not—must never get in the way of family time.

I signed up the kids for Aqualogic Swim classes on Saturday afternoons (continuation of their summer lessons).  And, hubby and I agreed that, starting this week, we run on only one weekend, while the other day is for the kids’ activities.



Hubby and I met up with Lit, Jun, and Lito for a 21k run around Bonifacio Global City.  This was followed by a sumptuous breakfast at Sentro—my new favorite post-run hangout—to celebrate Lit’s birthday.

With serious training ticked off, the next day was all for the kids.



Hubby and TBR Jr. were registered for 3k, while Little Miss TBR and I were registered for 500m.  Due to the little boy’s colds, we downgraded him to 500m instead.

The atmosphere was fun and light as it is with kiddie races like this (I didn’t reach the longer distances anymore).  We even spotted the Wizard of Enchanted Kingdom who probably needed to lose some weight before he even attempted to run 500m.  With the Enchanted Kingdom jingle playing over and over in our heads, we finished the race in no time.

– Kiddos with Enchanted Kingdom Wizard behind –

– Hubby and son –

– 15k runners on the way to the finish. Those multi-colored singlets were a cool idea –

The boys ran all the way, while us girls WALKED all the way.  It turns out that my Little Miss Bull Runner enjoyed her bike experience at Mommy Milkshake last week that she prefers to bike rather than run now.  Oh boy.

– Breakfast at Pancake House with the new kiddie pop-up menu. Good thinking, Pancake! –


After breakfast, we rushed to UP Academic Oval for Secondwind’s Boys vs. Girls Challenge (next post).  I didn’t feel like running more after our long run the previous day, and I remembered our promise to run FOR the kids rather than ourselves on this day, so I chose to accompany Little Miss TBR on her grand bike out.

– Chatting with Jay (Prometheus Cometh) before the kids make their rounds –

– Kids loved it –

It was the kids’ first time here and to say that they enjoyed it would be an understatement.  My boy used his scooter while Little Miss Bull Runner with her best friend, Liney the Lion, rode the bike.  She did over five rounds.  At the last lap, she asked me:  Can we go here again tomorrow?  And the next day?  And the day after that?

Seeing the smile on her face told me that the decision to scrap one day of running for the little ones was well worth it.

– She’s lovin’ the bike more than the run. I’m not complaining! –

Youth Juice: My Miracle Cure

Saturday, 14 August 2010  |  Healthy Food + Recipes

As most of you know, I was battling a persistent, unforgiving, and embarrassingly noisy cough the past weeks.  Prior to that, I had been getting colds on and off the past months, too.  This was surprising since before I ran my series of marathons I hadn’t gotten sick—nope, not even sore throat—for over a year.  I honestly think running all those marathons in such a short period of time, combined with poor eating habits (boo to Cheetos!), compromised my immune system.

My good friend and mentor Jim Lafferty heard about this (and he heard my awful voice over the phone, too) and suggested I drink Youth Juice.  He even advised me to tell our TBR Dream Marathoners to give it a try.  He said I needed it to boost my immune system and get me ready for New York Marathon.

Youth Juice?  Never heard. I didn’t even know where I could purchase it.  Jim felt so strongly about it that, even if he was all the way in South Africa, he managed to send me three bottles for sampling.

Youth Juice

I’ve been drinking it for 2 weeks now.  Combined with my super healthy diet the past weeks—lots of complex carbs, veggies, and fruits, no simple sugars, limited salt, no junk—I can say that it helped get me back in the pink of health.  And, not just that:  This morning, I ran 21k with friends and I felt powerful even until the last kilometer.  Totally amazing!


According to its brochure, “Youth Juice was developed on the basis of research funded by a Canadian Government Research and Development Grant.  Youth Juice (TM) is a drink made of pure naturally grown berries and sea vegetables.”

Allow me to share Jim’s email to me about Youth Juice as it gets very technical, but he successfully made it simple for me to understand: (This is long, but take the time to read it. It’s worth it!)


  1. As you may know, for a number of years I have sat on the advisory board of MEDICAL WELLNESS ASSOCIATION, a group dedicated to bridging medicine with more wellness and less purely treatment.  It is bascially a panel of doctors and physiologists, based in the US, who review products and wellness concepts. This is how I saw Youth Juice maybe 3 years ago now. The data blew us away. And all our Mayo Clinic Doctors and staff are now taking YJ in the US and Canada.
  2. It starts from a fact that as a by product of many body processes, generating energy, exercise, fighting pollution, smoking, digesting foods, we create atomic compounds called FREE RADICALS which are unstable atomic structures, lacking one electron, and they seek to thus “bond” at a cellular level. When they bond into cells, they cause damage to the cell, or “oxidation” (like rusting on a car) that causes illness, advanced aging, disease, suppressed immune system.
  3. Free radicals can cause cellular damage, and they are also processed and neutralized by the liver and kidneys. But we are often on overload. The way we eat, live, stress, pollution, smog, chemicals in food, all is alot more than our bodies were designed to take on. Think of all the chemistry we ingest in processed foods. This all is more than we evolved to take on.
  4. Exercise is fabulous but also all the energy production creates ALOT of free radicals. This is why high percentages (up to 30%) of marathoners get upper respiratory tract infections post race—a depressed immune system behind free radical damage. Why so many say, “take lots of vitamin C” but it is more complicated than this.
  5. There are compounds in nature that are called ANTI OXIDANTS that possess an extra unpaired electron and thus can “bond” with a free radical and flush it out ofthe body. Anti oxidants come in nature, and are in many of the foods we eat. The highest concentrations are in fruits and vegetables, and the most are in actually BERRIES. They are far and away the most powerful.
  6. The most famous anti oxidant is probably vitamin C. And it is very good! But we are finding all kinds of compounds each year in our food that are anti oxidizing! It’s not so simply as “Take a capsule of vitamin C and all is well”. We need all kinds of various anti oxidants and the simplest way is to EAT right vs. trying to pill our way out of it.
  7. The US Dept of agriculture, based on the reserach, has developed an accepted tool to meausre the anti oxidancy of foods or supplements. It is called ORAC, standing for “Oxygen radical absorption capacity”. This is widely accepted globally as THE standard for anti oxidants.
  8. Tufts university did all the research and found that OPTIMAL human life needs 5,000 ORAC a day. An endurance athlete needs about 10,000/day. Now what does this mean? Let me put it to you this way. 1 orange is 100 ORAC! So to get all you need, you would need to eat ALONE 50 oranges a DAY! Now it is not this messy as different foods have different ORAC levels and oranges are actually not that amazing. A cup full of berries is 2,500 in comparison. So it all depends on all kinds of micro compounds, not just a vitamin like C.
  9. There is NO WAY a person eating at Jollibee and living modern life is an optimal human. Hence why they feel like crap or are sick often. The body cannot handle the free radical load. Simple.
  10. In Canada where it is a government healthcare system, knowing this they wanted to LOWER health care costs, and instead of cutting surgeries for example they focused on keeping people healthy—WELLNESS. The leading idea was to really develop an amazing anti oxidant.
  11. Many products out there, assuming people will not eat perfectly, have low ORACs. In fact, most don’t put on the package as ORAC IS HORRIBLE. A typical Vit C pill is like 200 of 300 ORAC—hardly a dent on what you need. But people feel they can take 1 and they will be fine. In light of 5,000 needed, well it is kidding yourself.
  12. There are anti oxidant drinks out there are 2500 or 3000 ORAC, typically berry drinks, but diluted with grape juice or water. What would happen if someone tried to formulate a perfect anti oxidant drink?
  13. The Canadian government financed the development of YJ, using berries from Britich Columbia and all over the world, plus seaweed (fucoidan) and Reservatrol from grapes. It was a breakthrough and is the number 1 most effective anti oxidant in the world, and no one is CLOSE.  One serving of YJ is about 10,100 ORAC! And you cannot Overdose on ORAC—it’s just juice after all!
  14. Net one serving (there are 10 in a bottle) is all an athlete needs. So on top of a healthy diet, you are about sure to be optimal. I have been drinking this for 18 months and NEVER BEEN SICK. NOR HAVE THE KIDS. Susan (Jim’s wife) had her bowel problems, but not linked to free radicals. She also is never sick and ran a PR on YJ this year in Comrades Marathon at 45. Every Doctor I know who sees the reserach takes it.
  15. I do half servings as I want the bottle to last longer and I eat VERY WELL so 5,000 ORAC is good enough even with my running. If I was you, I would nail the first bottle at 10,000 full dose to get healthy (you will come back FAST) and then drop to half dosages to stretch it out. Just my personal POV.

Everyone should take this. Knowing the science above, this is a big issue in wellness toeday.

I don’t own stock nor do I work for YJ. Just believe in this product.

S+R has exclusive rights for Philippines so only available in S+R. It’s expensive but what price do you put on health? It’s like 2 dollars a day to be totally healthy. That’s how I look at it.”



  1. All natural. I’ve been staying away from processed food for the past month.  So this came at the perfect time as all ingredients are berries or sea vegetables: Elderberry, Red Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Boysenberry, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Kombu Fucoidan, Bladderwrack Sea Lettuce
  2. Loaded with vitamins and minerals. The nutrition information is astounding.
  3. YJ_Nutrition

  4. Small serving. You don’t have to drink huge quantities to reap the benefits. One serving is 3.2 oz.  Just one shot.
  5. Convenient. No more mixing. No more adding other ingredients. Just pour and drink.
  6. Super yummy. It tastes like a thicker version of cranberry/grape juice.  Even my kids would love it.
  7. It works. My hubby felt stronger the same day he drank it.  As I was sick when I started, I felt its benefits, after a week of drinking YJ.  I honestly believe it helped speed up recovery.  The past couple of days, I believe it’s contributed to improved performance in running and training at the gym.  I feel so strong!


Price. It is painfully expensive.  One bottle costs P1,999.95.  Ouch. Now that I’m feeling better, I’ll take Jim’s advice and cut my serving size to half to extend its lifetime with us.  If budget is of no issue to you though, then I would highly recommend this product.

Youth Juice is available at S&R.

Price: P1,999.95 per bottle.


Mommy Milkshake Marathon 2010

Monday, 9 August 2010  |  Bullish Insights

The rain didn’t stop all the mommies (and grandmothers, kids, and preggy women…plus their partners) from running the Mommy Milkshake Marathon at Bonifacio High Street yesterday.


– with organizers, Rome Kanapi and my sis Janice Villanueva and the kids –

Our entire family, including my niece, showed up for the race armed with two umbrellas.  Hubby took care of the older kids, while I accompanied Little Miss Bull Runner who chose to bike the 3k course along with her cousin.  (I gave her this option since she was coughing and I worried that 3k was too much for her.)

“Are the girls going to win?” I asked Little Miss TBR. “Yes!” she yelled. Fueled by Woman Power, we were off!

– Little Miss TBR with her pet, Liny, who joins every family adventure –


We raced along with other families who were enjoying the easy run despite the gloomy weather.  For a moment, I ran alongside Patricia Hizon and her kids Vicente and Paul; fast and fearless Vicente was way ahead of his mommy.


– Patricia Hizon with her adorable boys –

I also spotted Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan with her mom and her grandmother.  Her own daughter had sped off ahead and later found a place on the podium.

– Four generations of strong and beautiful Laxa women –

As for Little Miss TBR, she pedaled like there was no tomorrow.  With such a huge smile, I knew she was enjoying every minute.  We went for two loops around BHS.  The uphills were a bit of a challenge for her, but she enjoyed the gentle downhills immensely.  Too much in fact that I begged her to slow down!

– racing with my little girl –


I thought I was going to have it easy compared to the hubby.  (This pic shows he had quite an easy time running with older kids.)

– Coach Hubby with my niece and the kids –

Past 3km races with my daughter was always a slow and relaxed run.  But, this time, I failed to take into consideration that 1) kids on bikes go much faster, and 2) holding an umbrella while running was a skill I had absolutely no training for.

It was the ultimate test of balancing running and motherhood at exactly the same time.  While running, I had to hold the umbrella in one hand and camera in the other, caution Little Miss TBR about veering away from the course (which was almost every 5 seconds), warn her about hitting runners in front, and help her count the “rainbows” (prisms caused by the rainwater hit by the light) she spotted on the road.


With my feet soaked in rainwater (I wore Vibram Five Fingers for the first time. More on this in a separate post) and non-stop fast-paced running, it was exhausting…but seeing Little Miss TBR’s face beam with pride when we crossed the finish made all the sweat, worry, and tough bicep workout all worth it.

– We did it! –


As it turns out, Little Miss TBR absolutely loved the race. After seeing the photos, she exclaims while jumping up and down: “Mama, I want to bike again in another race…and I want Liny (her pet lion) to join us again…and I want it to rain, too!”  Oh boy, this mama has got to train hard for the next one.

– Yahooo! –

Congratulations to the organizers of Mommy Milkshake Marathon especially my sis, Janice Villanueva of Mommy Mundo and Creative Juice. Hope to join this one again next year!

Now Open: The Brick Multi-Sport Store

Monday, 9 August 2010  |  News + Promos

Last Saturday, I visited McKinley Hill twice. The first was at 6 a.m. as part of our 15k run with hubby around the area. Second was later in the afternoon for the opening of The Brick Multi-Sport Store.


– Part-owner top Philippine triathlete Noy Jopson welcomes guests –


– Running priest Fr. Robert Reyes blessed the store (and Noy too). I regret being too shy to ask for a photo with Fr. Robert…ack. –


– Fred Uytengsu of Alaska and Ironman Camsur and Harry Tan of Cobra cut the ribbon –

The Brick has a wide array of shoes and apparel, a treadmill for shoe testing, bikes, watches, bags, gels and many many more.




The Brick Multi-Sport store is now open at Unit 1, Woodridge Apartments, McKinley Hill, Taguig City (across Venice Piazza, just at the bottom of that deadly hill we all dread at races!)

Open Mon to Sat, 7 am to 9 pm